getCIBuildAuditReport Retrieves the CI build audit report. Arguments Argument Name Type Description ciBuildName String The name of the CI build. ciJobDetailName String The name of the CI job detail. Positional arguments None. Usage ec-perl $cmdr->getCIBuildAuditReport({<optionals>});▼ ectool ectool getCIBuildAuditReport [optionals]▼ getCIBuildLog Retrieves a CI build by name. Arguments Argument Name Type Description ciBuildName String The name of the CI build. ciJobDetailName String The name of the CI job detail. startIndex Long The start index of the log line. Positional arguments None. Usage ec-perl $cmdr->getCIBuildLog({<optionals>});▼ ectool ectool getCIBuildLog [optionals]▼