Memory usage varies depending on whether the CloudBees CD/RO server is a dedicated machine. Refer to CloudBees CD/RO server and agent requirements for sizing details.
Modifying memory settings for a CloudBees CD/RO server
There are two ways you can adjust the amount of memory for the CloudBees CD/RO server.
Modify the
lines inwrapper.conf
Use the following table to determine the correct directory path.
Server Type | System | Path |
Non-repository |
Windows 2008 |
Windows 7 |
Linux |
Repository |
Windows 2008 |
Windows 7 |
Linux |
to set the initial and maximum memory settings.For example, to set the CloudBees CD/RO Server initial memory percentage to 21% and the maximum memory percentage to 31%, enter the following command:
ecconfigure --serverInitMemory 21 --serverMaxMemory 31
Modifying memory settings for a CloudBees CD/RO agent
To adjust the amount of memory for the CloudBees CD/RO agent, modify the
lines in wrapper.conf for the agent. Use the appropriate directory path:
C:\ProgramData\CloudBees\Software Delivery Automation\conf\agent\wrapper.conf
Modifying memory settings for containerized servers
By default, the initial memory and maximum memory for the CloudBees CD/RO server and repository server JVMs are configured as percentages of the total system memory. However, if these servers are running in a container, their JVMs cannot see the container’s total system memory.
To fix this problem, you can either:
Make the JVM aware that it is running in a Docker container and observe the container memory limits.
Modify the settings in the
file for the CloudBees CD/RO server and CloudBees CD/RO repository server to use absolute values (in MB) instead of using
Docker container memory limits
As of Java SE 8u131, and in JDK 9, you can transparently set a maximum Java heap for Docker memory limits. To make the JVM aware of these limits if you do not set a maximum Java heap via -Xmx
, you must use two experimental JVM command line options:
-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap
Configuring memory settings for containerized servers
To configure the CloudBees CD/RO server and repository server Java processes to use absolute values:
Open a Bash session in the container by entering:
docker exec -it <container_name> bash
is the name of your CloudBees CD/RO server or repository server container. For example, enter:docker exec -it efserver bash
Enter the following command:
ecconfigure --serverInitMemoryMB=<megabytes> --serverMaxMemoryMB=<megabytes>
ecconfigure --repositoryInitMemoryMB=<megabytes> --repositoryMaxMemoryMB=<megabytes>
For example, enter:
ecconfigure --serverInitMemoryMB=4096 --serverMaxMemoryMB=6144
ecconfigure --repositoryInitMemoryMB=512 --repositoryMaxMemoryMB=1024
Select the maximum values based on your usage requirements. The server service restarts and begins using the new settings.
For information about using ecconfigure
, see CloudBees CD/RO Installed Tools.