
CloudBees is pleased to announce the 10.5 release of the CloudBees Software Delivery Automation platform. In this release, we introduce the Ansible Tower self-service catalog, component versions in the path-to-production view, a cross-environment inventory view, custom schedules for data retention rules, and DevOps Insights backup and restore.

Self-service catalog enables deployments with Ansible Tower

The self-service catalog generates an application model that uses the new Ansible Tower plugin. You can now use Ansible Tower playbooks for CloudBees CD/RO deployments, allowing you to track environment inventory, generate deployment analytics, and view staged artifacts in the path-to-production view.

Show component version in the path-to-production view

The path-to-production view now prominently displays component artifact and version details.

Cross-environment inventory view

With this new environment inventory view, you can view the content of multiple environments in a central location.

Enable scheduled data retention rules

You can now create custom schedules for each data retention rule. This allows you to spread out purge actions, minimizing system performance impact.

DevOps Insights backup and restore

You can now back up and restore the DevOps Insights database. This enhancement allows you to migrate data across instances of CloudBees CD/RO.


We continuously develop and improve plugins used across DevOps processes.

Download instructions

  • Download CloudBees Software Delivery Automation at CloudBees Downloads

  • Release notes and product documentation are available for CloudBees CD/RO.

Supported configurations

For a complete list of supported platforms and configurations for CloudBees CD/RO, refer to the supported platforms on traditional as well as the supported platforms on Kubernetes.


Upgrades to 10.5 LTS are supported from CloudBees CD/RO 9.x, 10.0.x, 10.1.x, 10.2.x, 10.3.x, and 10.4.x versions. For complete installation instructions, refer to the Install CloudBees CD/RO on traditional platforms and CloudBees CD/RO on Kubernetes.

CloudBees Support

You can contact CloudBees Support with questions related to this release by visiting the CloudBees Support site and submitting a support request. You can provide product feedback at CloudBees feedback.