Manage plugins

2 minute readAutomation

Editing a Plugin

You can edit plugins in plugin management that you have created there. You cannot use it to edit plugins that are bundled with CloudBees CD/RO or downloaded from the plugins catalog.

  1. From the main menu, select DevOps Essentials  Plugin Management  Installed plugins. The Plugin management UI appears.

  2. Select the name of the plugin that you want to edit. The Project Details page for the plugin appears.

  3. Create or update the procedures, properties, and so on as needed for the plugin project.

  4. Select the Edit plugin details. The Edit Plugin Details page for the plugin appears.

  5. Complete the page as follows:

    Name Description


    (Optional) Plain text description of the plugin. CloudBees CD/RO does not interpret this text.


    (Optional) Category for the plugin. Categories let you group plugins by functionality or purpose and provide a convenient way to look up a specific plugin if you know its functionality or purpose. For example, when you are configuring a process step and want to deploy an application on WebSphere, you first choose the Application Server category and then the WebSphere plugin.

    You can select an existing plugin category by using the autofill functionality, or you can enter a new category. The default category is Utility.


    (Optional) Plugin author’s name. For example, a user or organization name.

    Author Url

    (Optional) Plugin author’s URL. For example,

    Enable plugin configuration support

    (Optional) Determines whether to allow the addition of plugin procedures to support the creation of plugin configurations. Disabling this option displays a confirmation dialog box: Any existing plugin configurations for this plugin will be deleted if the 'Enable plugin configuration support' is unchecked.

    If you enable this feature, the Configuration Setup tab is added to the Project Details page for the plugin, and the CreateConfiguration and DeleteConfiguration procedures are added to the plugin (you can select the Procedures tab to see these procedures). This tab lets you modify information required to support plugin configurations such as the parameters required by the CreateConfiguration procedure.

  6. Select OK.

Exporting a Plugin

Export a plugin in order to import it to another CloudBees CD/RO server. Only procedures and properties are exported. Workflows, schedules, credentials, and so on are not exported.

  1. In the Automation Platform, choose Administration>Plugins. The Plugin Manager page appears.

  2. Select the Export link for the plugin that you want to export. The plugin .zip file is downloaded to your system as <plugin-name>-<version>.zip.