Procedure run details

4 minute readAutomation

The multi-tabbed job details page provides a wide range of job management features. The page updates while jobs are running, automatically displaying the job completion status.

The summary section lets you:

  • View the job completion status, start time, duration, and launch by data.

  • Modify the job tag by selecting Edit tags.

  • Configure the pipeline run, project, procedure, schedule, or snapshot by selecting the associated name link.

  • Restart the job by selecting Run again.

  • Access the following job related features using the three-dots:

    • Stop to halt the running of the job.

    • Access Control to manage job permissions.

    • Delete to remove the job.

Access job details

To access procedure run details:

  1. Navigate to DevOps Essentials  Procedure Runs.

  2. In the Actions column, select the three dots icon 3 dot icon for the procedure run, and then select Details.

To access procedure run details:

  1. Navigate to Deployment Automation  Application process runs.

  2. In the Actions column, select the three dots icon 3 dot icon for the application process run, and then select Details.


The tabs on the Job details page allow you to select the type of information you want to view.

Tabs provide search and filter options to view specific types of information. Searching or filtering the information that displays on the tabs can help you troubleshoot issues. The Expand all toggle switch lets you view or hide any subprocedures.

The Job details page contains the following tabs:

Manage job steps

The Steps tab lets you manage job step configuration by:

  • Modifying step settings by selecting the step name.

  • Reviewing the job step log in a new tab by selecting the log icon.

  • Monitoring the job run Status and Duration.

    The Status field can be overridden by postp to include more specific information. You may link the postp information directly to the diagnostic information.
  • Modifying the job resource by selecting the associated name link.

  • Managing job step features by selecting the three-dots to:

    • Stop the job step, if it is currently running.

    • Alter step Properties or Parameters configuration.

    • Edit to modify step attributes.


The Properties tab displays the following information about any properties associated with the job:

  • Name: Displays the name of the property.

  • Value: Displays the property value.

Click the three vertical dots in the Actions column to access the following options for a property:

  • Edit: Lets you edit the following property attributes:

    • Property name

    • Value

    • Description

    • Expandable

    • Track changes to value

  • Move to: Lets you move the property to a different property sheet.

  • Copy to: Lets you copy the property to a different property sheet.

  • Delete: Deletes the property from the job.

Actual parameters

The Actual parameters tab displays the name and value of any actual parameters that you provided for the top-level procedure. An actual parameter is an object that provides the value for a parameter. It is passed to the procedure when it is invoked.

Output parameters

The Output parameters tab displays the name and value of any output parameters that were provided by the procedure during runtime. Output parameters allow you to determine what properties are generated by a process or procedure in order to use them. When you define output parameters at the procedure or process level, you do not need to look at the script under each step to determine what output properties are created when the procedure runs.


The Diagnostics tab lets you view specific types of diagnostic records.

If the job generated warning or error messages, this tab displays one or more diagnostics, each of which is a portion of a step’s log file. Typically, each diagnostic relates to an error or warning detected by the postprocessor. All diagnostics for a particular step appear together.

Each diagnostic contains a header line such as "Error #3 of 5" with an icon, followed by a line with additional identifying information and one or more lines extracted from the log file. The identifying line has a format similar to:

"systemTest-windows.log:16 (systemtest)"
  • The first part of the line provides the name of the log file (systemTest-Windows.log) and the line number of the first line in the file that is part of this diagnostic (16).

  • If you click on the log file name, CloudBees CD/RO displays the full log file for you, with the portion in this diagnostic highlighted. If the postprocessor was able to provide additional information about the issue, it is displayed in parentheses after the log filename. The first value (systemtest-windows) gives the name of a particular module or package in which the problem occurred.

  • The second value (systemtest) identifies a specific place where the problem occurred, such as the file name that did not compile or the name of a test that failed.


If you have designated certain persons or groups to be notified of details for specific job steps, the Notifiers tab displays who receives the email notification, the type of notification, any condition, and a description. You can select the notifier’s name to view or edit the details.

Published artifacts

The Published artifacts tab displays any artifacts that were published as a result of this job.

Retrieved artifacts

The Retrieved artifacts tab displays any artifacts that were retrieved as a result of this job.

Event log

The Event log tab displays any events associated with the job. For more information about the information contained in event logs, refer to View event logs.

The Event log tab displays the following information about any events associated with the job:

  • Time: Displays the time the event was logged.

  • Severity: Indicates the severity of the event. Severity types include INFO, WARN, and ERROR.

  • User: Displays the name of the user for the session at the time the event was generated.

  • Subject: Indicates the object associated with the message. You can click on the subject to view the source for the object.

  • Message: Contains further information about the resource or workspace issue. The message is either informational, or it displays the relevant warning or error message.