Job Management

28 minute readReference


Aborts all running jobs.

Arguments Descriptions


(Optional) < Boolean flag— 0|1|true|false >

If this is set to 1 or true, the job aborts immediately. A zero value allows jobs to terminate in an orderly way, executing steps marked “always run".

Argument type: Boolean


(Optional) A string added to the aborted job/jobstep that describes or records the reason for the abort. The server records this value, but places no meaning on the string, which is similar to a text description.

Argument type: String

Positional arguments



None or a status OK message.


syntax: $cmdr->abortAllJobs({<optionals>});



$cmdr\->abortAllJobs({force => 1});


syntax: ectool abortAllJobs [optionals]


ectool abortAllJobs --force 1


Aborts a running job.

You must enter a jobId.

Arguments Descriptions


The unique CloudBees CD -generated identifier (a UUID) for a job that is assigned automatically when the job is created. The system also accepts a job name assigned to the job by its name template.

Argument type: UUID


(Optional) < Boolean flag— 0|1|true|false >

If this is set to 1 or true , the job aborts immediately. A zero value allows jobs to terminate in an orderly way, executing steps marked "always run".

Argument type: Boolean


(Optional) A string added to the aborted job/jobstep that describes or records the reason for the abort. The server records this value, but places no meaning on the string, which is similar to a text description.

Argument type: String

Positional arguments



None or a status OK message.


syntax: $cmdr->abortJob(<jobId>, {<optionals>});


$cmdr\->abortJob(4fa765dd-73f1-11e3-b67e-b0a420524153, {force => 1});


syntax: ectool abortJob <jobId> [optionals]


ectool abortJob 4fa765dd-73f1-11e3-b67e-b0a420524153 --force 1


Aborts any type of running step, including a command step or subprocedure step.

Aborting a subprocedure step also aborts all steps of the subprocedure. Steps marked "always run" will still run to completion unless the "force" flag is specified.

You must enter a jobStepId.

Arguments Descriptions


The unique CloudBees CD -generated identifier (a UUID) for a job step that is assigned automatically when the job step is created. The system also accepts a job step name assigned to the job step by its name template.

Argument type: UUID


(Optional) < Boolean flag— 0|1|true|false >

If this is set to 1 or true , the job aborts immediately. A zero value allows jobs to terminate in an orderly way, for example, executing steps marked "always run".

Argument type: Boolean


(Optional) A string added to the aborted job/jobstep that describes or records the reason for the abort. The server records this value, but places no meaning on the string, which is similar to a text description.

Argument type: String

Positional arguments



None or a status OK message.


syntax: $cmdr->abortJobStep(<jobStepId>, {<optionals>});


$cmdr->abortJobStep(5da765dd-73f1-11e3-b67e-b0a420524153, {force => 1});


syntax: ectool abortJobStep <jobStepId> [optionals]


ectool abortJobStep 5da765dd-73f1-11e3-b67e-b0a420524153


Deletes a job from the CloudBees CD database.

You must specify a jobId.

Arguments Descriptions


The unique CloudBees CD -generated identifier (a UUID) for a job that is assigned automatically when the job is created. The system also accepts a job name assigned to the job by its name template.

Argument type: UUID


(Optional) < Boolean flag— 0|1|true|false >

If this is set to 1 or true , CloudBees CD deletes the jobs after completing it. If the value is 0 ` or `false, the job is deleted immediately.

Argument type: Boolean

Positional arguments



None or a status OK message.


syntax: $cmdr->deleteJob(<jobId>, {<optionals>});


$cmdr->deleteJob(4fa765dd-73f1-11e3-b67e-b0a420524153, {waitForDeleteToComplete => 0});


syntax: ectool deleteJob <jobId> [<optionals>]


ectool deleteJob 4fa765dd-73f1-11e3-b67e-b0a420524153 --waitForDeleteToComplete 0


Returns a list of job steps from a single job or from a single subprocedure job step. This command is used by the Job Details web page in the CloudBees CD UI. The elements in the list are returned in their natural job order .

You must specify either a jobId or a jobStepId, but not both.

Arguments Descriptions


The unique CloudBees CD -generated identifier (a UUID) for a job that is assigned automatically when the job is created. The system also accepts a job name assigned to the job by its name template.

Argument type: UUID


The unique CloudBees CD -generated identifier (a UUID) for a job step that is assigned automatically when the job step is created. The system also accepts a job step name assigned to the job step by its name template.

Argument type: UUID


A list of zero or more filter criteria definitions used to define objects to find. See the findObjects API for complete description for using filters.

Argument type: Collection


<full object count> This specifies the number of full job steps (not just the IDs) returned in the response. Returned job steps will be from the beginning of the list. If numObjects is not specified, all job steps in the list of object IDs are returned. Any and all job steps can be retrieved using the getObjects command.

Argument type: Integer


This is an unordered list of property names that specify additional top-level properties to return for each object. See the code example for findObjects for instructions on forming the list and passing it to the CloudBees CD Perl API.

Argument type: Collection

Positional arguments

jobId or jobStepId


One or more jobStep elements.


syntax: $cmdr->findJobSteps({<optionals>});

Example 1

my $xPath = $cmdr\->findJobSteps( {jobId => "4fa765dd-73f1-11e3-b67e-b0a420524153", select => [{propertyName => 'charEncoding'}, {propertyName => 'abc'}]}); print "Return data from {CD} :\n" . $xPath-> findnodes_as_string("/"). "\n";

Example 2

my $xPath = $cmdr\->findJobSteps({jobStepId => "5da765dd-73f1-11e3-b67e-b0a420524153"}); print "Return data from {CD} :\n" . $xPath-> findnodes_as_string("/"). "\n";


Not supported.


