CloudBees changelog

The CloudBees changelog lists every update to the platform.

July 2024

Manually triggered workflow option (Release ID: 1.44) New feature

Workflows can now be started manually in addition to the existing push and pull request triggers. The visual composer UI has been updated for this feature, and the DSL syntax has been updated to support `workflow_dispatch` to manually trigger a run.


Feature management SDKs for React Native, Android TV, Chromecast, Fire TV, and Tizen (Release ID: 1.44) Feature enhancement

Added five new SDKs to expand the applicability of feature management to more code languages. To use feature flags for your application, install the appropriate SDK.


June 2024

New navigation and context switcher (Release ID: 1.43) New feature

Use the context switcher on the left navigation menu to list, search, and navigate your hierarchy of organizations and components.


Security insights dashboard bug fix (Release ID: 1.43) Resolved issues

Fixed a bug where sometimes the data on drill-down charts did not match main chart data.


Feature management configuration bug fixes (Release ID: 1.43) Resolved issues

Fixed bugs: On occasion, number flags and scheduled releases could not be configured.


Feature management sample applications for Angular, React, Spring Boot, Gin, and Django. (Release ID: 1.42) New feature

Introduced 5 sample applications to help users get started with feature flags. Just clone a repository and paste in an SDK key from the platform's install instruction page.


Impressions chart added to visualize flag evaluations (Release ID: 1.42) Feature enhancement

Can now visualize flag evaluations for each configuration to see how a flag's variations are being used over time.


DORA metrics minor bug fixes (Release ID: 1.42) Resolved issues

Fixed bugs, where on occasion no data was shown or a count was not matching.


May 2024

Pull requests now available as a trigger option (Release ID: 1.41) New feature

Runs can now be triggered by a pull request, in addition to a push commit.


Enhanced filtering, time calculations, metrics comparisons, and dashboard customization in Analytics (Release ID: 1.41) Feature enhancement

  • Filtering: the last 7 days, 30 days, 90 days and custom time ranges are added to existing options.

  • Dynamic time calculations: The reports now compute the data based on user's preferred timezone.

  • Metrics comparisons: The user can now compare a metric across organizations and components for many charts.

  • Dashboard customization: The user can now show/hide charts and tables according to their needs.


Lambda create CloudBees action (Release ID: 1.41) New feature

Use this action to create or update a function in the AWS Lambda serverless architecture. Run code in AWS Lambda without provisioning or managing servers.


Lambda invoke CloudBees action (Release ID: 1.41) New feature

Use this action to invoke a function in AWS Lambda serverless architecture. Run code in AWS Lambda without provisioning or managing servers.


SSH CloudBees action (Release ID: 1.41) New feature

Use this action to connect to a remote server and execute commands via the Secure Shell Protocol (SSH).


SonarQube bundled CloudBees action language support update (Release ID: 1.41) Feature enhancement

The SonarQube bundled action now supports Ruby and .NET, in addition to Go, Java, JavaScript, PHP, and Python programming languages.


April 2024

Triggered workflow runs display quickly (Release ID: 1.39) Feature enhancement

Reduced the execution delay and removed requirement for manual browser refresh. Performance made sustainable for high levels of traffic.

Scheduled releases added to feature management (Release ID: 1.39) Feature enhancement

Can now schedule a boolean flag configuration to be enabled for a user group at a given date and time.


Gosec CloudBees action (Release ID: 1.39) New feature

Use this action to perform static application security testing (SAST) on Go repositories with the open-source Golang Security Checker (Gosec). Gosec inspects Go code for security problems by scanning the AST and SSA code representation.


Aquasec CloudBees action (Release ID: 1.39) New feature

Use this action to scan container images with the Aquasec scanner. Detect and fix security threats to your container-based cloud applications.


TeamCity CloudBees action (Release ID: 1.39) New feature

Use this action to run a TeamCity project and fetch the run information as output. TeamCity is a JetBrains CI/CD tool.


March 2024

Feature management functionality (Release ID: 1.37) New feature

Added feature management to the CloudBees platform, which enables teams to progressively toggle features on and off for certain segments of users.


AWS CodePipeline CloudBees action (Release ID: 1.37) New feature

Use this action to trigger an AWS CodePipeline, a fully managed continuous delivery service, and fetch the run information as output.


February 2024

Add meaningful alerts for the GitHub App (Release ID: 1.35) Feature enhancement

Expanded UI alerts to include updated, requested, and successful connection, and hid pending alerts.


Trivy CloudBees action (Release ID: 1.35) New feature

Use this action to scan container images with the Trivy scanner, to identify and fix security vulnerabilities.


January 2024

Ability to set timezone and time clock preference within the user profile (Release ID: 1.33) New feature

  • Can now either manually set your timezone or update it automatically.

  • Can now switch between a 12 and 24 hour clock for time displays.


Guardrails to protect against misuse of the platform (Release ID: 1.33) Feature enhancement

  • Put in place proactive abuse detection mechanisms in response to a crypto-mining incident.

  • Removed the requirement to validate an account with a credit card prior to running your first workflow.


November 2023

Public release of CloudBees platform (Release ID: 1.01) Release

“The way to begin is to begin” - Eleanor Roosevelt