Your CloudBees CD/RO instances running in the Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) can access and use database instances from Cloud SQL. To access a Cloud SQL database instance from CloudBees CD/RO, you can use either:
The Cloud SQL Auth proxy with a public or private IP, or
A direct connection using a private IP address.
It is strongly recommended to use the Cloud SQL Auth proxy to connect to Cloud SQL, even when using a private IP. The Cloud SQL Auth proxy provides strong IAM services to help maintain your database security. For more information, refer to Cloud SQL Auth proxy documentation. Using a direct connection is not recommended and may expose your database to multiple threats. Because of the security issues involved with direct connections, the following information only covers connecting with the Cloud SQL Auth proxy. |
Creating a Cloud SQL service account for CloudBees CD/RO
Creating a dedicated service account for CloudBees CD/RO is strongly recommended to reduce vulnerabilities. Using a shared service account with broad permissions may result in individual applications being granted much broader access than intended. Whereas, creating a dedicated service account for CloudBees CD/RO is more secure and allows you to grant and limit permissions as needed.
The CloudBees CD/RO service account must meet the following criteria:
The Cloud SQL Admin API must be enabled for your project.
The CloudBees CD/RO service account requires the
permission. By default, new service accounts are created with the rolecloudsql.editor
. However, you can assign thecloudsql.client
role implicitly when creating the account. Thecloudsql.client
role includescloudsql.instances.connect
and prevents over assigningeditor
The steps to include these requirements are included in Configuring Cloud SQL instances for CloudBees CD/RO. |
Configuring Cloud SQL instances for CloudBees CD/RO
The Cloud SQL instance you connect to must either have a public IPv4 address or be configured to use private IP. If you are connecting with a private IP, you must use a VPC-native GKE cluster in the same VPC as your Cloud SQL instance.
For connecting using private IP, the GKE cluster must be VPC-native and peered with the same VPC network as the Cloud SQL instance. For more information, refer to Cloud SQL private IP documentation. |
Configuring Cloud SQL Auth proxy to connect to CloudBees CD/RO
The following steps describe how to add the Cloud SQL Auth proxy to the CloudBees CD/RO flow-server pod using the sidecar container pattern. Adding the Cloud SQL Auth proxy container to the same pod as the CloudBees CD/RO server enables the server to connect to the Cloud SQL Auth proxy using localhost, increasing security and performance.
Set the following values based on your environment:
To set the default
commands, run:gcloud config set project $PROJECT_ID
To enable Cloud SQL Admin API for the project, run:
gcloud services enable
To create a Google Service Account (GSA) for CloudBees CD/RO, run:
gcloud iam service-accounts create $GSA_NAME --project=$PROJECT_ID
This account will be used to connect to the database instance using the Cloud SQL Auth proxy. -
To grant the Cloud SQL Client IAM role to the service account, run:
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member="serviceAccount:$GSA_NAME@$" --role=roles/cloudsql.client
Configure GKE to provide the service account to the Cloud SQL Auth proxy using GKE’s Workload Identity feature.
To add the workload identity to a new cluster:
Set the following values based on your environment:
To create a cluster for your containers, run:
gcloud container clusters create $CLUSTER_NAME --project=$PROJECT_ID --workload-pool=$
To create the new namespace, run:
kubectl create namespace $NAMESPACE
To create a Kubernetes service account (KSA) for the new namespace, run:
kubectl create serviceaccount $KSA_NAME --namespace $NAMESPACE
To enable the IAM binding between the KSA and GSA, run:
kubectl annotate serviceaccount $KSA_NAME$GSA_NAME@$ --namespace $NAMESPACE
gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding --role="roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser" --member="serviceAccount:$[$NAMESPACE/$KSA_NAME]" $GSA_NAME@$
To add the workload identity to an existing cluster, refer to Google documentation to update an existing cluster.
Run the Cloud SQL Auth proxy as a sidecar. If you have not configured the Cloud SQL Auth proxy in the CloudBees CD/RO installation, refer to Running the Cloud SQL Auth proxy as a sidecar.
Your Cloud SQL Auth proxy to the CloudBees CD/RO flow-server pod is added using the sidecar container pattern.
Running the Cloud SQL Auth proxy as a sidecar
Running the Cloud SQL Auth proxy using a sidecar pattern (as an additional container sharing a pod with the CloudBees CD/RO flow-server) is recommended over running it as a separate service for several reasons:
The Cloud SQL Auth proxy provides encryption on outgoing connections, which may help prevent your SQL traffic from being exposed locally.
Even though the Cloud SQL Auth proxy provides encryption on outgoing connections, you still need to limit exposure for incoming connections. -
Each CloudBees CD/RO flow-server replica’s access to the database is independent of the others, which prevents a single point of failure and makes your cluster more resilient.
Using the sidecar pattern limits access to the Cloud SQL Auth proxy. This allows you to use IAM permissions per application rather than exposing the database to the entire cluster.
Because the Cloud SQL Auth proxy consumes resources linearly to usage, this pattern allows you to more accurately scope and request resources to match your CloudBees CD/RO installation as it scales.
To run Cloud SQL Auth proxy as a sidecar with flow-server, configure the following values in your values.yaml when installing CloudBees CD/RO.
Only the relevant values for configuring the Cloud SQL Auth proxy as a sidecar are shown in the following example. |
database: # Connect to the database on using Cloud SQL proxy running as sidecar clusterEndpoint: rbac: # Replace KSA_NAME with the Kubernetes service account serviceAccountName: "<KSA_NAME>" server: # Enables the workloads to be scheduled on nodes that use Workload Identity nodeSelector: "true" additionalContainers: - name: cloud-sql-proxy # It is recommended to use the latest version of the Cloud SQL proxy # Make sure to update on a regular schedule. image: "" args: # Use the following flag to have the proxy connect over private IP - "--private-ip" - "--structured-logs" # Replace DB_PORT with the port the proxy should listen on. # Defaults: MySQL: 3306, Postgres: 5432, SQLServer: 1433 - "--port=<DB_PORT>" # Replace <INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME> with the instance connection name of your Cloud SQL instance. # The instance connection name is available in the Cloud SQL Instance details page of the Google Cloud console or from the `gcloud sql instances describe <INSTANCE_ID>` command. - "<INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME>" securityContext: runAsNonRoot: true resources: requests: memory: "2Gi" cpu: "1"