Creating a CasC bundle for the operations center

12 minute readScalabilityAutomation

The configuration of the operations center is described in a collection of YAML files referred to as a CasC bundle.

CloudBees does not recommend adding your CloudBees Jenkins Platform license or certificate to the CasC bundle for the operations center because these values are hardcoded. If you do add a license key or certificate to your CasC bundle, you must manually ensure they are always up-to-date, because they will be the only license and certificate the operations center can read.

Manually creating a configuration bundle

To create a new configuration bundle, create each of the files listed below. A CasC bundle consists of the following files:

  • bundle.yaml: This file is an index file that describes the bundle, and references the other files in the bundle.

  • jenkins.yaml: This file contains the Jenkins configuration, as defined by the Configuration as Code plugin.

  • plugins.yaml: (Optional) This file contains a list of all plugins that should be installed.

  • items.yaml: (Optional) This file contains the items to be created.

  • rbac.yaml: (Optional) This file contains all role-based access control (RBAC) groups and roles defined at the root level.

  • variables.yaml: (Optional) This file defines the variables that can be used in the jenkins.yaml, items.yaml, and rbac.yaml files.

For the bundle to be valid, the above files must use these exact filenames.
You can have a configuration bundle without the optional files. If you do not include these files in your bundle, they should not be listed in your bundle.yaml file.


The bundle.yaml file is an index file that describes the bundle and references the other files in the bundle.

Property Type Description



Required. This bundle’s unique identifier. NOTE: The id property is a legacy property that is no longer used. However, it must be included in the bundle.yaml file for backward compatibility.



Required. The bundle’s version. This value should be incremented whenever the bundle is modified.



Required. This is the bundle’s API version. The expected value is "1".



Optional. A helpful description of the bundle.


list of strings

Optional. This indicates the bundle contains a jenkins.yaml file.



Optional. Defines the merge strategy when multiple Jenkins Configuration as Code files are included in a CasC bundle. For more information, refer to Merge Strategy.

  • errorOnConflict: (default) Returns an exception if there is a conflict in multiple YAML files.

  • override: Overrides the configuration files according to the loading order. This indicates the bundle contains a jenkins.yaml file.


list of strings

Optional. This indicates the bundle contains a plugins.yaml file.


list of strings

Optional. This indicates the bundle contains a items.yaml file.


list of strings

Optional. This indicates the bundle contains a rbac.yaml file.

Example bundle.yaml file

id: "bundle-1" version: "1" apiVersion: "1" description: "My CloudBees Configuration as Code (CasC) bundle" jcasc: - "jenkins.yaml" jcascMergeStrategy: "errorOnConflict" plugins: - "plugins.yaml" items: - "items.yaml" rbac: - "rbac.yaml" variables: - "variables.yaml"


This file is the main CasC configuration file that describes the operations center. For more information on how to format this file, refer to the Jenkins Configuration-as-Code plugin documentation.

Example jenkins.yaml file

jenkins: systemMessage: "Operations center configured using CloudBees CasC" numExecutors: 0 securityRealm: ldap: configurations: - displayNameAttributeName: "cn" groupMembershipStrategy: fromGroupSearch: filter: "member={0}" groupSearchBase: "ou=Groups" inhibitInferRootDN: false managerDN: "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org" managerPasswordSecret: ${LDAP_MANAGER_PASSWORD} rootDN: "dc=example,dc=org" server: "ldap://ldap-openldap:389" userSearchBase: "ou=People" disableMailAddressResolver: false groupIdStrategy: "caseInsensitive" userIdStrategy: "caseInsensitive" authorizationStrategy: "cloudBeesRoleBasedAccessControl" (1) security: securitySettingsEnforcement: global: realmAndAuthorization: canCustomMapping: false canOverride: true defaultMappingFactory: "restrictedEquivalentRAMF" controllerExecutorCount: enforce: canOverride: false count: 0 cloudBeesCasCServer: visibility: true (2) unclassified: location: url: https://operations-center:8888/ (3) bundleStorageService: (4) activated: true activeBundle: name: "local-folder" retriever: SCM: scmSource: git: id: "acf88621-05a0-4d50-9166-d7767868dc43" remote: "" traits: - "gitBranchDiscovery" pollingPeriod: 0 purgeOnDeactivation: false
1 Required to use CloudBees RBAC configured using CasC.
2 Optional if using the items.yaml file to create a controller item. When visibility is set to true, all CasC bundles that do not have an availability pattern defined can be used by any controller. This option provides more flexibility, but is less secure.
3 Required to create client controller items. The url is the operations center URL.
4 Required if using a local folder on the operations center server or an SCM tool as the Configuration as Code bundle location.