Retrieves complete information about a job, including details from each job step.

You must specify a jobId.

Arguments Descriptions


The unique CloudBees CD -generated identifier (a UUID) for a job that is assigned automatically when the job is created. The system also accepts a job name assigned to the job by its name template.

Argument type: UUID


(Optional) < Boolean flag— 0|1|true|false >

If this is set to 1 or true, the amount of information returned is reduced to minimal structural information.

Argument type: Boolean

Positional arguments



One job element, including one or more jobStep elements.


syntax: $cmdr->getJobDetails(<jobId>, {<optionals>});


$cmdr->getJobDetails(4fa765dd-73f1-11e3-b67e-b0a420524153, {structureOnly => 1});


syntax: ectool getJobDetails <jobId> [optionals]


ectool getJobDetails 4fa765dd-73f1-11e3-b67e-b0a420524153 --structureOnly 1


Retrieves all information about a job, except for job step information.

You must specify a jobId.

Arguments Descriptions


The unique CloudBees CD -generated identifier (a UUID) for a job that is assigned automatically when the job is created. The system also accepts a job name assigned to the job by its name template.

Argument type: UUID

Positional arguments



One job element.


syntax: $cmdr->getJobInfo(<jobId>);




syntax: ectool getJobInfo <jobId>


ectool getJobInfo 4fa765dd-73f1-11e3-b67e-b0a420524153


Retrieves the notes property sheet from a job.

You must specify a jobId.

Arguments Descriptions


The unique CloudBees CD -generated identifier (a UUID) for a job that is assigned automatically when the job is created. The system also accepts a job name assigned to the job by its name template.

Argument type: UUID

Positional arguments



A propertySheet element that contains the job.


syntax: $cmdr->getJobNotes(<jobId>);




syntax: ectool getJobNotes <jobId>


ectool getJobNotes 4fa765dd-73f1-11e3-b67e-b0a420524153


Retrieves summary information for a list of jobs. By default, all jobs are returned.

If you use sortKey or sortOrder, you must use both arguments together. You can use firstResult and maxResults together or separately to select a limited sublist of jobs for the result set.
Arguments Descriptions


The first row to return in the results.

This is the < index number > 0-based index that identifies the first element returned from filtered, sorted result set.

Argument type: Integer


This number, < result count >, sets the maximum number of returned jobs.

Argument type: Integer


How to sort the results: <jobId|jobName|start|finish|procedureName>.

Argument type: String


The order in which to sort the results: <ascending|descending>.

Argument type: SortOrder


Filter jobs by this status: <running|completed|runnable>.

Argument type: String

Positional arguments



One or more job elements. A job element contains summary information only.


syntax: $cmdr->getJobs({<optionals>});


How do I get the first 10 jobs (index 0-9)?

$cmdr\-> getJobs ({maxResults=>10});

How do I get the next 10 jobs (index 10-19)?

$cmdr\-> getJobs({firstResult=>10, maxResults=>10});

How do I get the most recent job by start time?

$cmdr\-> getJobs({sortKey=>'start', sortOrder=>'descending', maxResults=>1});


syntax: ectool getJobs [optionals]


How do I get the first 10 jobs (index 0-9)?

ectool getJobs --maxResults 10

How do I get the next 10 jobs (index 10-19)?

ectool getJobs --firstResult 10 --maxResults 10

How do I get the most recent job by start time?

ectool getJobs --sortKey start --sortOrder descending --maxResults 1


Retrieves jobs started by a specific schedule.

You must specify a projectName and scheduleName.

Arguments Descriptions


The name for the project that must be unique among all projects.

Argument type: String


The name for the schedule that must be unique among all schedules for the project.

Argument type: String

Positional arguments

projectName, scheduleName


Returns an XML stream containing any number of job elements. The job elements contain summary information only.


syntax: $cmdr->getJobsForSchedule(<projectName>, <scheduleName>);


$cmdr->getJobsForSchedule('QA Tests', 'Required');


syntax: ectool getJobsForSchedule <projectName> <scheduleName>


ectool getJobsForSchedule 'QA Tests' 'Required'


Retrieves the status of a job.

You must specify the jobId.

Arguments Descriptions


The unique CloudBees CD -generated identifier (a UUID) for a job that is assigned automatically when the job is created. The system also accepts a job name assigned to the job by its name template.

Argument type: UUID

Positional arguments



Values for status and outcome as follows:

Possible values for status :

pending —The job is not yet runnable—​it is waiting for other steps to complete first. A job should not stay in this state for longer than a few seconds.

runnable —The job is ready to run, but it is waiting for a resource to become available.

running —The job is assigned to a resource and is executing the step command.

completed —The job finished executing.

Possible values for outcome : The outcome is accurate only if the job status is "completed."

success —The job finished successfully.

warning —The job completed with no errors, but encountered some suspicious conditions.

error —The job has finished execution with errors.


syntax: $cmdr->getJobStatus(<jobId>);




syntax: ectool getJobStatus <jobId>


ectool getJobStatus 4fa765dd-73f1-11e3-b67e-b0a420524153


Retrieves details for a job step. You may never need to use this command. This information is available for all job steps in a job by using the getJobDetails command. The getJobStepDetails command can be used to refresh data for a single step if you need an update in real time.

You must specify jobStepId.

