Cluster-wide copy artifacts

9 minute read

Depending on the scheme used to organize an operations center cluster, it may be necessary to copy artifacts from jobs that are on a remote client controller. For example, team responsible for QA may want to pull the artifacts to be tested from the development team’s server. To solve this class of problem the Operations Center Context plugin provides a build step and a pipeline step that can copy artifacts from another job, either on the root operations center or any client controller Jenkins instance in the operations center cluster.

The ability to copy artifacts across controllers within an operations center cluster has been added to operations center as an update to the release. This functionality requires the following minimum plugin versions:

  • The source and target controllers must be running

    • operations-center-context or newer

If individual controllers have not been upgraded then

  • those client controllers will be unable to copy artifacts from remote controllers; and

  • other remote controllers will be able to copy artifacts from jobs on the client controllers.

The CloudBees Secure Copy plugin is deprecated with support ending on September 1st, 2018. Users are encourage to use the Cluster-wide Copy Artifacts plugin as replacement.

The Copy archived artifacts from remote/local jobs build step

The Copy archived artifacts from remote/local jobs build step is available for Freestyle jobs.

This build step allows you to copy archived artifacts from a remote (or local) job.

To add the trigger just select the Copy archived artifacts from remote/local jobs option from the Add build step drop down.

Adding a build step
Figure 1. Adding a build step to copy artifacts across the operations center cluster
Copy archived artifacts from remote/local jobs build step
Figure 2. A Copy archived artifacts from remote/local jobs build step added

The main configuration options are:

Source job

The job to copy. This uses the path browser UI component to allow you to navigate to the job you want to copy from.

Timeout (timeout)

How long to wait for the artifacts to be copied. If no units of time are specified then the value is assumed to be in seconds. You can specify the timeout in multiple units and the semantics of those units will be preserved, e.g. 1h 65s will not be transformed into 3665s. The valid units are:

d, day or days


h, hr, hrs, hour or hours


m, min, mins, minute or minutes


s, sec, secs, second or seconds


ms, milli, millis, millisecond or milliseconds


The following are all valid timeouts (though they will be simplified on save)

  • 300 i.e. 300 seconds

  • 5 minutes will be simplified to 5m i.e. 300 seconds

  • 4 minutes and 60 seconds will be simplified to 4m60s i.e. 300 seconds

  • 3 minutes 120 seconds will be simplified to 3m120s i.e. 300 seconds

  • 45secs 3 minutes 75s i.e. 300 seconds

Form validation in the snippet generator will display the simplified interpretation of the timeout

Build Selector

How to select the build to copy artifacts from, such as latest successful or stable build, or latest "keep forever" build. Other plugins may provide additional selections. See the section on Build selectors for details of the specific implementations available.


Relative paths to artifact(s) to copy or leave blank to copy all artifacts. This works just as a filter and doesn’t test whether all specified artifacts really exist. Check the /artifact/ browser of a build to see the relative paths to use here as the build page typically hides intermediate directories. You can use wildcards like target/checkout/**/target/*.zip and use comma to separate multiple entries. See the @includes of Apache Ant’s fileset for the exact format.

May also contain references to build parameters like $PARAM or ${PARAM}.

Additional behaviors of the build step can be controlled from the Advanced button.

Advanced options
Figure 3. The Advanced options of a A Copy archived artifacts from remote/local jobs build step

The directory to copy the artifacts into. Only paths within the workspace are supported.

Name Mapping

Strategy that controls how artifact names are mapped when being copied. See the section on Artifact Name mappers for details of the specific implementations available.

Fingerprint artifacts

Fingerprint the artifacts and associate with the build to enable the tracability features of Jenkins.

Ignore errors

There are a number of possible error conditions:

  • The Jenkins controller containing the source job from which the artifacts will be copied may be off-line from operations center for longer than the timeout.

  • The Jenkins controller containing the target job into which the artifacts will be copied (i.e. this job) may be off-line from operations center for longer than the timeout.

  • The copying of the artifacts themselves may take longer than the timeout.

  • There are no matching files to be found in the source job.

  • There may be no builds available that match the configured build selector

  • The authentication that the target job is running as, after being mapped to an authentication on the source controller, may not have permission to see the source job or may not have permission to copy the artifacts from the source job

By default, if any of these issues are encountered, the target build result will be marked as a failure and the build stopped. Enable this option to ignore any such errors and continue the build.