This file lists all plugins that should be installed to the operations center. The contents of this file should be a list of plugin IDs.

You can also find many popular plugins and their IDs at the following sites:

Example plugins.yaml file

plugins: # In CAP - id: "cloudbees-casc-client" - id: "cloudbees-casc-items-api" - id: "cloudbees-casc-items-commons" - id: "cloudbees-casc-items-server" - id: "configuration-as-code" - id: "operations-center-rbac"


The purpose of the items.yaml file is to describe the items to be created in the instance. For more information, refer to Creating items with CasC for the operations center.

  • Items that are present on the instance in the UI but not included in the items.yaml file will remain.

  • You must install the prerequisite CloudBees Jenkins Platform software and plugins based on the item type you are creating.

  • If you want to customize your items.yaml file using environment variables or using the variables.yaml file in your bundle, you must install the Jenkins Configuration-as-Code plugin.

Property Type Description



Required. It specifies the strategy followed to handle an existing configuration when a new configuration is applied.



Required. The only supported value is NONE. No item is going to be removed in the instance as part of the creation process.



Required. Specifies how an existing configuration is handled when a new configuration is applied.

  • sync: If the role or group already exists but the configuration changes, the new configuration is applied and the existing groups or roles are deleted.

  • update: If the role or group already exists but the configuration changes, only the existing role or group is updated and replaced with the new role or group.


list of objects

Required. The list of items.



Required. It defines the kind of item created. Supported items:

  • backupAndRestore

  • clientController

  • clusterOpProject

  • folder

  • freeStyle

  • sharedAgent

  • sharedCloud



Required. The name of the item.



Optional. The display name of the item.



Optional. The description of the item.


list of objects

Optional. The list of RBAC groups included in the item.



Required. The name of the group.





list of strings

Optional. A list of user ids of users that belong to the group.



Required. A list of RBAC roles that are assigned to this group.



Required. The name of the assigned role.


list of strings

Optional. The list of roles to filter.

Example items.yaml file

  • If creating a new controller item, refer to Creating a new controller item using CasC for the operations center.

  • By default, Shared Agent and Shared Cloud items are configured to be taken online. To configure the Shared Agent or Shared Cloud item to be taken offline, add the takeOnline property to the items.yaml and set it to false. For example: takeOnline: false.

