Example 2: Creating a service catalog item

1 minute readDeveloper productivity

Use the CloudBees CD/RO service catalog to package up easy-to-use functionality such as:

Creating models from parameterized templates

Create models from templates by wrapping DSL code that is executed by a service catalog item.

Running custom automation

Invoke a procedure from a service catalog item to implement automated tasks.

Perform the following steps to create a catalog, and then create and run a service catalog item from the procedure you created earlier.

Create a new catalog

  1. Select Service catalog from the banner at the top.

    Service catolog in banner
  2. Create a new catalog by selecting the plus button (+) in the upper right.

  3. Select Create new.

  4. Provide a name for the catalog such as Trial Catalog and select the target project for it. Select OK.

Add a catalog item

  1. Select the (+) beside the New Catalog Item icon in the upper right. The New Catalog dialog appears.

  2. Provide a name such as Hello Catalog Item and a description item, and then select Done.

Add a procedure to the item definition

  1. Select Requires Definition. The New Catalog Item dialog appears.

  2. In the Display section, locate the Select Button Label field. Select Execute.

  3. Scroll down to display the Definition section.

  4. Select the Procedure option on the left, and then select the project and procedure you created earlier.

  5. Select OK.

Run the catalog item with parameter values

  1. At the top of the service catalog, select View Catalog.

    Execute the catalog item
  2. Select Execute on the catalog item.

  3. Provide input parameter values (for example, Greet Name is ScrumMaster). In the CD User field, select from the drop-down. Select OK.

  4. The Job Details appear. Verify that the procedure ran as expected.