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Represents an application that will be deployed as part of deployer used in a release.applicationNameStringrequiredThe name of the application. projectNameStringrequiredThe name for the project that must be unique among all projects. afterLastRetryStringoptionalSpecify continue or stop pipeline execution after last unsuccessful retry or a task. applicationProjectNameStringoptionalThe name of the project containing specified application. If not specified, it is defaulted to the release project name. enforceDependenciesStringoptionalEnforce dependencies flag to be used during runProcess for the application. errorHandlingStringoptionalSpecifies error handling for the deployer application. orderIndexStringoptionalSpecifies the application deployment order (starts from 1). processNameStringoptionalThe name of the application process. releaseNameStringoptionalThe name of the release. retryApproversStringoptionalA list of retry approvers who receive the notification. (Alternate argument name retryApprover .)retryCountStringoptionalIf the retry is auto, specify the maximum number of times retry should occur. retryIntervalStringoptionalIf the retry is auto, specify the number of seconds to wait until the next retry should occur. retryNotificationTemplateStringoptionalEmail retry notification template for application. retryTypeStringoptionalType of retry when process step or task fails. Is one of auto or manual .smartDeployStringoptionalSmart deploy flag to be used during runProcess for the application. snapshotNameStringoptionalThe name of the snapshot. stageArtifactsStringoptionalStage artifacts for the application process. |
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