Security fixes


New features


Feature enhancements


Resolved issues


Known issues

This release has a known memory leak, see Memory leak caused by regression in C2 JIT Compiler in Java 11.0.16.

Jenkins logs are not appended to the service log file in an RPM installation that uses Java 8 (BEE-20636)

If you use an RPM to upgrade the product while using Java 8, the Jenkins logs are no longer appended to the following configured service log by default: /var/log/cloudbees-core-[cm|oc]/cloudbees-core-[cm|oc].log

You should migrate to Java 11 to resolve this issue. For more information, refer to Migrating to Java 11.

Duplicate Pipeline Template Catalogs in the Configuration as Code jenkins.yaml file on each instance restart (BEE-12722)

If a Pipeline Template Catalog is configured in the CasC jenkins.yaml file and the id property is not defined, the catalog is duplicated on each instance restart and in the exported CasC configuration.

Upgrade notes

Migration to Java 11 will soon be required for new releases (BEE-42)

The Jenkins community will support the Java 11-specific features soon (Java 11 byte code), and then you cannot use a Java 8 runtime environment. Because CloudBees CI on modern cloud platforms is based on the Jenkins LTS, future releases of CloudBees CI on modern cloud platforms will have the same requirement.

CloudBees strongly recommends that you upgrade your CloudBees CI on modern cloud platforms environment to run Java 11 as soon as possible. Some of the Java 11 updates may require action on your part, and there may be a specific order in which you must upgrade components in your environment. For more information, refer to Migrating to Java 11.

When you upgrade to Java 11, you must update your Java garbage collection arguments (BEE-16018)

Garbage collection has been updated in Java 11. Many of the previously recommended arguments are no longer supported. When you upgrade your JDK to Java 11, you must also update your garbage collection configuration. Using unsupported Java arguments will result in startup failure.

Jenkins upgrade notes

Jenkins 2.346 upgrade notes