There are two extension points that control the behavior of the build step:

Build selector

The build selector is a strategy for determining the build from which the artifacts should be copied.

There are ten strategies provided by the Operations Center Context plugin. The strategy is an extension point which enables other plugins to provide their own implementations.

Where possible use the strategies provided by the Operations Center Context plugin. If you are implementing a custom build selector strategy in a custom plugin, the strategy instance serialized and sent to the remote controller over a remoting channel that does not load classes from the sender. This means that if you want to use a custom strategy not provided by the Operations Center Context plugin you must ensure that the plugin providing the custom strategy is installed on all controllers that jobs will be copied between.

The built-in strategies are:

Last successful build

This strategy will find the most recent completed build with a status of either Stable or Unstable.

Last stable build

This strategy will find the most recent completed build with a status of Stable.

Upstream triggering build

This strategy will look at the causes of the job to determine if it has been triggered by the source job.

The search will only include the graph of jobs on the controller.

The search will match job triggering using either the Cluster-wide job triggers functionality provided by Operations Center Context or the regular Upstream causes built in to Jenkins itself.

There is a configuration option to fall back to the last successful build if no upstream cause can be identified.

It is possible that multiple builds of the same upstream job may have been coalesced into a single run of the job using this build step. By default, the highest triggering build number will be used, but this can be configured to pick the lowest triggering build number instead.

Build identified by number

This strategy will pick the exact specified build number only.

May also contain references to build parameters like $PARAM or ${PARAM}.
Last build

This strategy will pick the most recent build of the source job.

This can include builds in progress, which may or may not have completed any archiving artifacts.
Last completed build

This strategy will pick the most recent completed build of the source job.

This can include failed and aborted builds, which may or may not have completed any archiving artifacts.
Last failed build

This strategy will pick the most recent failed build of the source job.

This can include builds which failed before archiving artifacts.
Last unstable build

This strategy will find the most recent completed build with a status of Unstable.

Last unsuccessful build

This strategy will pick the most recent non-stable build of the source job.

This can include builds which were aborted or failed before archiving artifacts.
Build identified by a permalink

This strategy will pick the most recent build returned by one of the source job’s permalinks.

It is preferred to use the corresponding build selector rather than a permalink for the standard permalinks.

Artifact name mapper

The artifact name mapper is a strategy for deciding the names of the artifacts when they are copied.

There are three strategies provided by the Operations Center Context plugin. The strategy is an extension point which enables other plugins to provide their own implementations.

Where possible use the strategies provided by the Operations Center Context plugin. If you are implementing a custom artifact name mapper strategy in a custom plugin, the strategy instance serialized and sent to the remote controller over a remoting channel that does not load classes from the sender. This means that if you want to use a custom strategy not provided by the Operations Center Context plugin you must ensure that the plugin providing the custom strategy is installed on all controllers that jobs will be copied between.

The built-in strategies are:

No mapping

This strategy will use the path name that the artifacts were archived with.

Flatten all directories from name

This strategy will strip the path component from the path name that the artifacts were archived with and just use the artifact base name.

Remove leading directories from name

This strategy takes a parameter which is the number of directory segments to remove from the path name. If the archived artifact has less directory segments than the number to remove then the artifact’s base name will be used.

The Copy archived artifacts from remote/local jobs Pipeline step

The Copy archived artifacts from remote/local jobs Pipeline step is available for declarative and scripted pipelines.

The Operations Center Context plugin adds a pipeline step for copying artifacts from remote / local jobs: copyRemoteArtifacts.

The build step returns a list of strings corresponding to the names of the files that were copied.

In most cases the default options will be sufficient and the step can be invoked as:

Basic usage of copyRemoteArtifacts step
node { copyRemoteArtifacts 'jenkins://cafebabedeadfeefcafebabedeadfeef/path/to/job' }

To control where the artifacts are copied, just wrap the copyRemoteArtifacts step in a dir step, e.g.

Copying the artifacts into a specific directory
node { dir ("subdir") { copyRemoteArtifacts "jenkins://cafebabedeadfeefcafebabedeadfeef/path/to/job" } }

Similarly, errors can be ignored by wrapping using the standard idioms for pipeline scripts.