Arguments Descriptions


The unique CloudBees CD -generated identifier (a UUID) for a job step that is assigned automatically when the job step is created. The system also accepts a job step name assigned to the job step by its name template.

Argument type: UUID


(Optional) < Boolean flag — < 0|1|true|false >

c true, the amount of information returned is reduced to minimal structural information.

Argument type: Boolean

Positional arguments



A jobStep element.


syntax: $cmdr->getJobStepDetails(<jobStepId>, {<optionals>});




syntax: ectool getJobStepDetails <jobStepId> [optionals]


ectool getJobStepDetails 5da765dd-73f1-11e3-b67e-b0a420524153


Retrieves the status of a job step.

You must specify the jobStepId.

Arguments Descriptions


The unique CloudBees CD -generated identifier (a UUID) for a job step that is assigned automatically when the job step is created. The system also accepts a job step name assigned to the job step by its name template.

Argument type: UUID

Positional arguments



A status tag—for example: <status>completed</status>

Possible values for status :

pending —The job step is not yet runnable—​it is waiting for other steps to complete first. A job should not stay in this state for longer than a few seconds.

runnable —The job step is ready to run, but it is waiting for a resource to become available.

running —The job step is assigned to a resource and is executing the step command.

completed —The job step finished executing.


syntax: $cmdr->getJobStepStatus(<jobStepId>);




syntax: ectool getJobStepStatus <jobStepId>


ectool getJobStepStatus 5da765dd-73f1-11e3-b67e-b0a420524153


Retrieves summary information about jobs.

Arguments Descriptions


(Optional) Specify filters in a space-separated list: filter1 filter2 …​ A list of zero or more filter criteria definitions used to define objects to find.

Each element of the filter list is a hash reference containing one filter criterion. You may specify several filter criteria, in which case an object must meet all filter criteria to be included in the result. See the code example below for instructions on forming the list and passing it to the CloudBees CD Perl API.

Two types of filters:

  • "property filters"—used to select objects based on the value of the object’s intrinsic or custom property

  • "boolean filters" ("and", "or", "not")—used to combine one or more filters using boolean logic.

Each "property filter" consists of a property name to test and an operator to use for comparison. The property can be either an intrinsic property defined by CloudBees CD or a custom property added by the user. Each operator takes zero, one, or two operands to compare against the desired property.

Property filter operators are between (2 operands) contains (1) equals (1) greaterOrEqual (1) greaterThan (1) in (1) lessOrEqual(1) lessThan (1) like (1) notEqual (1) notLike (1) isNotNull (0) isNull (0)

A Boolean filter is a Boolean an operator and an array of one or more filters that are operands. Each operand can be either a property filter or a Boolean filter. Boolean operators are: not (1 operand) and (2 or more operands) or (2 or more operands)

Argument type: Collection


(Optional) < Boolean flag - 0|1|true|false > If this is set to 1 or true, the step will include the last successful job if it was not already included.

Argument type: Boolean


(Optional) Maximum number of failed steps to return.

Argument type: Integer


(Optional) Maximum number of jobs to return.

Argument type: Integer


(Optional) Maximum number of running steps to return.

Argument type: Integer

Positional arguments



A summary of the job steps with the specified properties.


syntax: $cmdr->getJobSummaries ({<optionals>});


$cmdr->getJobSummaries ({maxFailedSteps => 6});


syntax: ectool getJobSummaries [optionals]


ectool getJobSummaries --maxFailedSteps 6


Retrieves a job and its job steps with only the specified job and job step properties.

Arguments Descriptions



The unique CloudBees CD -generated identifier (a UUID) for a job that is assigned automatically when the job is created. The system also accepts a job name assigned to the job by its name template.

Argument type: UUID


(Optional) A comma-separated list of intrinsic job properties to include in the output.

Argument type: String


(Optional) A comma-separated list of intrinsic job step properties to include in the output.

Argument type: String


(Optional) < Boolean flag - 0|1|true|false >. Each job step has a step index that defines its relative position within its parent step. Set this to 1 or true to return the results in the ascending order of the step index.

Argument type: Boolean

Positional arguments



A summary of the jobStep with the specified properties.


syntax: $cmdr->getJobSummary ({<optionals>});


$cmdr->getJobSummary ({jobId => 5da765dd-73f1-11e3-b67e-b0a420524153});


syntax: ectool getJobSummary [optionals]


ectool getJobSummary --jobId 5da765dd-73f1-11e3-b67e-b0a420524153


Moves jobs from one project to another project.

You must specify sourceProject and destinationProject.

Arguments Descriptions


Name of the project that contains the jobs you want to move.

Argument type: String


New project that will contain the jobs.

Argument type: String

Positional arguments

sourceProject, destinationProject


None or a status OK message.


syntax: $cmdr->moveJobs(<sourceProject>, <destinationProject>);


$cmdr->moveJobs("Default", "Utilities");


syntax: ectool moveJobs <sourceProject> <destinationProject>


ectool moveJobs "Default" "Utilities"


Creates and starts a new job using a procedure directly or a procedure specified indirectly through a schedule.

Returns a new job ID. Wait until the job completes. If the pollInterval option is provided, wait until the job completes up to a maximum of timeout seconds (if also provided). If the scheduleName option is provided, the parameters provided by that schedule will be used.

runProcedure credentials —two types of credentials can be passed to runProcedure :

  • Impersonation credentials

  • Credential parameters

Impersonation credentials

Impersonation credentials are used to set the top level impersonation credential for a job. If specified, the impersonation credential [on the job] is used as the default impersonation credential for all steps in the job.

