CloudBees SCM Reporting Plugin

The CloudBees SCM Reporting Plugin is an integration that allows you to receive and act upon granular, actionable build and reporting data directly in GitHub and Bitbucket. You can see whether a build has passed or failed and, in the case of failure, quickly pinpoint the root cause.

This capability eliminates context switching and supports a workflow that is not only desirable for usability but also for auditability and reporting purposes with Git as the single source of truth.

Artifact ID: cloudbees-github-reporting

The CloudBees SCM Reporting Plugin is an integration that allows you to receive and act upon granular, actionable build and reporting data directly in GitHub and Bitbucket. You can see whether a build has passed or failed and, in the case of failure, quickly pinpoint the root cause.

This capability eliminates context switching and supports a workflow that is not only desirable for usability but also for auditability and reporting purposes with Git as the single source of truth.

Maven Coordinates

Group ID


Artifact ID