Folders with limited fields
Folders with extended fields
Freestyle job
Cluster operations
Client controller
Shared agent
Shared cloud
removeStrategy: items: "none" rbac: "sync" items: - kind: "folder" name: project-${team_group} displayName: "Project Alpha" description: "Project Alpha is going to change the world!" properties: - folderCredentialsProperty: folderCredentials: - credentials: - usernamePassword: password: ${secret_location} scope: GLOBAL description: description id: test-id usernameSecret: false username: test-user domain: {} groups: - name: "Project Alpha Developers" members: external_groups: - ldap-project-${team_group} roles: - name: "developer" items: (1) - kind: "folder" name: "project-alpha-tests" displayName: "Project Alpha Tests" items: - kind: "folder" name: "test-1" - kind: "folder" name: "test-2" - kind: "folder" name: "project-beta" displayName: "Project Beta" description: "Secret project! Only Admins can see this!" filteredRoles: (2) - "developer" - "browser"
1 Items can be nested within other items, enabling users to create a folder structure.
2 Roles can be filtered, for example to allow only administrators to view certain projects.
removeStrategy: items: "none" rbac: "sync" items: (1) - kind: "folder" name: project-${team_group} displayName: "Project Alpha" description: "Project Alpha is going to change the world!" groups: - name: "Project Alpha Developers" members: external_groups: - ldap-project-${team_group} roles: - name: "developer" items: - kind: "folder" name: "project-alpha-tests" displayName: "Project Alpha Tests" items: - kind: "folder" name: "test-1" - kind: "folder" name: "test-2" properties: - envVars: vars: FOO: "BAR" BAR: "BAZ" - folderLibraries: libraries: - libraryConfiguration: implicit: false allowVersionOverride: true retriever: modernSCM: scm: github: traits: - gitHubBranchDiscovery: strategyId: 1 - gitHubPullRequestDiscovery: strategyId: 1 - gitHubForkDiscovery: trust: gitHubTrustEveryone: {} strategyId: 1 repoOwner: "company" id: "library-id" repository: "project-alpha" configuredByUrl: true repositoryUrl: "" name: "my-library" includeInChangesets: true - folderCredentialsProperty: folderCredentials: - credentials: - usernamePassword: password: ${secret_location} scope: GLOBAL description: description id: test-id usernameSecret: false username: test-user domain: {} - itemRestrictions: allowedTypes: - "org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.job.WorkflowJob" - "hudson.matrix.MatrixProject" - "hudson.model.FreeStyleProject" - "com.cloudbees.hudson.plugins.modeling.impl.jobTemplate.JobTemplate" - "com.cloudbees.hudson.plugins.folder.Folder" - "com.cloudbees.hudson.plugins.modeling.impl.builder.BuilderTemplate" - "com.cloudbees.hudson.plugins.modeling.impl.auxiliary.AuxModel" - "org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.multibranch.WorkflowMultiBranchProject" - "com.cloudbees.hudson.plugins.modeling.impl.publisher.PublisherTemplate" - "com.cloudbees.hudson.plugins.modeling.impl.folder.FolderTemplate" - "com.infradna.hudson.plugins.backup.BackupProject" filter: true items: - kind: "freeStyle" name: "project-alpha-freestyle" displayName: "Freestyle job in the Project Alpha folder" - kind: "folder" name: "project-beta" displayName: "Project Beta" description: "Secret project! Only Admins can see this!" filteredRoles: (2) - "developer" - "browser"
1 Items can be nested within other items, enabling users to create a folder structure.
2 Roles can be filtered, for example to allow only administrators to view certain projects.
removeStrategy: items: "none" rbac: "sync" items: - kind: "freeStyle" name: "project-alpha-freestyle" displayName: "Project Alpha Freestyle" description: "This is Project Alpha's Freestyle job!" disabled: false scm: gitSCM: extensions: - checkoutOption: timeout: 4 gitTool: git userRemoteConfigs: - userRemoteConfig: name: "developer-a" credentialsId: "credentials-id" url: "" browser: githubWeb: repoUrl: "" doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false branches: - branchSpec: name: "*/main" buildDiscarder: logRotator: artifactDaysToKeep: 3 daysToKeep: 1 numToKeep: 2 artifactNumToKeep: 4 scmCheckoutStrategy: standard: { } builders: - shell: command: "pwd"
removeStrategy: items: "none" rbac: "sync" items: - kind: clusterOpProject name: "project-alpha-cluster-operations" displayName: "Project Alpha - Cluster operations" description: "These are Project Alpha's cluster operations!" disabled: false concurrentBuild: true operations: - masterClusterOperation: failureMode: IMMEDIATELY clusterOpSteps: - backupClusterOpStep: subjects: - buildRecordSubject: {} - jobConfigurationSubject: {} format: zipFormat: {} retentionPolicy: exponentialDecayRetentionPolicy: {} safeDelaySeconds: 10 store: s3Store: bucketName: ' mybucket' sse: true bucketFolder: somefolder credentialsId: 'my-aws-credentials-id' region: us-east-1 timeoutSeconds: 0 itemSource: jenkinsRootItemSource: {} filters: - isMasterOnlineFilter: {} inParallel: 0 noRetries: 0
removeStrategy: items: "none" rbac: "sync" items: - kind: clientController displayName: "client-controller-beta" name: "client-controller-beta" description: "This is Project Beta's client controller!" groups: - name: "Project Beta Developers" members: users: - developer-1 roles: - name: developer properties: - configurationAsCode: bundle: bundle-2 - healthReporting: enabled: false - owner: delay: 5 owners: '' - envelopeExtension: allowExceptions: false - sharedConfigurationOptOut: optOut: false - licensing: strategy: perUserLicensingStrategy: {} - webSocket: enabled: true
removeStrategy: items: "none" rbac: "sync" items: - kind: "sharedAgent" displayName: "Shared Agent for this cluster" name: "shared-agent-1" description: "Shared Agent for this cluster" remoteFS: "/tmp/remote" properties: - sharedAgent: customizers: - envVars: value: SKIP_RELEASE: "TRUE" JENKINS_VERSION: "2.303" - toolLocation: value: - name: "git" type: "git" home: "/usr/local/git" - name: "maven3" type: "mvn" home: "/usr/local/mvn" labels: "ubuntu" launcher: inboundAgent: webSocket: true workDirSettings: remotingWorkDirSettings: internalDir: "/path/to/directory" disabled: false failIfWorkDirIsMissing: true workDirPath: "/path/to/directory" agentStartupOptions: "-noCertificateCheck" vmargs: "-Xms2G -Xmx2G" tunnel: "" mode: EXCLUSIVE numExecutors: 10 retentionStrategy: sharedNodeRetentionStrategy: {}
removeStrategy: items: "none" rbac: "sync" items: - kind: "sharedCloud" displayName: "Shared Cloud for this cluster" name: "shared-cloud-1" description: "Shared Cloud for this cluster" properties: - sharedCloud: customizers: - envVars: value: SKIP_RELEASE: "TRUE" JENKINS_VERSION: "2.303" - toolLocation: value: - name: "git" type: "git" home: "/usr/local/git" - name: "maven3" type: "mvn" home: "/usr/local/mvn" cloud: inboundAgents: mode: EXCLUSIVE numExecutors: 10 remoteFS: "/path/to/directory" labels: "ubuntu" launcher: inboundAgent: webSocket: true workDirSettings: remotingWorkDirSettings: internalDir: "/path/to/directory" disabled: false failIfWorkDirIsMissing: true workDirPath: "/path/to/directory" agentStartupOptions: "-noCertificateCheck" vmargs: "-Xms2G -Xmx2G" tunnel: ""
removeStrategy: items: "none" rbac: "sync" items: - kind: backupAndRestore name: project-alpha-backup displayName: "Project Alpha backup" description: "This is Project Alpha's backup job!" buildersList: - backupBuilder: subjects: - buildRecordSubject: excludes: foo - jobConfigurationSubject: excludes: bar - systemConfigurationSubject: excludes: baz omitMasterKey: true format: zipFormat: {} exclusive: false store: s3Store: bucketName: bucket sse: true bucketFolder: bucketFolder credentialsId: testCredential region: us-east-1 retentionPolicy: exponentialDecayRetentionPolicy: {} safeDelaySeconds: 42 label: agent-for-backup triggers: - cron: spec: 0 0 * * * buildDiscarder: logRotator: numToKeep: 5


