Data retention

9 minute readData analytics

More and more enterprises from regulated industries, like financial services and healthcare, have strict auditing guidelines around data retention. For example, some agencies need to maintain records for seven years for compliance purposes. As CloudBees CD/RO is used, the volume of runtime data accumulates in its databases, possibly eroding performance, along with data storage challenges. CloudBees CD/RO data retention provides a way for the enterprise to manage its data archival and purge needs for runtime objects.

Data retention in CloudBees CD/RO includes support for these concepts:

  • Support for data archiving: The process of copying data to storage external to the CloudBees CD/RO server. Available via either UI or API.

  • Support for data purging: The process of deleting data from the CloudBees CD/RO server. Available via either UI or API.

  • Data retention policies: Data archive and purge criteria, based on object type. Configure via either UI or API.

  • Archive connectors: Specifications of the target archival systems. Configure via API, only.

Key benefits of data retention

CloudBees CD/RO data retention provides the following key benefits to your organization:

  • Performance and cost benefits: Archiving infrequently accessed data to a secondary storage optimizes application performance. Systematically removing or purging data that is no longer needed from the system helps improve performance and saves disk space.

  • Regulatory compliance: Enterprises in regulated industries, such as the Financial industry, are required to retain data for certain lengths of time for regulatory compliance.

  • Internal corporate policy compliance: Organizations may need to retain historical data for audit purposes or to comply with corporate data retention policies

  • Business intelligence and analytics: Organizations want to use archived information in potentially new and unanticipated ways. For example, in retrospective analytics, ML, and more.

Planning your data retention strategy

  • Decide which objects to include in your retention strategy. Supported objects include:

    • Releases

    • Pipeline runs

    • Deployments

    • Jobs

    • CloudBees CI builds

  • Decide on data retention server settings. For more information, refer to Setting up data retention.

    Keeping in mind the amount and frequency of data you wish to process, configure CloudBees CD/RO server settings to handle the rate.

  • Decide the archive criteria for each object type. For more information, refer to Manage data retention policies.

    • List of projects to which the object can belong.

    • List of completed statuses for the object based on the object type. Active objects cannot be archived.

    • Look-back time frame of completed status.

    • Action: archive only, purge only, purge after archive.

  • Decide on the archive storage system. For more information, refer to Managing archive connectors.

    Often, the choice of archive storage systems is driven by the enterprise’s data retention requirements. For example, regulatory compliance might require a WORM compliant storage that prevents altering data, while data analytics might require a different kind of storage that allows for easy and flexible data retrieval. Based on your archival requirements, you can create an archive connector into which the CloudBees CD/RO data archiving process feeds data.

    These are some of the types of archive storage systems:

    • Cloud-based data archiving solutions: AWS S3, AWS Glacier, Azure Archive Storage, and so on.

    • WORM compliant archive storage: NetApp.

    • Analytics and reporting system: Elasticsearch, Splunk, and so on.

    • Traditional disk-based storage.

    • RDBMS and NoSql databases.

Setting up data retention

To set up data retention for your CloudBees CD/RO server, you must perform the following:

Following is the list of CloudBees CD/RO server settings related to data retention. To access server settings, available from CloudBees CD/RO:

  1. From the CloudBees navigation, select CloudBees CD/RO.

  2. From the main menu, go to Administration  Server Settings  Data Retention. The Edit Data Retention page displays.

Related settings include:

Setting Name Description

Enable Data Retention Management

When enabled, the data retention management service is run periodically to archive or purge data based on the defined data retention policy.

true—archiving enabled. (default)

false—archiving disabled.

Property name: enableDataRetentionManagement

Type: Boolean

Data Retention Management service frequency in minutes

Controls how often, in minutes, the data retention management service is scheduled to run.

Default: 1440 (1 day)

Property name: dataRetentionManagementFrequencyInMinutes

Type: Number of minutes

Data Retention Management batch size

Number of objects to process as a batch for a given data retention policy in one iteration.

Default: 100

Property name: dataRetentionManagementBatchSize

Type: Number

Maximum iterations in a Data Retention Management cycle

Maximum number of iterations in a scheduled data archive and purge cycle.

Default: 10

Property name: maxDataRetentionManagementIterations

Type: Number

Number of minutes after which archived data may be purged

Number of minutes after which archived data may be purged if the data retention rule is set up to purge after archiving.

Default: 10080 (7 days)

Property name: purgeArchivedDataAfterMinutes

Type: Number of minutes

The Cleanup Associated Workspaces feature adds to the time the purge process takes to complete.
The Cleanup Associated Workspaces feature should not be used if you are running CloudBees CD/RO versions 10.3.5 or earlier, as the feature can cause performance issues on your instance.

Manage data retention policies

From the CloudBees CD/RO UI, browse to https://<cloudbees-cd-server>/ and select Administration  Data Management from the main menu.

Use the information detailed below to view and manage data retention policies.

