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A custom attribute attached to any CloudBees CD/RO object. This may be a key, string-value pair or a complex structure, where the value is a reference to a property sheet containing nested properties.propertyNameStringrequiredName for the property; must be unique within the property sheet. applicationNameStringoptionalThe name of the application container of the property sheet that owns the property. applicationTierNameStringoptionalThe name of the application tier container of the property sheet that owns the property. archiveConnectorNameStringoptionalThe name of the archive connector of the property sheet that owns the property. artifactNameStringoptionalThe name of the artifact container of the property sheet that owns the property. artifactVersionNameStringoptionalThe name of the artifactVersion container of the property sheet that owns the property. catalogItemRunIdStringoptionalThe primary key of the CatalogItemRun container of the property sheet that owns the property. catalogNameStringoptionalThe name of the catalog of the property sheet that owns the property. ciBuildDetailNameStringoptionalThe name of the CI build detail of the property sheet that owns the property. clusterNameStringoptionalThe name of the cluster which owns property sheet. componentNameStringoptionalThe name of the component container of the property sheet that owns the property. configNameStringoptionalThe name of the emailConfig container that owns the property. credentialNameStringoptionalThe name of the credential container of the property sheet that owns the property. credentialProtectedStringoptionalIf true, then permissions requiring modify privileges on the property sheet being manipulated will also require execute privileges on credentials attached to the property sheet owner. dashboardNameStringoptionalThe name of the dashboard of the property sheet that owns the property. dataRetentionPolicyNameStringoptionalThe name of the data retention policy of the property sheet that owns the property. descriptionStringoptionalComment text describing this object that is not interpreted at all by CloudBees CD/RO. environmentNameStringoptionalThe name of the environment container of the property sheet that owns the property. environmentTemplateNameStringoptionalThe name of the environment template container of the property sheet that owns the property. environmentTemplateTierNameStringoptionalThe name of the environment template tier container of the property sheet that owns the property. environmentTierNameStringoptionalThe name of the environment tier container of the property sheet that owns the property. expandableStringoptionalWhether or not the property is recursively expandable. extendedContextSearchStringoptionalFor simple property names, whether or not to search objects in the hierarchy to find the desired property. flowNameStringoptionalThe name of the flow container of the property sheet that owns the property. flowRuntimeIdStringoptionalThe primary key or name of the flowRuntime container of the property sheet that owns the property. flowRuntimeNameStringoptionalThe name of the flow runtime container of the property sheet that owns the property. flowRuntimeStateIdStringoptionalThe primary key or name of the flowRuntimeState container of the property sheet that owns the property. flowRuntimeStateNameStringoptionalThe name of the flow state container of the property sheet that owns the property. flowStateNameStringoptionalThe name of the flow state container of the property sheet that owns the property. flowTransitionNameStringoptionalThe name of the flow transition container of the property sheet that owns the property. gateTypeStringoptionalThe type of the gate which owns property sheet. gatewayNameStringoptionalThe name of the gateway container of the property sheet. groupNameStringoptionalThe name of the group container of the property sheet that owns the property. jobIdStringoptionalThe primary key or name of the job container of the property sheet that owns the property. jobStepIdStringoptionalThe primary key of the job-step container of the property sheet that owns the property. microserviceNameStringoptionalThe name of the microservice container of the property sheet. newNameStringoptionalThe new name for an existing object that is being renamed. notifierNameStringoptionalThe name of the notifier container of the property sheet that owns the property. objectIdStringoptionalThe object ID as returned by FindObjects. pathStringoptionalProperty path string. pipelineNameStringoptionalThe name of the pipeline container of the property sheet that owns the property. pluginConfigurationNameStringoptionalThe name of the plugin configuration container of the property sheet that owns the property. pluginNameStringoptionalThe name of the plugin container of the property sheet that owns the property. procedureNameStringoptionalThe name of the procedure container of the property sheet that owns the property. processNameStringoptionalThe name of the process, if the container is a process or process step. processStepNameStringoptionalThe name of the process step, if the container is a process step. projectNameStringoptionalThe name of the project container of the property sheet that owns the property. propertySheetIdStringoptionalThe primary key of the property sheet that owns the property. propertyTypeStringoptionalType of property. releaseNameStringoptionalThe name of the release container of the property sheet that owns the property. reportNameStringoptionalThe name of the report of the property sheet that owns the property. reportObjectTypeNameStringoptionalThe name of the report object type of the property sheet that owns the property. repositoryNameStringoptionalThe name of the repository container of the property sheet that owns the property. resourceNameStringoptionalThe name of the resource container of the property sheet that owns the property. resourcePoolNameStringoptionalThe name of the resource pool container of the property sheet that owns the property. resourceTemplateNameStringoptionalThe name of the resource template container of the property sheet that owns the property. scheduleNameStringoptionalThe name of the schedule container of the property sheet. scmSyncNameStringoptionalThe name of the SCM Sync container of the property sheet that owns the property. searchFilterNameStringoptionalThe name of the search filter container of the property sheet. serviceAccountNameStringoptionalRetrieves the name of the service account container of the property sheet. snapshotNameStringoptionalThe name of the snapshot container of the property sheet that owns the property. stageNameStringoptionalThe name of the stage container of the property sheet that owns the property. stateDefinitionNameStringoptionalThe name of the state definition container of the property sheet that owns the property. stateNameStringoptionalThe name of the state container of the property sheet that owns the property. stepNameStringoptionalThe name of the step container of the property sheet that owns the property. suppressValueTrackingStringoptionalIf true, then change tracking will ignore changes that only affect the value of the property, and exports of past states and force imports will preserve the current value. systemObjectNameStringoptionalThe system object. taskNameStringoptionalThe name of the task which owns property sheet. transitionDefinitionNameStringoptionalThe name of the transition definition container of the property sheet that owns the property. transitionNameStringoptionalThe name of the transition container of the property sheet that owns the property. triggerNameStringoptionalThe name of the trigger which owns property sheet. userNameStringoptionalThe name of the user container of the property sheet that owns the property. valueStringoptionalThe value of the property. widgetNameStringoptionalThe name of the widget of the property sheet that owns the property. workflowDefinitionNameStringoptionalThe name of the workflow definition container of the property sheet that owns the property. workflowNameStringoptionalThe name of the workflow container of the property sheet that owns the property. workspaceNameStringoptionalThe name of the workspace container of the property sheet. zoneNameStringoptionalThe name of the zone container of the property sheet. |
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