Start and stop servers and agents manually

2 minute readReference

CloudBees CD/RO and CloudBees Analytics servers and agents must be manually stopped and started for administrative maintenance, upgrades, third-party software installations, or system maintenance. For information on stopping and starting CloudBees Analytics servers and agents, refer to Start and stop servers and agents manually.

Stopping the CloudBees CD/RO agent service

To stop the CloudBees CD/RO agent service, choose one of the following options.


  1. Go to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.

  2. Right-click CloudBees CD/RO Agent and select Stop.

Windows command line

Open a command window as Administrator, and run:

sc stop CommanderAgent


  • If you are using systemd, run:

    sudo systemctl stop commanderAgent
  • Else, log into a shell as root, and run:

    • Linux:

      /etc/init.d/commanderAgent stop
    • macOS:

      launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/ecmdrAgent.plist

Stopping all CloudBees CD/RO server services

To stop all CloudBees CD/RO server services, choose one of the following options.


  1. Go to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.

  2. Right-click CloudBees CD/RO Server and select Stop.

  3. Right-click CloudBees CD/RO Web Server and select Stop.

  4. Right-click CloudBees CD/RO Database (if it exists) and select Stop.

  5. Right-click CloudBees CD/RO Repository Server and select Stop.

Windows command line

Open a command window as Administrator, and run:

sc stop CommanderServer sc stop CommanderApache sc stop CommanderDatabase sc stop CommanderRepository


  • If you are using systemd, run:

    sudo systemctl stop commanderServer sudo systemctl stop ommanderApache sudo systemctl stop commanderDatabase sudo systemctl stop commanderRepository
  • Else, log into a shell as root, and run:

    /etc/init.d/commanderServer stop /etc/init.d/commanderApache stop /etc/init.d/commanderDatabase stop /etc/init.d/commanderRepository stop

Starting the CloudBees CD/RO agent service

To start the CloudBees CD/RO agent service, choose one of the following options.


  1. Go to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.

  2. Right-click CloudBees CD/RO Agent and select Start.

Windows command line

Open a command window as Administrator, and run:

sc start CommanderAgent


  • If you are using systemd, run:

    sudo systemctl stop commanderAgent
  • Else, log into a shell as root, and run either:

    • Linux:

      /etc/init.d/commanderAgent stop
    • macOS:

      launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/ecmdrAgent.plist

Starting all CloudBees CD/RO server services

To start all CloudBees CD/RO server services, choose one of the following options.


  1. Go to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.

  2. Right-click CloudBees CD/RO Database (if it exists) and select Start.

  3. Right-click CloudBees CD/RO Server and select Start.

  4. Right-click CloudBees CD/RO Web Server and select Start.

  5. Right-click CloudBees CD/RO Repository Server and select Start.

Windows command line

Open a command window as Administrator, and run:

sc start CommanderDatabase sc start CommanderServer sc start CommanderApache sc start CommanderRepository


  • If you are running systemd, run:

    sudo systemctl start commanderDatabase sudo systemctl start commanderServer sudo systemctl star commanderApache sudo systemctl start commanderRepository
  • Else, log into a shell as root, and run:

    /etc/init.d/commanderDatabase start /etc/init.d/commanderServer start /etc/init.d/commanderApache start /etc/init.d/commanderRepository start