Create or edit artifacts

2 minute readAutomation

To create a new artifact

  1. Enter information into the fields as follows:

    Field Name Description

    Group ID

    Enter a group name of your choice for this artifact. A Group Id (groupId) acts as a namespace for grouping related artifacts. The idea is that artifact "sdk" for group "platform" can co-exist with artifact "sdk" in group "ui" without there being any name collisions. This field is limited to alphanumeric characters, spaces, underscores, hyphens, and periods.

    Artifact Key

    Enter an identifier of your choice for this artifact. This field is limited to alphanumeric characters, spaces, underscores, hyphens, and periods.


    (Optional) Plain text or HTML description for this object. If using HTML, you must surround your text with <html> …​ </html> tags. Allowable HTML tags are <a>, <b>, <br>, <div>, <dl>, <font>, <i>, <li>, <ol>, <p>, <pre>, <span>, <style>, <table>, <tc>, <td>, <th>, <tr>, and <ul>.

    • For example, the following HTML:

      <p> <span style="font-family: Arial;"> <i>Note:</i> For more information about the <b>abc</b> object, see <a href=""></a>. </span> </p>

      renders as follows:

      <i>Note</i>: For more information about the <b>abc</b> object, see

    Artifact Version Name Template

    A template for the names of artifact versions published to this artifact. For example: $[/myArtifactVersion/groupId]:$[/myArtifactVersion/artifactKey]:$[/myArtifactVersion/version] Produces a name like: platform:sdk:1.0.0-36 Only absolute property paths and /myArtifactVersion -based paths are supported. If not specified, the "Artifact Version name template"server setting is used.

  2. Select OK after filling in the fields and to go to the Artifacts page to see your new artifact listed in the first column.

To edit an artifact

  1. Select Access Control at the top of the page to add permissions to this artifact.

  2. You can add a Description or modify your existing description.

  3. You can add an Artifact Version Name Template or modify your existing template.

  4. Select OK to save your changes and return to the Artifacts page.