The impersonation credential can be specified in two ways. If the credentialName argument is supplied, the job looks for the named credential specified. If the user has execute permission on the specified credential, runProcedure is allowed to start the job.

If the userName and password arguments are supplied, the job creates a transient credential to contain the pair. The transient credential is used by the job and then discarded when the job completes.

Only one of credentialName or userName should be specified. If both are specified, only userName is used. Neither can be specified if the procedure being run already has a credential defined on the procedure or the project.

Credential parameters

If the procedure defines one or more credential parameters, runProcedure must specify a credential to use for each parameter. The actualParameter argument identifies the credential name to use for the parameter, and the credential argument specifies the user name for each defined credential. For each credential specified, ectool prompts for a password.

For example, for a procedure named 'proc1' with a single credential parameter named 'param1'. The following command could be used to pass a transient credential where the user name is 'joe' and the password is 'plumber' :

$ectool runProcedure test --procedureName proc1 \ --actualParameter param1=cred1 --credential cred1=joe
cred1 password: plumber

In this example, ectool prompts you for the password for the 'cred1' credential on a separate line after you enter the runProcedure command.

Multiple parameters or credentials can be specified by having additional name=value pairs after the actualParameter or credential arguments. The same credential can be specified as the value for more than one actual parameter.

You must specify a projectName and either a procedureName or a scheduleName.

The pollInterval and timeout arguments are used to control whether runProcedure returns immediately or waits until the job completes. If pollInterval is used and timeout is not used, pollInterval will time out in 60 seconds.
Arguments Descriptions


Name of the project. This name must be unique among all projects.

Argument Type: String

Argument type: String


(Optional) Specifies the values to pass as parameters to the called procedure. Each parameter value is specified with an actualParameterName and a value. The actualParameterName must match the name of a formal parameter on the called procedure. Used in conjunction with procedureName to set the value of the actual parameters. Do not use this argument with scheduleName.

Argument type: Map


(Optional) credentialName can be one of two forms: relative (for example, "cred1" ) —the credential is assumed to be in the project that contains the request target object. absolute (for example, "/projects/BuildProject/credentials/cred1" ) —the credential can be from any specified project, regardless of the target object’s project.


(Optional) Use the following syntax to specify a credential: <credName>=<userName> [<credName>=<userName> …​]].

Argument type: Collection


(Optional) This argument is used to specify the name of the destination project.

Argument type: String


(Optional) The password for the user running the procedure.

Argument type: String


(Optional) This argument requires setting a value in seconds to determine how often ectool queries the CloudBees CD server for job status, but this is not an indefinite activity–set the timeout value to extend the pollInterval for longer than 60 seconds if needed.

If this option is not specified, runProcedure returns immediately. If it is specified, runProcedure waits until the job completes.

Argument type: Integer


(Optional) Priorities take effect when two or more job steps in different jobs are waiting for the same resource. When the resource is available, it will be used by the job step that belongs to the job with the highest priority. If the priority level is the same, the resource will be used by the job step that belongs to the job with the lowest job ID number.

If the job steps are in the same job, the resource will be used first by the step with the lowest job step ID number. Priority values are: low|normal|high|highest.

Argument type: JobPriority


(Optional) The name for the procedure; must be unique within the project.

Argument type: String


(Optional) The name for the schedule; must be unique among all schedules for the project. Use this option if you want to use the parameters from an existing specific schedule.

Argument type: String


(Optional) This argument requires a value set in seconds . If pollInterval is specified, this timeout causes runProcedure to stop waiting for the job to complete. It does not stop the job itself.

If pollInterval is used and timeout is not used, pollInterval will timeout in 60 seconds.

Argument type: Integer


(Optional) The name of the user who is running the procedure.

Argument type: String


(Internal use, only) Free-form string containing information from a webhook callback. This argument is populated internally by webhook aware plugins, such as ECSCM.

Argument Type: String

Positional arguments



The new job ID.


syntax: $cmdr->runProcedure(<project name>, {<optionals>});


$cmdr->runProcedure("Sample Project", {procedureName => "Delay", actualParameter => {actualParameterName => "Delay Time", value => 10}}); $xpath = $ec->runProcedure("BSHTest", {procedureName => "FakeMotoBuild", actualParameter => [ {actualParameterName => "builddir", value => $cwd}, {actualParameterName => "board", value => $board}, {actualParameterName => "myview", value => $cwv}, {actualParameterName => "resourcetouse", value => $resourcetouse}, ]});


syntax: ectool runProcedure <project name> [optionals]


ectool runProcedure <project name> --procedureName <procedure name> --scheduleName <schedule name> ectool runProcedure "Sample Project" --procedureName "Delay" --actualParameter "Delay Time=10"


Sets the name of a running job.

You must specify jobId and newName.


The jobId can be omitted if the command is run as part of a CloudBees CD step.

A job cannot be renamed after it has completed.

Arguments Descriptions


The unique CloudBees CD -generated identifier (a UUID) for a job that is assigned automatically when the job is created. The system also accepts a job name assigned to the job by its name template.

Argument type: UUID


New name of the job.

