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Credential provider.credentialProviderNameStringrequiredUnique name of the credential provider within the project. projectNameStringrequiredName of the project that the credential provider belongs to. accountNameStringoptionalApplicable for cyberark provider type. Name of the account where the passwords will be retrieved from.applicationIdStringoptionalApplicable for cyberark provider type. Unique application ID that is defined in the vault.authMethodsMappingStringoptionalApplicable for hashicorp provider type. Mapping in JSON format for authentication methods (for example, {"approle":"some_approle_mapping", "userpass":"some_userpass_mapping"}).cyberarkProviderStringoptionalApplicable for cyberark provider type. The CyberArk credential provider type or the access provider to use.cyberarkSafeStringoptionalApplicable for cyberark provider type. Name of the safe where the passwords will be retrieved from.descriptionStringoptionalComment text describing this object that is not interpreted at all by CloudBees CD/RO. keyPasswordStringoptionalApplicable for cyberark provider type. Password for the key.namespaceStringoptionalApplicable for hashicorp provider type. The namespace within the Vault Enterprise instance to use.newNameStringoptionalThe new name for an existing object that is being renamed. passwordStringoptionalApplicable for cyberark and hashicorp provider types. Password for the connection to the server.providerTypeStringoptionalCredential provider type. reasonStringoptionalApplicable for cyberark provider type. Reason for credential request.roleIdStringoptionalApplicable for hashicorp provider type. RoleID of the role used by the AppRole authentication mechanism within Vault.secretEnginePathStringoptionalApplicable for hashicorp provider type. Path at which the specified secret engine is enabled.secretEngineTypeStringoptionalApplicable for hashicorp provider type. Name of the secret engine.secretIdStringoptionalApplicable for hashicorp provider type. SecretID used by the AppRole authentication mechanism.serverUrlStringoptionalApplicable for cyberark and hashicorp provider types. URL for connecting to the credential provider.storeStringoptionalApplicable for cyberark provider type. PKCS 12 storage with certificates and keys for connection to the server.storePasswordStringoptionalApplicable for cyberark provider type. Password for the store.testConnectionStringoptionalSpecifies if the connection to the CI server should be tested before saving the configuration. The default is false .testSecretStringoptionalApplicable for cyberark CCP provider type. Test secret to test the connection for a CCP credential provider type.tokenStringoptionalApplicable for hashicorp provider type. Token for the connection to the HashiCorp Vault server.useResponseWrappingStringoptionalIf true, the secretID will be unwrapped before saving. Defaults to false. userNameStringoptionalApplicable for cyberark and hashicorp provider types. User name for the connection to the server. |
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