Data retention policies list
Figure 1. Data retention policies
  1. Manage data retention policies by:

    • Remove retention policies.

      1. Select policy checkbox

      2. Select Delete data retention policy.

    • Edit a data retention policy.

      • Select the policy name link.

      • Select Add policy information.

  2. Review the following retention policy information:

    • Filter retention policies using runtime objects by selecting Run Add.

    • Review the retention policy Object, Archive, Purge or Modified column data.

  3. Configure a data retention policy by:

    • Creating a new data retention policy by selecting Add a data retention policy

    • Activating the policy by selecting Enabled.

    • Modify a retention policy by selecting the policy three-dots three-dot and a configuration option.

      View modification options.
      • Edit: - Use to modify a retention policy.

      • DSL Export: - Use to download a policy in DSL format.

      • Preview: Use to view a list of objects to be archived or purged.

      • Delete: - Use to remove the retention policy.

Edit a data retention policy

Access policy modification features from the Data retention policies page by:

  • Selecting the data retention policy name link or Add policy information.

  • Selecting Edit from the three-dot three-dots menu.

Data retention policy - Details

Use the information detailed below to edit data retention policy details and definitions.

Edit data retention policy
Figure 2. Edit data retention policy - Details

Modify policy details.

  • Type a name for the data retention policy.

  • Type a description for the data retention policy.

Data retention policy - Definition

Define how many objects to retain.

Edit data retention policy
Figure 3. Edit data retention policy - Definition - Retain object

Identify the number of objects to retain.

  • Select Retain object to identify the number of objects to retain.

  • Enter the number of the newest, most recent objects to hold into the Number of objects field. For example, if the policy is to hold the 100 most recent objects, enter 100. The result is the latest 100 objects, chronologically, are always stored while other data beyond this count are subject to the Action defined below.

Edit data retention policy
Figure 4. Edit data retention policy - Definition - Object time frame

Define the timeframe for the policy.

  • Select Object time frame.

    The age and ageUnit fields together define a time threshold from the current date, determining which data to preserve or act upon based on its age. Every time the data retention process is intiated, it uses the current date and time as its reference point ("now"). Rather than specify a fixed date, use the age and ageUnit fields to define how far back you want to go from the present moment.

  • Enter the time-based number that defines the timeframe for this policy into the Number field.

  • Select the time unit (Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, Months, or Years) from the Age unit field to complete the time threshold for data retention.

Edit data retention policy
Figure 5. Edit data retention policy - Define remaining definition fields

Select the attributes for the remaining definition fields.

  • Choose an object by type and status:

    • Completed Releases: Include sub-releases.

    • Completed Pipeline runs: Successful, Error, Warning, Aborted.

    • Completed Deployments: Successful, Error, Warning, Aborted, Remove deployments in database, Remove associated workspaces.

    • Completed Jobs: Successful, Error, Warning, Aborted, Remove jobs in database, Remove associated workspaces.

    • Completed Builds: Successful, Failed, Unstable, Aborted, Not built.

  • Filter by project.

  • Filter by tags.

  • Select a retention policy action.

    • Select the action to take when an object is no longer within the retention policy: Purge, Archive, Purge after archive.

  • Indicate whether to include subreleases.

Data retention policy - Schedule and More criteria

Select the link below to use the schedules feature to modify all the schedules linked to the data retention policy.

Edit data retention policy
Figure 6. Edit data retention policy - Multiple Schedules

Use the information detailed below to edit the data retention policy schedule and retention object criteria.

Edit data retention policy
Figure 7. Edit data retention policy - Single Schedule and More criteria
The save, cancel, and preview features are located at the bottom of the screen.
  1. Choose one of the retention policy schedule options:

    • Select the Use global schedule checkbox tp use the default schedule.

    • Select the Disable using a schedule checkbox to turn off scheduling.

  2. Define schedule attributes.

    • Enter a unique schedule identifier into the Schedule name field.

    • Select a project to link the schedule from the Project menu options.

    • Choose the policy run interval by selecting the Set frequency conditional options:

      • Once

      • Every Day

      • Days of the Week

      • Days of the Month

    • Complete the Time zone, Start time and Start date fields.

    • Apply the scheduling policy that defines how a schedule resumes in case the scheduled time is interrupted.

      • Select Ignore the missed triggers and wait for the next schedule time to run the job at the next scheduled time.

      • Select Run once as soon as possible, then resume normal scheduling to run the job at the soonest time that occurs within an active region. For example, at server startup a scheduled job will not trigger immediately on startup.

  3. Configure the field name or root parameter object criteria to include additional field names or root parameter objects.

    • Select Add criteria.

    • Add the Field name criteria by either:

      • Enter the name of the field or root parameter.

      • Select the name from the blue arrowt menu.

      • Select an Operator type option.

      • Enter applicable Value field text.

      • Modify existing Field name, Operator type, or Value field entries.