Argument type: String

Positional arguments

jobId, newName


None or a status OK message.


syntax: $cmdr->setJobName(<jobId>, <newName>);


$cmdr->setJobName(4fa765dd-73f1-11e3-b67e-b0a420524153, "Delay Test_541"); (from the command line) $cmdr->setJobName("TestJob_252"); (from a step command)


syntax: ectool setJobName <jobId> <newName>


ectool setJobName 4fa765dd-73f1-11e3-b67e-b0a420524153 "Delay Test"_541 (from the command line) ectool setJobName "TestJob"_252

External Job APIs

CloudBees CD includes a powerful built-in scheduler for both managing execution and real-time reporting for a "running" process. Most CloudBees CD Installations choose to use its built-in scheduler because it is more powerful than most in-house built and other scheduling solutions.

However, there are use cases where an external scheduler may be appropriate, for example, an LSF Grid engine. Often, such systems are quite mature and may have been in use for many years. An organizations reliance on an LSF Grid system can mandate it remain as the driving scheduler. Many schedulers lack the richness in their graphical user interface, which is an area where CloudBees CD excels—especially as it applies to monitoring the status of complex processes and workflows as they progress in real-time through the CloudBees CD system. The CloudBees CD GUI also provides powerful auditing capabilities for reviewing results of complex process runs.

External Job APIs are designed to leverage the CloudBees CD GUI to display results for jobs running on external schedulers. The external scheduler can issue calls through these APIs to provide a representation of this same job within the CloudBees CD Jobs page. CloudBees CD users and the external scheduler can then monitor the complete integrated system through a single interface—the CloudBees CD GUI.

The external system need not be a formal scheduler. In fact, even a simple script might be able to leverage the External Job Step API. For example, a build script could issue API calls at its beginning and end so the build is represented in CloudBees CD as a job.

Using the API does not consume agent resources. The API simply allows for graphical representation of external jobs within CloudBees CD .


Completes an externally managed job. Marks the job root step so the job is marked "completed" when all child steps are completed, and updates the runtime for the root step.

You must specify a jobId.

Arguments Descriptions


The unique CloudBees CD -generated identifier (a UUID) for a job that is assigned automatically when the job is created. The system also accepts a job name assigned to the job by its name template.

Argument type: UUID


(Optional) < Boolean flag— 0|1|true|false > If true, all external steps belonging to the job will be marked "complete".

This arguments determines whether all external steps under the job should be recursively marked "complete".

If this API is called on a job launched with runProcedure, there is no effect unless force is enabled, in which case only external steps are affected.

Argument type: Boolean


(Optional) Overall outcome for a job or step:

  • success —The job finished successfully.

  • warning —The job completed with no errors, but encountered some suspicious conditions.

  • error —The job has finished execution with errors. If specified, the outcome overrides any previously propagated outcome value.

Argument type: JobOutcome

Positional arguments



None or a status OK message.


syntax: $cmdr->completeJob(<jobId>, {<optionals>});




syntax: ectool completeJob <jobId> [optionals]


ectool completeJob 1234 [source,txt]


Completes an externally managed job step. Marks the job step "completed" when all child steps are completed and updates the step runtime.

You must specify a jobStepId.

Arguments Descriptions


The unique CloudBees CD -generated identifier (a UUID) for a job step that is assigned automatically when the job step is created. The system also accepts a job step name assigned to the job step by its name template.

Argument type: UUID


(Optional) The reason for marking the job step complete.

Argument type: String


(Optional) The exit code of a job step.

Argument type: Integer


(Optional) < Boolean flag— 0|1|true|false >

If true, all external steps under the job should be recursively marked "complete".

If this API is called on a job launched with runProcedure, there is no effect unless force is enabled, in which case only external steps are affected.

Argument type: Boolean


(Optional) Overall outcome for a job or step:

  • success —The job step finished successfully.

  • warning —The job step completed with no errors, but encountered some suspicious conditions.

  • error —The job step has finished execution with errors.

  • skipped —The job step was skipped.

Argument type: JobOutcome

Positional arguments



None or a status OK message.


syntax: $cmdr->completeJobStep(<jobStepId>);




syntax: ectool completeJobStep <jobStepId>


ectool completeJobStep 5da765dd-73f1-11e3-b67e-b0a420524153


Creates an externally managed job that will serve as a container for external job steps.

You must specify projectName or destinationProject.

Arguments Descriptions


The name of the project where this job will reside. You must have modify permission on the destination project. projectName or destinationProject must be specified to determine the project where the job is created. If both are specified, destinationProject is preferred.

Argument type: String


If specified, determines the project where the job will reside. You must have modify permission on the destination project. projectName or destinationProject must be specified to determine the project where the job is created, destinationProject is preferred.

Argument type: String


If specified, the job name will be generated by expanding this argument value. The job name is generated by expanding the jobNameTemplate argument or the jobNameTemplate from the procedure or the system default.

Argument type: String


If specified, projectName and procedureName are used as a template for the job. You must have execute permission on the procedure. The job name is generated by expanding the jobNameTemplate argument or the jobNameTemplate from the specified procedure or the system default.

Argument type: String


The starting status for the job: pending|runnable|scheduled|running>. The status argument determines the "starting" job status. This is useful if you want to immediately go into a specific status without having to use modifyJob to update the status. Defaults to pending. Possible values for status :

  • pending —The job is not yet runnable.

  • runnable —The job is ready to run.

  • scheduled —The job is scheduled to run.

  • running —The job is executing.

Argument type: JobStatus

Positional arguments

projectName or destinationProject


The new job ID.


syntax: $cmdr->createJob(<projectName or destinationProject>, {<optionals>});


$cmdr->createJob(projectName => "Default", {status => "Scheduled"});


syntax: ectool createJob <projectName or destinationProject> [optionals]


ectool createJob "Default" --status "Scheduled"


Use this API to add CloudBees CD managed job steps to a running job or job step and to create externally managed steps (if "external" is set).

