Retrieves the count of objects specified by the provided filter.
Argument Name | Type | Description |
objectType |
String |
(Required) The type of object to query for. |
filters |
Collection |
A list of zero or more filter criteria definitions used to define objects to find. |
firstResult |
Integer |
The first result to be retrieved, numbered from 0. |
maxIds |
Integer |
The maximum number of object IDs to return. |
viewName |
String |
The name of the view. |
Deletes objects specified by the provided filters. Because of the complexity of specifying filter criteria, this API is not supported by ectool.
However, all of its capabilities are supported through the Perl API.
This API supports deleting artifact , artifactVersion , job , logEntry , project , repository , and workflow .
Retrieves an object type DSL structure.
Argument Name | Type | Description |
includeChildrenWithFileRef |
Boolean |
Include in response types that have properties replaced with file reference even if they are always included in parent DSL. |
objectType |
String |
Name of the object type to get DSL structure. |
topLevelOnly |
Boolean |
If True and no entityType provided return the list of top-level objects only.If entityType provided return the type details with top level children. |
This command returns a sorted list of CloudBees CD/RO objects based on an object type and a set of filter criteria. This API can be used to find many, but not all, types of CloudBees CD/RO objects and is used by the CloudBees CD/RO web interface to implement the CloudBees CD/RO Search
Because of the complexity of specifying filter criteria, this API is not supported by ectool. However, all of its capabilities are supported through the Perl API.
See the following table for the list of object types in CloudBees CD/RO.
Object Types
application |
applicationDependency |
applicationServiceMapping |
applicationTier |
artifact |
artifactVersion |
catalog |
catalogItem |
cluster |
component |
container |
credential |
dashboard |
deployerApplication |
deployerConfiguration |
deployerService |
devOpsInsightServerConfiguration |
directoryProvider |
emailConfig |
emailNotifier |
entityChange |
environment |
environmentInventoryItem |
environmentMap |
environmentTemplate |
environmentTemplateTier |
environmentTemplateTierMap |
environmentTier |
environmentVariable |
eventSubscription |
gate |
gateway |
hook |
formalParameter |
flow |
flowState |
flowRuntime |
job |
jobStep |
logEntry |
note |
pipeline |
plugin |
port |
procedure |
procedureStep |
process |
processDependency |
processStep |
project |
property |
release |
report |
reportObjectAssociation |
reportObjectAttribute |
reportObjectType |
reportingFilter |
repository |
reservation |
resource |
resourcePool |
resourceTemplate |
retrievedArtifact |
rollingDeployPhase |
schedule |
service |
serviceClusterMapping |
serviceDependency |
serviceMapDetail |
snapshot |
stage |
state |
stateDefinition |
step |
task |
tierMap |
transition |
transitionDefinition |
utilityResource |
waitDependency |
widget |
workflow |
workflowDefinition |
workspace |
zone |
Argument Name | Type | Description |
objectType |
String |
(Required) The object type to search for. |
filters |
Collection |
A list of zero or more filter criteria definitions used to define objects to find. |
firstResult |
Integer |
The first result to be retrieved, numbered from 0. |
includeAccess |
Boolean |
True to fetch the objects' access maps as well. |
includeEntityRevisions |
Boolean |
Include versions/entity revision if it is a revisionable object in the search result. |
includeLatestRevision |
Boolean |
Include the latest revision data for versioned objects. |
maxIds |
Integer |
The maximum number of object IDs to return. |
numObjects |
Integer |
The number of objects to return as the first page of results. |
quickSearchFilter |
String |
Quick search filter. |
selects |
Collection |
Custom properties to project into the query results. |
sorts |
Collection |
Sort specifications. |
viewName |
String |
The name of the view. |
Retrieves the DSL structure for a specified object.
Retrieves a list of full objects based on object IDs returned by findJobSteps
or findObjects
. All requested objects must be of the same objectType
. See findObjects
for a list of object types.
Argument Name | Type | Description |
includeAccess |
Boolean |
True to fetch their access maps as well. |
includeLatestRevision |
Boolean |
Include the latest revision data for versioned objects. |
objectIds |
Collection |
List of object IDs of interest. |
selects |
Collection |
Custom properties to project into the query results. |
Retrieves the path to a property.
Argument Name | Type | Description |
fieldName |
String |
The selected field name. |
fieldType |
PropertyPathFieldType |
The type of the selected field. |
format |
PropertyPathFormat |
Format for property path. |
sourceId |
The ID of the object containing the selected field (for example, for a property or parameter). |
sourceType |
String |
The type of the source object. |
targetId |
The ID of the object on which javascript expression is being created. |
targetParentId |
The ID of the parent of the object on which javascript expression is being created. |
targetParentType |
String |
The type of the target parent object. |
targetType |
String |
The type of the target object. |
Retrieves properties for an entity hierarchy.
Argument Name | Type | Description |
applicationEntityRevisionId |
The revision ID of the versioned object. |
applicationName |
String |
The name of the application container of the property sheet that owns the property. |
applicationTierName |
String |
The name of the application tier container of the property sheet that owns the property. |
catalogItemRunId |
String |
The primary key of the CatalogItemRun container of the property sheet that owns the property. |
clusterName |
String |
The name of the cluster which owns property sheet. |
componentName |
String |
The name of the component container of the property sheet that owns the property. |
environmentName |
String |
The name of the environment container of the property sheet that owns the property. |
environmentTemplateName |
String |
The name of the environment template container of the property sheet that owns the property. |
environmentTemplateTierName |
String |
The name of the environment template tier container of the property sheet that owns the property. |
environmentTierName |
String |
The name of the environment tier container of the property sheet that owns the property. |
flowName |
String |
The name of the flow container of the property sheet that owns the property. |
flowRuntimeId |
String |
The primary key or name of the flowRuntime container of the property sheet that owns the property. |
flowRuntimeName |
String |
The name of the flow runtime container of the property sheet that owns the property. |
flowRuntimeStateId |
String |
The primary key or name of the flowRuntimeState container of the property sheet that owns the property. |
flowRuntimeStateName |
String |
The name of the flow state container of the property sheet that owns the property. |
flowStateName |
String |
The name of the flow state container of the property sheet that owns the property. |
gateType |
GateType |
The type of the gate which owns property sheet. |
microserviceName |
String |
The name of the microservice container of the property sheet. |
pipelineName |
String |
The name of the pipeline container of the property sheet that owns the property. |
procedureName |
String |
The name of the procedure container of the property sheet that owns the property. |
processName |
String |
The name of the process, if the container is a process or process step. |
processStepName |
String |
The name of the process step, if the container is a process step. |
projectName |
String |
The name of the project container of the property sheet that owns the property. |
releaseName |
String |
The name of the release container of the property sheet that owns the property. |
resourceTemplateName |
String |
The name of the resource template container of the property sheet that owns the property. |
scmSyncName |
String |
The name of the SCM Sync container of the property sheet that owns the property. |
snapshotName |
String |
The name of the snapshot container of the property sheet that owns the property. |
stageName |
String |
The name of the stage container of the property sheet that owns the property. |
taskName |
String |
The name of the task which owns property sheet. |
triggerName |
String |
The name of the trigger which owns property sheet. |