This section contains installation instructions for CloudBees Software Delivery Automation.
Instructions are available for several installation paths to accommodate different combinations of CloudBees Software Delivery Automation capabilities that can be installed.
Installation options for existing CloudBees CI customers
If you have an existing CloudBees CI installation, you can obtain licenses to install CloudBees Analytics, CloudBees CD/RO, or both. Contact your Customer Success Manager to obtain the licenses for the capabilities you want to add.
Existing CloudBees CI customers who want to gain immediate value from the analytics capabilities offered in CloudBees Software Delivery Automation should add CloudBees Analytics. The dashboards provided by CloudBees Analytics are designed to help shared services teams manage their CI infrastructure.
For installations on Kubernetes, refer to Installing CloudBees Analytics to an existing CloudBees CI on modern cloud platforms environment.
For installations on traditional platforms, refer to Installing CloudBees Analytics to an existing CloudBees CI on traditional platforms environment.
To take advantage of all the CI/CD and analytics capabilities offered by CloudBees Software Delivery Automation, existing CloudBees CI customers can obtain licenses to add both CloudBees Analytics and CloudBees CD/RO.
Installation options for existing CloudBees CD/RO customers
If you have an existing CloudBees CD/RO installation, your license enables you to install both CloudBees CI and CloudBees Analytics to take advantage of all the CI/CD and analytics capabilities offered by CloudBees Software Delivery Automation.
Installation options for existing CloudBees CI and CloudBees CD/RO customers
If you have both CloudBees CI and CloudBees CD/RO installed, you can add the CloudBees Analytics capability so you can view the analytics dashboards.
Installation options for new CloudBees customers
If you do not already have CloudBees CI or CloudBees CD/RO installed and you have purchased a license for CloudBees Software Delivery Automation, your license enables you to install:
CloudBees CI.
The pre-requisite components needed for analytics, such as the CloudBees Analytics server, the webserver, the inbound agent, and a MariaDB. These components are part of CloudBees CD/RO and enable data to flow from CloudBees CI to the CloudBees Analytics dashboards.
A full CloudBees CD/RO instance is not installed with the CloudBees Software Delivery Automation license. A separate license is required to enable the full CloudBees CD/RO capabilities. -
The CloudBees Analytics dashboards.
The required plugins.
To install on a supported Kubernetes platform, refer to Install CloudBees CI on modern cloud platforms with CloudBees Analytics.
To install on a supported traditional platform, refer to Installing CloudBees CI on traditional platforms and CloudBees Analytics for the first time.