Signing in to CloudBees CD/RO

2 minute readDeveloper productivity

Enter https://<cloudbees-cd-server>/flow/ in a browser window, where <cloudbees-cd-server> is the CloudBees CD/RO server IP address or host name. One of the following sign-in pages displays, based on the server’s single sign-on (SSO) setting. If you ever need to sign in as a different user, simply enter the credentials for that user.

SSO Enabled

The sample sign-in page below is SSO-enabled with GSuite and Kerberos SSO. Your page may be enabled with other SSO providers such as Okta.

home page login with sso

From here, use one of the following ways to sign in:

  • Select Sign in with Google: The user is authenticated via the Google identify provider, and if successful, is redirected to their home page.

  • Select Sign in with Kerberos: This system has additionally been enabled with Kerberos SSO. The user is authenticated, and if successful, is redirected to their home page.

  • Enter a Username and Password for local authentication. Then select Sign in. If successful, the user is redirected to their homepage.

SSO Disabled

This sign-in page has SSO disabled:

home page without sso

From here, use one of the following ways to sign in:

  • The user enters a Username and Password and then clicks Sign in. If successful, the user is redirected to their homepage.

For a new installation, the default admin account user name is admin, and the password is changeme. You should change the default admin password as soon as possible.

About single sign-on

Once you sign in to your system with your domain credentials, CloudBees CD/RO single sign-on detects them and uses them to sign in on your behalf. Simply navigate to https://<cloudBees-cd-server>/flow/ and click the Single Sign-On link. The user’s home page appears.

If you want to continue again with your own domain identity on subsequent sessions, click the Single Sign-On link. This link signs you in without prompting you for a username and a password.

For information about enabling single sign-on at your enterprise see SAML single sign-on or Kerberos single sign-on.