You must specify the parent job step using either the jobStepId or parentPath arguments (COMMANDER_JOBSTEPID ` implicitly sets `jobStepId ). The parent job step status must not be completed.

External job steps do not participate in error handling processing. When you execute a job that includes a step with the --errorhandling abortProcedureNow argument, this argument is ignored if the step fails. The job then continues running the rest of the steps.
Arguments Descriptions


Specifies the values to pass as parameters to the called procedure. Each parameter value is specified with an actualParameterName and a value. The actualParameterName must match the name of a formal parameter on the called procedure.

For more information about parameters, click here .

Argument type: Map


If set to 1, indicates this job step will run even if the job is aborted before the job step completes. A useful argument for running a "cleanup" step that should run whether the job step is successful or not. The value for alwaysRun is a < Boolean flag - 0|1|true|false >. Defaults to "false".

Argument type: Boolean


Use this flag to run the same job step on several resources at the same time. The job step is "broadcast" to all resources listed in the resourceName argument. The broadcast value = < Boolean flag - 0|1|true|false >. This argument is applicable only to command job steps. Defaults to "false".

Argument type: Boolean


The command to run. This argument is applicable to command job steps only.

Argument type: String


The script to execute the functions in this step, which are passed to the step’s shell for execution.

Argument type: String


If empty or non-zero, the job step will run. If set to "0", the job step is skipped. A useful setting during procedure development or when re-running a job that has already completed some of the job steps. Also, this argument is useful for conditional execution of steps based on properties set by earlier steps.

Argument type: String


The credential to use for impersonation on the agent. credentialName can be one of two forms: relative (for example, "cred1" )—the credential is assumed to be in the project that contains the request target object. absolute (for example, "/projects/BuildProject/credentials/cred1" )—the credential can be from any specified project, regardless of the target object’s project.

Argument type: String


Refers to one or more credentials to attach to this job step. These are dynamic credentials, captured when a job is created. Dynamic credentials are stored on the server temporarily until the job completes and then discarded. For more information about credentials, see Credentials and User Impersonation.

Argument type: Collection


A plain text or HTML description for this object. If using HTML, you must surround your text with <html> …​ </html> tags. The only HTML tags allowed in the text are: <a> <b> <br> <div> <dl> <font> <i> <li> <ol> <p> <pre> <span> <style> <table> <tc> <td> <th> <tr> <ul>

Argument type: String


Determines what happens to the procedure if the step fails:

  • failProcedure —The current procedure continues, but the overall status is error (default).

  • abortProcedure —Aborts the current procedure, but allows already-running steps in the current procedure to complete.

  • abortProcedureNow —Aborts the current procedure and terminates running steps in the current procedure.

  • abortJob —Aborts the entire job, terminates running steps, but allows alwaysRun steps to run.

  • abortJobNow —Aborts the entire job and terminates all running steps, including alwaysRun steps.

  • ignore —Continues as if the step succeeded.

Argument type: ErrorHandling


< Boolean flag - 0|1|true|false >

If set to 1 or true, this job step should acquire and retain this resource exclusively. The default is 0 or false.

Setting exclusive sets exclusiveMode to "job".

Argument type: Boolean


Determines the mode to use when the step acquires a resource. Possible modes include:

  • none: the default behavior for the step applies.

  • job: retain resource for the exclusive use of this job.

  • step: retain resource for the exclusive use of this step and procedure it may call.

  • call: retain resource for the exclusive use of all steps within the current procedure call.

If you set exclusiveMode to job, or call for a resource, and hold onto that resource using the releaseMode flag set to none, then any subsequent steps that use exclusiveMode on that same resource in this job must use the same exclusiveMode setting that was used previously. For example, if you use exclusiveMode=job and releaseMode=none for a resource in one step and then, in a subsequent step use exclusiveMode=step for that same resource, the job step does not proceed. The correct setting for the subsequent step is exclusiveMode=job since that is the exclusiveMode flag setting used in the previous step.

If you set exclusiveMode to job, or call for a resource, the resource is held for the exclusive use of all the steps in the job or in the current procedure call based on the exclusiveMode setting. The resource is released:

  • At the completion of the job or the procedure call based on the exclusiveMode setting.

  • By setting releaseMode flag to release.

While the resource is being held for the exclusive use of the job or the current procedure call, then any subsequent steps that use exclusiveMode on that same resource in this job must use the same exclusiveMode setting that was used previously. For example, do not use exclusiveMode=job for a resource in one step, and in a subsequent step use exclusiveMode=step for that same resource, unless you have already released that resource using the releaseExclusive=true flag in the earlier step. A valid setting for the subsequent step would be to not set the exclusiveMode flag at all since the resource is already available for the exclusive use of the steps in the job.

Argument type: ExclusiveMode


If set, indicates this job step is an external step. CloudBees CD will not schedule or run agent commands for external steps, but instead, represents a step managed outside of CloudBees CD .

The typical usage is with an external Job (see createJob ). The status of an external job step is set using modifyJobStep, and it can be completed using completeJobStep.

The value for external is a < Boolean flag— 0|1|true|false >. Default is "false".

Argument type: Boolean


The unique CloudBees CD -generated identifier (UUID) for the parent job step that is assigned automatically when the job step is created. The system also accepts a job step name assigned to the job step by its name template.

You can specify parentPath or jobStepId or both. If you specify both parentPath and jobStepId, parentPath is preferred.

