CloudBees CI on traditional platforms - Operations center 2.387.1.2

Rolling release: 2023-03-08

Based on Jenkins LTS 2.387.1

Plugin modifications

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Operations Center Monitoring Plugin from 2.375.1.1 to 2.387.0.1

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Operations Center Single Sign-On Plugin from 2.375.1.1 to 2.387.0.1

  • Jenkins OSS LTS

    Upgraded Jenkins OSS LTS from 2.375.3-cb-1 to 2.387.1-cb-5

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees High Availability Management from 4.39 to 4.41

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees Update Center Data API Plugin from 4.50 to 4.52

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Jakarta Activation Framework API Plugin from 2.0.1-2 to 2.0.1-3

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Mailer Plugin from 438.v02c7f0a_12fa_4 to 448.v5b_97805e3767

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Operations Center Context Plugin from 2.375.1.4 to 2.387.0.1

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Operations Center JNLP Agent Controller Plugin from 2.375.1.1 to 2.387.0.1

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Amazon Web Services SDK library EC2 from 1.12.287-357.vf82d85a_6eefd to 1.12.406-370.v8f993c987059

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded External Notification Plugin from 1.6 to 1.7

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Operations Center Elasticsearch Provider Plugin from 2.375.1.1 to 2.387.0.1

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees Role-Based Access Control Plugin from 5.79 to 5.80

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees CasC Server Plugin from 1.83 to 1.87

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Email-ext Plugin from 2.93.1 to 2.94

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Operations Center Server Plugin from 2.375.1.1 to 2.387.0.1

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees Unified Data Plugin from 1.30 to 1.33

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Jackson2 API Plugin from 2.14.1-313.v504cdd45c18b to 2.14.2-319.v37853346a_229

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Operations Center RBAC Plugin from 2.375.1.1 to 2.387.0.1

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees Analytics Plugin from 1.46 to 1.47

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Jenkins Health Advisor by CloudBees Plugin from 326.v1821e6a_85e3f to 336.v4d00382fe22c

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded GitHub Plugin from 1.36.1 to 1.37.0

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded OkHttp API Plugin from 4.9.3-108.v0feda04578cf to 4.10.0-125.v3593b_a_f8c97b_

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Operations Center EC2 Cloud Plugin from 2.375.1.1 to 2.387.0.1

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Snakeyaml API Plugin from 1.33-90.v80dcb_3814d35 to 1.33-95.va_b_a_e3e47b_fa_4

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Notification API from 1.8 to 1.9

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded JUnit Plugin from 1166.1168.vd6b_8042a_06de to 1177.v90374a_ef4d09

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees Flow from 1.1.29 to 1.1.31

  • No release notes available

    Upgraded CloudBees CasC Items Server Plugin from 2.5 to 2.10

  • No release notes available

    Upgraded CloudBees CasC Items Commons Plugin from 2.5 to 2.10

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Operations Center Cluster Operations Plugin from 2.375.1.1 to 2.387.0.1

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded JAXB API plugin from 2.3.7-1 to 2.3.8-1

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded JavaBeans Activation Framework (JAF) API Plugin from 1.2.0-5 to 1.2.0-6

  • Upgraded CloudBees CasC Items API Plugin from 2.5 to 2.10

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Operations Center Agent Plugin from 2.375.1.1 to 2.387.0.1

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Operations Center License Entitlement Check from 2.375.1.1 to 2.387.0.1

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees Update Center Plugin from 4.75 to 4.76

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Jakarta Mail API Plugin from 2.0.1-2 to 2.0.1-3

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Support Core Plugin from 1244.vceb_57079258a to 1260.va_12d1e2d609a

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Secure Requester Whitelist Plugin from 1.7 to 60.vc024d436f4da_

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees Administrative Monitors Plugin from 1.0.10 to 1.0.11

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Operations Center Update Center Plugin from 2.375.1.1 to 2.387.0.1

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees Backup Plugin from 3.38.60 to 3.38.62

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Active Directory Plugin from 2.29 to 2.30

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded JavaMail API Plugin Plugin from 1.6.2-8 to 1.6.2-9

Compatible plugins

Proprietary plugins

Verified plugins