This page displays overall information about the CloudBees CD/RO server. These links are at the top of the table:
Click the Settings link to go to the Edit Server Settings page.
Use this page to edit properties for the CloudBees CD/RO server.
Click the Access Control link to go to the Access Control page for the server.
See the Access Control Help topic for more information.
The tables have this information:
The System Access Control table displays top-level properties.Click on an item in the Category column to see, add, or modify privileges for that object.
In the Custom Server Properties table, click on a Property Name to view the property content.
If using ectool , these properties can be accessed using the property name starting with "
". See the Properties Help topic for more information.
These links are provided within the table:
Create Property —Use this link to create a new server property.
Create Nested Property —Use this link to create a new nested server property.
Access Control —This access control link allows you to create or edit privileges for the property sheet.
The Actions column allows you to Edit or Delete the property in that row.