The purpose of the rbac.yaml file is to describe the role-based access control (RBAC) groups and roles defined at the root level. For more information, refer to Configuring RBAC with CasC for the operations center.

  • Only roles and groups can be managed and only a subset of fields are supported.

  • Roles and groups present on the instance in the UI but not included in the items.yaml file will be removed.

Property Type Description



Required. It specifies the strategy followed to handle an existing configuration when a new configuration is applied.



Required. Specifies how an existing configuration is handled when a new configuration is applied.

  • sync: If the role or group already exists but the configuration changes, the new configuration is applied and the existing groups or roles are deleted.

  • update: If the role or group already exists but the configuration changes, only the existing role or group is updated and replaced with the new role or group.


list of objects

Required. The list of RBAC groups available on the controller.



Required. The name of the RBAC group.


list of lists

Required. The list of users included as members of the RBAC group. There are several types of members including: users, internal_groups, and external_groups.


list of strings

Optional. The list of user ids of users who belong to the RBAC group.


list of strings

Optional. The list of groups created in the CloudBees CI instance that belong to the RBAC group.


list of strings

Optional. The list of groups imported from an identity provider (such as LDAP) that belong to the RBAC group.


list of objects

Required. The list of RBAC roles that are assigned to this RBAC group.



Required. The name of the RBAC role assigned to the RBAC group.



Optional. The level the RBAC role is applicable. Available values include: current, child, or grandchild. The default level is current.



Optional. The setting for if the role propagates. The default value is true.


list of objects

Required. The list of RBAC roles available on the controller.