Argument type: UUID


The name of the new dynamic job step to create.

Argument type: String


A custom log file name produced by running the job step. By default, CloudBees CD assigns a unique name for this file.

Argument type: String


< Boolean flag - 0|1|true|false >

If set to 1 or true, this job step should run at the same time as adjacent job steps marked to run as parallel. The default is 0 or false.

Argument type: Boolean


The path of the parent job step. This argument determines the parent job for the new jobStep. The new jobStep is executed in context of the parent job step.

You can specify parentPath or jobStepId or both. If you specify both parentPath and jobStepId, parentPath is preferred.

Argument type: String


The name of a program to run after a job step completes. This program looks at the job step output to find errors and warnings. CloudBees CD includes a customizable program called "postp" for this purpose. The value for postProcessor is a command string for invoking a post-processor program in the platform shell for the resource ( cmd for Windows, sh for UNIX).

Argument type: String


The precondition property (if it exists) is copied to the job step when the step is created. When the job step is eligible to transition from pending to runnable, the precondition is evaluated. If the precondition result is empty, false, or " 0", the step remains in the pending state. Any other value allows the step to proceed to the runnable state.

A precondition property allows steps to be created with "pause", which then pauses the procedure. In a paused state, all currently running steps continue, but no additional steps will start.

Set this property to make a step wait until one or more dependent conditions are met. When a job step is eligible to transition from pending to runnable, a precondition is evaluated.

A precondition is fixed text or text embedding a property reference that is evaluated to TRUE or FALSE. An empty string, a \"0\" or \"false\" is interpreted as FALSE. Any other result string is interpreted as TRUE. The step will block until the precondition is TRUE.

Argument type: String

For example, assume that we defined these four steps:

  1. Build object files and executables

  2. Build installer

  3. Run unit tests

  4. Install bits on test system

    • Step 1 is an ordinary serial step.

    • Steps 2 and 3 can run in parallel because they depend only on step 1’s completion.

    • Step 4 depends on step 2, but not step 3.

You can achieve optimal step execution order with preconditions:

  • Make steps 2-4 run in parallel.

  • Step 2 needs a job property set at the end of its step to indicate step 2 is completing ( /myJob/buildInstallerCompleted=1 ).

  • Set a precondition in step 4: $[/myJob/buildInstallerCompleted]


The name of the procedure for an existing step definition that will be copied to the new job step.

Argument type: String


The name of the project for an existing step definition that will be copied to the new job step.

Argument type: String


< Boolean flag— 0|1|true|false >

Declares whether or not this job step will release its resource, which is currently held "exclusively". Setting this flag to "true" is the same as setting releaseMode to release.

Argument type: Boolean


Use one of the following options:

  • none —The "default"—No action if the resource was not previously marked as "retain."

  • release —Releases the resource at the end of this job step. If the resource for the job step was previously acquired with "Retain exclusive" (either by this job step or some preceding job step), the resource exclusivity is canceled at the end of this job step. The resource is released in the normal way so it may be acquired by other jobs.

  • releaseToJob —Allows a job step to promote a "step exclusive" resource to a Job exclusive resource.

Argument type: ReleaseMode


Name for the resource; must be unique among all resources.

Argument type: String


Where shell is the name of a program used to execute commands contained in the "command" field. The name of a temporary file containing commands will be appended to the end of this invocation line. Normally, this file is a command shell, but it can be any other command line program. The default is to use the standard shell for the platform it runs on ( cmd for Windows, sh for UNIX).

Applicable to command steps only.

Argument type: String


<pending|runnable|scheduled|running> The status argument determines the "starting" job status. This is useful if you want to immediately go into a specific status without having to use modifyJobStep to update the status. Defaults to pending. Possible values for status :

  • pending —The job step is not yet runnable.

  • runnable —The job step is ready to run.

  • scheduled —The job step is scheduled to run.

  • running —The job step is executing.

Argument type: JobStatus


Takes the name of an existing step and creates a job step from this definition. It is used in conjunction with procedureName and projectName and defaults to the current job’s procedure if neither are specified.

If you use stepName, createJobStep uses the existing step as a template for the new dynamic JobStep. If you use this argument, you cannot use the command argument.

You can use any project, procedure, or step as a template. If you do not provide a template, you must set the parameters of the new JobStep (such as command ) manually.


The name of the nested procedure to call when this job step runs. If a subprocedure is specified, do not include the command or commandFile options.

Argument type: String


If a subprocedure argument is used, this is the name of the project where that subprocedure is found. By default, the current project is used.

Argument type: String


The maximum length of time the job step is allowed to run. After the time specified, the job step will be aborted. The time limit is specified in units that can be hours, minutes, or seconds.

Argument type: String


Specify hours|minutes|seconds for time limit units.

Argument type: TimeLimitUnits


The CloudBees CD agent sets this directory as the “current working directory,” when running the command contained in the job step. If no working directory is specified in the job step, CloudBees CD uses the directory it created for the job in the CloudBees CD workspace as the working directory.

If running a job step on a proxy resource, this directory must exist on the proxy target.

Argument type: String


The name of the workspace where the job step log files will be stored.

Argument type: String

If no workspace is specified, the created job step may default to its parent job step’s workspace. If you want the job step to use the workspace of the resource that it should run on, you must use this argument so that the workspace defaults to the workspace value indicated in the resource.