    • Remove criteria objects:

      • Select the Field name checkbox.

      • Select Delete.


You can create and manage data retention rules using the API commands through the ectool command-line interface or through a DSL script. For complete details about the API, refer to Data retention policy.

Managing archive connectors

To support different kinds of archival systems, the data retention framework provides an extension mechanism to register archive connectors configured for the particular storage system.

Out of the box, CloudBees CD/RO comes with two sample archive connectors to use as a starting point for your own custom connector:

  • File Archive Connector: Configures a directory to use as the archive target.

  • CloudBees Analytics Server Connector: Configures archiving to a report object.

Only one archive connector can be active at a time.

Via UI

Not supported.


You can create and manage archive connectors using the API commands through the ectool command-line interface or through a DSL script.

Out of the box, CloudBees CD/RO provides DSL for two archive connectors. Use these as starting points to customize based on your own requirements. When ready to implement your connector, save the DSL script to a file ( MyArchiveConnector.dsl is used below) and run the following on the command line:

ectool evalDSL --dsl MyArchiveConnector.dsl

File archive connector

This connector writes data to an absolute archive directory in your file system. Use as is or customize with your own logic, for example, to store data in subdirectories by month or year.

If you customize the logic, update the example DSL and apply it to the CloudBees CD/RO server by using the following command, where fileConnector.dsl is the name of your customized DSL script:

ectool evalDsl --dslFile fileConnector.dsl

Now, enable it (in either case) with the following command:

ectool modifyArchiveConnector "File Archive Connector" --actualParameter archiveDirectory="C:/archive" --enabled true
archiveConnector 'File Archive Connector', { enabled = true archiveDataFormat = 'JSON' // Arguments available to the archive script // 1. args.entityName: Entity being archived, e.g., release, job, flowRuntime // 2. args.archiveObjectType: Object type defined in the data retention policy, // e.g., release, job, deployment, pipelineRun // 3. args.entityUUID: Entity UUID of the entity being archived // 4. args.serializedEntity: Serialized form of the entity data to be archived based on // the configured archiveDataFormat. // 5. args.archiveDataFormat: Data format for the serialized data to be archived // // The archive script must return a boolean value. // true - if the data was archived // false - if the data was not archived archiveScript = ''' def archiveDirectory = 'SET_ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_ARCHIVE_DIRECTORY_LOCATION_HERE' def dir = new File(archiveDirectory, args.entityName) dir.mkdirs() File file = new File(dir, "${args.entityName}-${args.entityUUID}.json") // Connectors can choose to handle duplicates if they needs to. // This connector implementation will not process a record if the // corresponding file already exists. if (file.exists()) { return false } else { file << args.serializedEntity return true }''' }

CloudBees Analytics archive connector

This connector configures archiving to the CloudBees Analytics server.

If you customize the logic, update the example DSL and apply it to the CloudBees CD/RO server by using the following command, where fileConnector.dsl is the name of your customized DSL script:

ectool evalDsl --dslFile fileConnector.dsl

Enable it with the following command:

ectool modifyArchiveConnector "{SDA-ANALYTICS} Server Connector" --enabled true

Apply the DSL script below to create a report object type for each object that can be archived.

// Create the report objects for the archived data before creating the // archive connector for {SDA-ANALYTICS} server connector. reportObjectType 'archived-release', displayName: 'Archived Release' reportObjectType 'archived-job', displayName: 'Archived Job' reportObjectType 'archived-deployment', displayName: 'Archived Deployment' reportObjectType 'archived-pipelinerun', displayName: 'Archived Pipeline Run'

This DSL script creates the following report object types:

  • archived-release

  • archived-job

  • archived-deployment

  • archived-pipelinerun

archiveConnector '{SDA-ANALYTICS} Server Connector', { // the archive connector is disabled out-of-the-box enabled = true archiveDataFormat = 'JSON' // Arguments available to the archive script // 1. args.entityName: Entity being archived, e.g., release, job, flowRuntime // 2. args.archiveObjectType: Object type defined in the data retention policy, // e.g., release, job, deployment, pipelineRun // 3. args.entityUUID: Entity UUID of the entity being archived // 4. args.serializedEntity: Serialized form of the entity data to be archived based on // the configured archiveDataFormat. // 5. args.archiveDataFormat: Data format for the serialized data to be archived // // The archive script must return a boolean value. // true - if the data was archived // false - if the data was not archived archiveScript = ''' def reportObjectName = "archived-${args.archiveObjectType.toLowerCase()}" def payload = args.serializedEntity // If de-duplication should be done, then add documentId to the payload // args.entityUUID -> documentId. This connector implementation does not // do de-duplication. Documents in DOIS may be resolved upon retrieval // based on archival date or other custom logic. sendReportingData reportObjectTypeName: reportObjectName, payload: payload return true ''' }

For complete details about the API, refer to Data Retention.