CloudBees Role-Based Access Control Plugin
CloudBees CIVersion: 1620
Tier 1: Proprietary
Plugin ID: nectar-rbac
Minimum Jenkins required: 2.440.2-cb-5
Last released: 27 days, 16 hours ago
The Role Based Access Control plugin gives a Jenkins administrator the ability to define various security roles that will apply to the system they administer. Once roles have been defined the Jenkins administrator can assign those roles to groups of users. The assignment of roles can take place either at the global level, or limited to specific objects within the system. And, additionally, the Jenkins administrator can even delegate the management of groups for specific objects to specific users.
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CloudBees Role-Based Access Control Plugin 1620
- nectar-license v8.43 (required)
- caffeine-api v3.1.8-133.v17b_1ff2e0599 (required)
- configuration-as-code v1775.v810dc950b_514 (optional)
- cloudbees-folder v6.879.990.cb-v8176690e44b_9 (optional)
- credentials v1319.v7eb_51b_3a_c97b_ (optional)
- matrix-auth v3.2.2 (optional)
- variant v60.v7290fc0eb_b_cd (required)