Argument type: String

The syntax for this argument is as follows:

ec-perl: '$'."[/myResource/workspaceName]"

ectool: "$"[/myResource/workspaceName]

Positional arguments

jobStepId or parentPath


Returns a jobStep object.


syntax: $cmdr->createJobStep({<optionals>});


$cmdr->createJobStep ({parentPath => "/jobs/123", external => "1"}); $cmdr->createJobStep ({jobStepId => "5da765dd-73f1-11e3-b67e-b0a420524153", external => "1"}); $cmdr->createJobStep ({jobStepId => "5da765dd-73f1-11e3-b67e-b0a420524153", workspaceName => "workspaceA"}); $cmdr->createJobStep ({jobStepId => "5da765dd-73f1-11e3-b67e-b0a420524153", workspaceName => "\$" . "[/myResource/workspaceName]"});
# Create a job step that calls a subprocedure and passes a parameter credential # ‘coolProcedure’ is a procedure within the Default project with one parameter # credential named ‘sshCredentialParameter’. $cmdr->createJobStep( { projectName => 'Default', subprocedure => 'coolProcedure', actualParameter => [ { actualParameterName => 'sshCredentialParameter', value => 'sshCredentialParameter' } ], credential => [ { credentialName => 'sshCredentialParameter', userName => 'sshUser', password => 'super_secure_sshPassword' } ] } ); # Create two parallel job steps and send them to the {CD} server using the batch API. # Create the batch API object my $batch = $ec->newBatch('parallel'); # Create multiple requests my @reqIds = ( $batch->createJobStep( { parallel => '1', projectName => 'Default', subprocedure => 'coolProcedure', actualParameter => [ { actualParameterName => 'input', value => 'helloWorld' } ], } ), $batch->createJobStep( { parallel => '1', projectName => 'Default', subprocedure => 'coolProcedure', actualParameter => [ { actualParameterName => 'input', value => 'helloWorld' } ], } ), ); # Send off the requests $batch->submit();


syntax: ectool createJobStep [optionals]


ectool createJobStep --parentPath /jobs/123 --external 1 ectool createJobStep --jobStepId 5da765dd-73f1-11e3-b67e-b0a420524153 --external 1
ectool createJobStep --parallel 1 --projectName Default --subprocedure
coolProcedure --actualParameter input=helloWorld
ectool createJobStep --jobStepName "Echo-Middle" --workspaceName "workspaceA"


Modifies the status of an externally managed job.

You must specify a jobId.

Arguments Descriptions


The unique CloudBees CD -generated identifier (a UUID) for a job that is assigned automatically when the job is created. The system also accepts a job name assigned to the job by its name template.

Argument type: UUID


(Optional) <pending|runnable|scheduled|running>

This argument determines the current status of the job, and also sets related timing values. Possible values for status :

  • pending —The job is not yet runnable.

  • runnable —The job is ready to run.

  • scheduled —The job is scheduled to run.

  • running —The job is executing.

Argument type: JobStatus

Positional arguments



The jobId element.


syntax: $cmdr->modifyJob (<jobId>, {<optionals>});


cmdr->modifyJob ("4fa765dd-73f1-11e3-b67e-b0a420524153", {status => "running"});


syntax: ectool modifyJob <jobId> [optionals]


ectool modifyJob 4fa765dd-73f1-11e3-b67e-b0a420524153 --status "running"


Transitions an externally managed job step through its lifecycle—pending, runnable, running, or complete—by setting the step’s status property.

You must specify a jobStepId.

Arguments Descriptions


The unique CloudBees CD -generated identifier (a UUID) for a job step that is assigned automatically when the job step is created. The system also accepts a job step name assigned to the job step by its name template.

Argument type: UUID


(Optional) <pending|runnable|scheduled|running. This determines the “starting” job status. This is useful if you want to immediately go into a specific status without having to use modifyJobStep to update the status. The default is pending. Possible values for status :

  • pending –The job step is not yet runnable.

  • runnable –The job step is ready to run.

  • scheduled –The job step is scheduled to run.

  • running –The job step is executing.

Argument type: JobStatus

Positional arguments



Returns a modified jobStep object.


syntax: $cmdr->modifyJobStep (<jobStepId>, {<optionals>});


$cmdr->modifyJobStep ("4fa765dd-73f1-11e3-b67e-b0a420524153", {status => "running"});


syntax: ectool modifyJobStep <jobStepId> [optionals]


ectool modifyJobStep 4fa765dd-73f1-11e3-b67e-b0a420524153 --status "running"


Waits until the specified job reaches a given status or the timeout expires.

This command works only with ec-perl.

Arguments Descriptions


The job to wait for.

The unique CloudBees CD -generated identifier (a UUID) for a job that is assigned automatically when the job is created. The system also accepts a job name assigned to the job by its name template.

Argument type: UUID


(Optional) The number of seconds to wait before giving up on a request.

The default is 60 seconds.

Argument type: Integer


(Optional) The status to wait for. Must be either "running" or "completed" (the default is "completed").

Argument type: String

Positional arguments



Returns the result from the final getJobStatus query.


syntax: $cmdr->waitForJob(<jobId>, <timeout>, <finalStatus>, {<optionals>});


Wait for a job until it has a status of completed . This call would wait for 60 seconds, which is the default timeout:


Wait for a job until it has a status of completed . This call would wait for 30 seconds.:

$cmdr->waitForJob("4fa765dd-73f1-11e3-b67e-b0a420524153", 30);

Wait for a job until it has a status of running . This call would wait for 60 seconds, which is the default timeout:

$cmdr->waitForJob("4fa765dd-73f1-11e3-b67e-b0a420524153", undef, "running");