For more advanced control of options, it is recommended to generate the configuration using the snippet generator.

Snippet generator
Figure 4. The snippet generator for the copyRemoteArtifacts step.

The configuration options are:

Source job (from)

The job to copy from.

This is a string value which can be of type: jenkins://instanceID/path

  • jenkins:// the prefix of the remote path URI schema.

  • instanceID the Jenkins Instance ID of the remote instance where to trigger the job or . to indicate the current instance.

  • path the path to the item

or of type cjp:///path/from/root/of/cjoc

  • cjp:// the prefix of the remote path URI schema.

  • path/from/root/of/cjoc the walking path from the root of operations center

The CJP protocol can only be used against a Trusted client controller. See Authentication mapping for more information.

Timeout (timeout)

How long to wait for the artifacts to be copied. If no units of time are specified then the value is assumed to be in seconds. You can specify the timeout in multiple units and the semantics of those units will be preserved, e.g. 1h 65s will not be transformed into 3665s. The valid units are:

d, day or days


h, hr, hrs, hour or hours


m, min, mins, minute or minutes


s, sec, secs, second or seconds


ms, milli, millis, millisecond or milliseconds


The following are all valid timeouts (though they will be simplified on save)

  • 300 i.e. 300 seconds

  • 5 minutes will be simplified to 5m i.e. 300 seconds

  • 4 minutes and 60 seconds will be simplified to 4m60s i.e. 300 seconds

  • 3 minutes 120 seconds will be simplified to 3m120s i.e. 300 seconds

  • 45secs 3 minutes 75s i.e. 300 seconds

Form validation in the snippet generator will display the simplified interpretation of the timeout

Build Selector (selector)

How to select the build to copy artifacts from, such as latest successful or stable build, or latest "keep forever" build. Other plugins may provide additional selections. See the section on Build selectors for details of the specific implementations available.

Includes (includes)

Relative paths to artifact(s) to copy or leave blank to copy all artifacts. This works just as a filter and doesn’t test whether all specified artifacts really exist. Check the /artifact/ browser of a build to see the relative paths to use here as the build page typically hides intermediate directories. You can use wildcards like target/checkout/**/target/*.zip and use comma to separate multiple entries. See the @includes of Apache Ant’s fileset for the exact format.

Name Mapping (mapper)

Strategy that controls how artifact names are mapped when being copied. See the section on Artifact Name mappers for details of the specific implementations available.

Fingerprint artifacts (fingerprint)

Fingerprint the artifacts and associate with the build to enable the tracability features of Jenkins.

Tips and tricks

This section details some specific use cases and the recommended solutions for implementing them using the cluster-wide copy artifacts functionality.

Matrix to Matrix copying

I have two matrix jobs. Both matrix jobs have the same axes configurations. I want to copy the artifacts produced by the first job into the second job. I only want to copy the artifacts produced by the matching axes.

We will suppose there are two axes: the operating system and the CPU architecture.

The Operating System is the first axis with name OS. The CPU architecture is the second axis with name ARCH.

We want to configure the test job to copy artifacts from the build job. We want to copy: * the OS=linux,ARCH=i386 artifacts to OS=linux,ARCH=i386 * the OS=linux,ARCH=x86_64 artifacts to OS=linux,ARCH=x86_64 * the OS=win,ARCH=i386 artifacts to OS=win,ARCH=i386

To do this, we need to:

  1. Select the matrix aggregator for the build as the source

  2. Specify the include pattern with the prefix OS=${OS}/ARCH=${ARCH}/. For example instead of the *.zip we would use OS=${OS}/ARCH=${ARCH}/*.zip.

  3. Specify the Remove leading directories from name artifact name mapping strategy with 2 directories to be stripped - because we have two axes.

Matrix to matrix copying
Figure 5. Matrix to matrix copying of artifacts

Coping Maven Job type artifacts

I want to copy the automatically archived artifacts from a multi-module Maven job type build.

The automatically archived artifacts from a multi-module Maven job type are exposed using the following path scheme: groupId/artifactId/ where groupId is the groupId of the module and artifactId is the artifactId of the module. The file names are the file names used by the Maven job type when archiving the files in each individual module.