
CloudBees is pleased to announce the v10.9 release of CloudBees CD/RO. In this release, CloudBees introduces the following security updates, new features, and enhancements.

Security updates

This release includes the following security updates:

  • Improvements to ensure configuration files do not include sensitive information.

  • A process to verify installation binaries for each release.

  • You can now configure trusted origins for cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) using ecconfigure.

Feature updates

Parameterized templates

You can now create releases from parameterized templates.

New additional volume parameters

Additional volume mount and additional volume support parameters are available for Kubernetes deployments. The new parameters support mounting custom configmap volume or data volume.

Apache ZooKeeper four-letter-words (4lw)

Apache ZooKeeper has been updated to recognize four-letter-word (4lw) test commands.

UI improvements

This release includes UI improvements for the following CloudBees CD/RO features:

  • Microservices editor view

  • Job details

  • Pipeline Properties page

  • Banner display


The microservices wizard has been updated to improve ease of use.

Job details

The Job details page enhancements include:

  • A link to the pipeline run (when applicable)

  • The snapshot name now displays (when applicable)

  • Updated icons

Pipeline properties

The pipeline Properties page has been enhanced to provide the option to select and delete multiple properties.

Banner updates

A more prominent banner has been introduced, which includes the ability to set its color and icon.


CloudBees continuously develops and improves integration plugins, which support third-party tools used across DevOps processes. With this release, CloudBees introduces integrations with JFrog Xray and GitLab.

Download instructions

  • Download CloudBees CD/RO at CloudBees Downloads.

  • Release notes and product documentation are available for CloudBees CD/RO.

Supported configurations

For a complete list of supported platforms and configurations for CloudBees CD/RO, refer to:


Upgrades to CloudBees CD/RO v10.9 LTS are supported from CloudBees CD/RO 9.x, 10.0.x, 10.1.x, 10.2.x, 10.3.x, 10.4.x, 10.5.x, 10.6.x, 10.7.x, and 10.8.x versions. For complete installation instructions, refer to Install CloudBees CD/RO on traditional platforms and CloudBees CD/RO on Kubernetes.

CloudBees Support

You can contact CloudBees Support with questions related to this release by visiting CloudBees Support and submitting a support request. You can provide product feedback at CloudBees feedback.