CloudBees Feature Management - Go changelog

CloudBees Feature Management is an advanced feature flagging solution that lets your development teams quickly build and deploy applications without compromising on safety. By providing a gradual release mechanism and a simple way to define target audiences, CloudBees Feature Management allows developers and product managers to optimize feature releases and customize the user experience. CloudBees Feature Management gives teams control over features that are in staging, production, or any environment in the deployment pipeline.

June 13, 2024: V5.0.11

Fixes and additions:

  • Internal updates to support CloudBees Platform.

March 27, 2023: V5.0.5

Fixes and additions:

  • Fixed background configuration fetcher process so it can correctly continue after a single iteration.

January 25, 2023: V5.0.4 Adding alternative flag name via flagName tag

Breaking changes:

  • Setting a flagName tag on a flag in a Container structure changes the flag name. The flag is now a completely new flag and needs to be configured.

January 25, 2023: V5.0.3 Allowing customized network urls

2021-04-30: V5.0.0

Breaking changes:

  • Variant changed to RoxString

    • Variant("default_string", ['string_1', 'string_2']) ⇒ RoxString('default_string', ['string_1', 'string_2'])

Fixes and additions:

  • New register without a namespace:

    • rox.RegisterWithEmptyNamespace(container) will register the container under an empty string namespace (multiple register calls with the same namespaces are still not allowed).

  • Impressions

    • Starting with SDK 5, flags will always send impressions after setup (not only when targeting is enabled on the dashboard).

  • Impression handler parameters change

    • As experiments were removed, impressions handler signature was changed from (ReportingValue, Experiment, Context) to (ReportingValue, Context). ReportingValue now also has a Targeting (boolean) property, indicating the flag was evaluated by using the dashboard configurations.

  • New Flag Types Int/Double

    • In addition to server.RoxFlag and server.RoxString, we also added server.RoxInt and server.RoxDouble

    • DynamicApi was also updated with matching GetInt and GetDouble methods

  • Added a graceful rox.Shutdown

    • In order to clean all background tasks, multiple rox.Setup calls will be ignored. If Rox wasn’t shut down in between, rox.Shutdown calls are ignored if Rox is not running or corrupt.

  • Fix RegEx Match condition and empty string values


  • Changes to API calls, using Cloudfront

  • Added checks on API key format


  • Dynamic API for flags


  • Added push updates support


Initial release