Required. The name of the RBAC role.



Optional. The setting for if the role is filterable. The default value is true.


list of strings

Optional. The list of permissions authorized for members assigned this RBAC role. Can be empty if a member has no permissions assigned.

Example rbac.yaml file

removeStrategy: rbac: "SYNC" (1) roles: - name: administer permissions: - hudson.model.Hudson.Administer - name: developer permissions: - hudson.model.Hudson.Read - hudson.model.Item.Read - hudson.model.Item.Create - hudson.model.Item.Configure filterable: "true" (2) - name: browser permissions: - hudson.model.Hudson.Read - hudson.model.Item.Read filterable: "true" - name: authenticated filterable: "true" permissions: - hudson.model.Hudson.Read groups: - name: Administrators roles: - name: administer grantedAt: current (3) members: users: - admin external_groups: - ${external_admin_group} - name: Developers roles: (4) (5) - name: developer members: users: - developer internal_groups: - "some-other-group" external_groups: - "ldap-cb-developers" - name: Browsers roles: - name: browser members: users: - read
1 For security reasons, SYNC is here to remove groups/roles from CloudBees Continuous Integration when they are removed from this file.
2 If filterable is not included, the default value is “false”.
3 Other options that could be used here include: "child" or "grandchild".
4 If propagates is not included, the default value is "true".
5 If grantedAt is not included, the default value is "current".


The variables.yaml file defines the variables that can be used in the jenkins.yaml, items.yaml, and rbac.yaml files with the placeholder ${}, for example ${team_name}. Variables are not supported for the plugins.yaml file.

To escape a string from variable substitution, the literal ^ must be placed in front of the expression. For example, ^${variableName} resolves to ${variableName}. For more information, refer to Passing secrets through variables.

Example variables.yaml file

variables: - key: value - long_text: |- multiline string without quotes - another: text - team_name: Team Alpha - team_group: alpha - external_admin_group: ldap-cb-admins

Exporting a CasC configuration

You can export a CasC configuration from an existing operations center instance to create a template bundle. You can use the template bundle to set up a new operations center instance using CasC. However, the exported configuration should not be used as is and must be manually updated.

You can also export an individual CasC item and use it to create a new item by adding it to the items.yaml file. For more information, refer to Exporting an individual CasC item.
  • The export feature relies on Jenkins LTS - Configuration as Code export, which has limitations. Therefore, the exported configuration is not a complete, correct, and ready-to-use CasC bundle. For more information, refer to the JCasC Jenkins LTS documentation.

  • The exported configuration is incomplete because some plugins are only partially compatible with Configuration as Code. They can read and load the CasC configuration, however, they do not generate the correct YAML files when exporting. In addition, the jenkins.yaml file may include extraneous default values for some properties that can be removed.

  • When exporting CasC bundles from existing operations center instances, you must verify there are no BeeKeeper plugin warnings, as the export logic relies on the CloudBees Assurance Program (CAP) to generate a consistent plugins.yaml file. If there are BeeKeeper warnings, the export still returns content, but the consistency of the plugins.yaml file cannot be guaranteed. The files may be unusable and require modifications due to warning comments in the files for plugin conflicts.


The following plugins must be installed to export the current configuration:

Exporting the current configuration

To export the current configuration from a test operations center instance:

  1. Install operations center as a test instance.

  2. Configure the plugins and global configuration using the UI.

  3. Select Manage Jenkins in the left pane.

  4. Select CloudBees Configuration as Code export and update.

    CloudBees Configuration as Code export and update
    Figure 1. CloudBees Configuration as Code export and update
  5. Select Current configuration.

    Current configuration
    Figure 2. Current configuration
  6. Select Download to export the configuration. You can export individual YAML files or export all files in zip format.

    You can have a configuration bundle without the plugins.yaml, items.yaml, and rbac.yaml files. If you do not include these files in your bundle, do not list them in your bundle.yaml file.
  7. Save the files using the following file names:

    • bundle.yaml

    • jenkins.yaml

    • plugins.yaml

    • items.yaml

    • rbac.yaml

    • variables.yaml

      For the bundle to be valid, the above files must use these exact filenames. If you rename these files, you must update them in your bundle.yaml file.
  8. Uninstall the original operations center test instance; it is no longer needed.