CloudBees CD/RO v2023.08.1

CloudBees is pleased to announce the v2023.08.1 security patch release of CloudBees CD/RO. With this release, CloudBees has released a fix for a critical vulnerability.

Security fixes

This release includes the following security updates to address potential vulnerabilities:

CloudBees CD/RO v2023.08.0 contains a critical security vulnerability that could result in attackers:

  • Gaining unauthorized access to sensitive data.

  • Modifying or deleting data in your environment.

  • Deleting instances or disabling agents, causing service disruptions.

This vulnerability has been fixed in v2023.08.1 release. If you are using v2023.08.0, CloudBees recommends immediately upgrading to v2023.08.1.

Feature enhancements

Plugin enhancements

Plugin Development Kit enhancements

New platform support

Resolved issues


Security vulnerabilities were identified in how CloudBees CD/RO parsed XML requests related to XML External Entity (XXE) processing. These vulnerabilities could lead to:

  • Unauthorized access to sensitive data.

  • The ability to modify or delete data.

  • The potential to delete instances or disable agents, causing service disruption.

    This issue has been fixed, and CloudBees CD/RO now protects against XXE processing.

Behavior changes

Installation notes

For a complete list of installation notes, refer to CloudBees CD/RO v2023.08.0 Installation notes.

CloudBees CD/RO on Kubernetes

CloudBees CD/RO server and agent Helm chart values are publicly available and provide the CloudBees default installation values. The CloudBees CD/RO images.tag value associated with v2023.08.1 is:

Updated Helm charts

Updated Helm charts are available for CloudBees CD/RO v2023.08.0.

Name Chart version App version Description




A Helm chart for CloudBees Flow




A Helm chart for CloudBees Flow Agent

CloudBees CD/RO Universal Base Image (UBI)

The actual UBI associated with v2023.08.1 is 9.2-691.

Configuration notes

Known issues


The MeanLeadTime report does not work correctly when Elasticsearch has pipeline runs but no release runs.


The UI does not allow the transfer of artifacts across zones.


When a custom data retention policy schedule is set to run once, the data is not purged after archiving. To purge data after archiving, use a repeat schedule or the global data retention setting.


When using Postgres with change tracking enabled, EcAuditStrategy errors may appear in the server log. This is a known issue, but is not expected to affect system performance.


Events that originate from the default CloudBees CI create default configurations. URLs for these new controllers are not Jenkins configured URLs and cause 401 errors.


You may experience SSO sign-in issues when using Kerberos due to a Microsoft known issue.


When a process step that is not manual is modified to be manual after the process runs but before the associated job step evaluated, the step hangs and adds a java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unknown step type: manual exception to the log.


flowRuntime response contains `hasCIJobs=1 if a release was started from CloudBees CD/RO and previous the release run was triggered within CloudBees CI.


On Windows agents, Export DSL fails to export objects that end in spaces.


When running getCIBuildLog for a CloudBees CI build, the build log cannot be accessed without restarting the build CloudBees CI controller. As a workaround, restart your CloudBees CI controller, and set up a number of executors, and getCIBuildLog can then be used to access the CloudBees CI build logs.


When updating from v10.2 or earlier to v10.3 or later, your upgrade may fail and break database consistency if legacy services or containers exist in your system. Additionally, even if the upgrade completes successfully with legacy services or containers present, it may still be impossible to run the validateDatabase API.

As a workaround, before upgrading from v10.2 and earlier, delete all legacy services and containers, and then perform the upgrade. When upgrading a clustered deployment of CloudBees CD/RO, before running the installer to upgrade, delete the contents inside the broker-data directory, located at <DATA_DIR>/broker-data-<hostname>.


SyncArtifactVersions procedure completes with success, rather than showing a warning, when manifest is missing and overwrite = false.


When you use the Automation Platform UI to upload and publish artifact files with non-English characters in their file names, the operation fails with the following error: Upload file: Exit code 1: ERROR: Publish failure: Unexpected retrieval exception for repository error.


Modifications of LDAP user data (such as email addresses) on an Active Directory server after registration in CloudBees CD/RO do not appear properly in user details (in the Automation Platform UI, the Deploy UI, or ectool) until the CloudBees CD/RO server is restarted.


(Microsoft Windows platforms only) If the Elasticsearch cluster used by CloudBees Analytics is in the red state (meaning that it only partly functions and some data is unavailable), then upgrade, reconfigure, and uninstall operations will not work. Since the Elasticsearch service cannot be stopped when a cluster is in a red state, you must stop the Elasticsearch service process from the task manager before running the installer for these actions.


The Microsoft Edge browser does not work with SAML 2.0 and is missing a self-signed certificate during redirection from the identity provider to the service provider. Edge is not recommended for sign-in via SAML 2.0.


The LANG environment variable must be set to en.US.UTF-8; otherwise, the upgrade fails. Refer to KBEC-00452 - Error installing CloudBees CD/RO 10.0.x when Lang environment variable is different than en.US.UTF-8 for details.


Error prompts for runtimes started by a schedule are not visible if the schedule was created with a missing configuration.


The stage inclusion status in the Release Dashboard changes color after a stage is renamed.


If an application process step cannot expand to its child steps (because of an invalid run condition or an invalid formal parameter), then the step is not retried even if it uses "retry on error" error handling. The job eventually completes with an error.


The retry count for group tasks or rules using "automated retry on error" is missing from the Pipeline runtime page.


Multiple mapped environments with the same name from different projects are not supported in email notifications.


A project import might not include the path-to-production view.


All subreleases of a release must appear before the release in the DSL for the release-to-subrelease link to be created.

CEV-19239 CEV-19259

The ability to search by assignee in a Deployment Report is not available in the CloudBees Analytics report editor.


If Release Command Center was set up for JIRA for user stories and defects, and the JIRA project name was mapped to the release project name using the field mapping projectName:releaseProjectName, then before upgrading to 10.0, the field mapping must be updated to mention the actual release project name using the following field mapping format: "release-project-name-in-CloudBees CD/RO":releaseProjectName.


Approval by email on manual tasks should not expect parameters.


If you use the ectool export to export your system configuration from a previous release and then use ectool import to import the same configuration to a CloudBees CD/RO 10.0 server, some out-of-the-box content introduced in the releases since the version from which the full export was done, such as new or updated plugins, new catalog items, and persona-based menu items, may be missing in the CloudBees CD/RO server UI. It is recommended to use ectool export and ectool import only between servers at the same version.


SSO does not work unless PHP configuration is changed due to a security-related request. Workaround: Change session.cookie_samesite to "Strict" in /opt/electriccloud/electriccommander/apache/conf/php.ini and restart the web server.


CloudBees CD/RO v10.1 introduced new triggers and an updated UI for them. Pre-v10.1 triggers will continue to work but there is no UI to review or run them.


Before using the export command to perform a full data export from the CloudBees CD/RO database, delete any legacy definitions and references to service objects from applications and releases.


You can revert changes only for high-level design objects such as applications procedures, procedure steps, workflow definitions, and state definitions.

Restarting the CloudBees CD/RO server while new records are created for all tracked objects might take at least as long as an export or import of all projects (10 to 40 minutes for a large project).


Enabling Recursively Traverse Group Hierarchy might impact system performance when the LDAP group hierarchy is traversed. The amount of impact varies with the configurations of the CloudBees CD/RO and LDAP servers, the depth of group hierarchy in the LDAP server and the network latency between the servers. Make sure that your directory provider can handle the additional load for supporting nested group hierarchy traversal.


System performance might decrease if you disable change tracking at the server level and then re-enable it. Change tracking is enabled by default. For details about using change tracking, refer to change tracking.