Search the change history

1 minute readData analyticsAutomation

Follow these steps to start a search in the Change History.

You can start a Change History search from most pages in the CloudBees CD/RO UI.

  1. Click the Search button or click Change History.

    The Change History—Search dialog box opens.

    change history search1


Time range field.

Click the down arrow to open the drop-down list of start times.

The end time is the current time.


Objects field.

Click the down arrow to open the drop-down list of objects to include in the search. You can select All or specific objects.

By default, seven of the most commonly tracked objects are selected.


Search criteria.

After you type, the system starts searching for objects based on the time range and objects that you selected.

The search results are in the Change History.

  1. To select a time range for the search:

    1. Click the down arrow in the Time range field to open the drop-down list.

    2. Select a time range.

    3. If you want to use a time increment longer than three days, do the following:

      1. Click Select Date.

        The Date Picker opens.

      2. Select a date.

        The Date Picker closes and the date that you selected appears in the Time Increment field.

  2. To select an objects for the search:

    1. Click the down arrow in the Object field to open the drop-down list.

    2. Select the objects for the search.

  3. Enter the search criteria.

    As you type, the system starts to search for objects that match your search criteria.

    A list of objects matching your search criteria appears in the results section.

  4. Select an object in the list.

    change history search results

    The change history for the object that you selected appears.