Kubernetes cluster and storage requirements

2 minute readReference

The sections below provide detailed Kubernetes cluster and storage requirements for both non-production and production environments.

Non-production environment

Refer to the tables below for more information about configuring cluster and storage requirements in a non-production environment.

Database configuration

For a non-production environment installation, the CloudBees CD/RO Helm chart automatically installs a MariaDB database instance as a built-in database.

Cluster capacity

The table below specifies the default memory and CPU requested for each CloudBees CD/RO component in a non-production environment.

CloudBees CD/RO component/service CPU Memory

CloudBees CD/RO Server

Per replica: 1.5 CPU, Default number of replicas: 1

Per replica: 6 GiB (Memory assigned to CloudBees CD/RO JVM: 4 GiB)

Web Server

0.25 CPU

256 MiB

CloudBees Analytics Server

Per replica: 0.1 CPU, Default number of replicas: 1

Per replica: 2 GiB (Memory assigned to Elasticsearch JVM: 1 GiB)

Repository Server

0.25 CPU

512 MiB (Memory assigned to Repository JVM: 512 MiB)

CloudBees CD/RO Agent (Bound)

0.25 CPU

512 MiB (Memory assigned to Agent JVM: 256 MiB)


Consult the table below for default storage requirements for a non-production environment.

CloudBees CD/RO component/service Storage type Storage amount

CloudBees CD/RO Server


5 GiB

CloudBees Analytics Server


10 GiB

Repository Server


10 GiB

Production environment

Refer to the tables below for more information about configuring cluster and storage requirements in a production environment.

Database configuration

In a production environment installation, you must configure a separate database for your installation of CloudBees CD/RO before you initiate the installation. For current database server and sizing specifications, see Database configuration recommendations.

The database can be installed inside or outside the cluster. Update the database section in the cloudbees-cd-defaults.yaml file that is specified when installing the cloudbees-flow chart. See Database values.

Cluster capacity

The tables below specify the default memory and CPU requested for each CloudBees CD/RO component in the production environment per deployment size.

The following guidelines are a recommended starting point. You may need to scale up, based on your environment and needs.

Small to mid-range deployments

A small to mid-range deployment is defined as:

  • <1K jobs per day

  • <100 running pipelines per day

  • < 50K job steps

CloudBees CD/RO component/service CPU Memory

CloudBees CD/RO Server

Per replica: 2 CPU, Default number of replicas: 1

Per replica (minimum): 16 GiB (Memory assigned to CloudBees CD/RO JVM: 85%)

Per replica (recommended): 32 GiB (Memory assigned to CloudBees CD/RO JVM: 30 GiB)

Local storage per replica: 20 GB

Web Server

0.25 CPU

256 MiB

CloudBees Analytics Server

Per replica: 0.1 CPU, Default number of replicas: 3

Per replica: 2 GiB (Memory assigned to Elasticsearch JVM: 1 GiB)

Repository Server

0.25 CPU

512 MiB (Memory assigned to Repository JVM: 512 MiB)

CloudBees CD/RO Agent (Bound)

0.25 CPU

512 MiB (Memory assigned to Agent JVM: 256 MiB)

CloudBees CD/RO Agent (Worker)

0.25 CPU

512 MiB (Memory assigned to Agent JVM: 64 MiB)


Per replica: 0.25 CPU, Default number of replicas: 3

Per replica: 1 GiB

Very large deployments

A very large deployment is defined as:

  • ~ 100K jobs per day

  • ~ 2000 running pipelines per day

  • ~ 5M job steps per day

CloudBees CD/RO component/service Instance CPU Instance Memory Max JVM heap Local storage Replicas

CloudBees CD/RO server


128 GiB


60 GiB


CloudBees CD/RO agent


1 GiB

64 MiB

5 GiB


Web server


512 MiB




Analytics server


16 GiB


20 GiB


Repository server


1 GiB

512 MiB

20 GiB


CloudBees CD/RO bound agent


1 GiB

256 MiB





1 GiB




Persistent storage

CloudBees CD/RO components need varying levels of persistent storage.

  • Non-shared storage: A disk or file system that cannot be shared between two pods or two nodes. Examples include AWS EBS, GCP Persistent Disk, and Azure Disk.

  • Shared storage: A disk or file system that can be shared between two pods or two nodes. Examples include AWS EFS, GCP NFS Server, and Azure Filestore.

Consult the tables below for storage requirements.

Table 1. Non-shared storage
CloudBees CD/RO component/service Storage type Storage amount Mount point

CloudBees Analytics Server


Per replica: 4, 10 GiB Default number of replicas: 3


CloudBees CD/RO Agent (worker)






Table 2. Shared storage
CloudBees CD/RO component/service Storage type Storage amount Mount point

CloudBees CD/RO Server

CloudBees CD/RO Agent (bound)


5 GiB


Repository Server


20 GiB


CloudBees CD/RO server persistent volume provisioning

Update the storage section in the cloudbees-cd-defaults.yaml file specified when installing the cloudbees-flow chart. See Server storage values for details.

CloudBees CD/RO agent persistent volume provisioning

Update the storage section in the cloudbees-cd-agent-defaults.yaml file specified when installing the cloudbees-flow-agent chart. See Agent storage values for details.

Creating persistent shared storage

Refer to the instructions below to create persistent shared storage on Google Cloud Platform or Amazon EKS or Red Hat OpenShift.

Google Cloud Platform or Amazon EKS

To get started, clone the cloudbees-example repo and then use the following instructions.

  • Google Cloud Platform: Use Filestore to create a fully-managed NFS file server on Google Cloud.

    Find information and scripts to provision a Google Cloud Filestore instance in the cloudbees-examples repo.

  • Amazon EKI: Use Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) to create fully-managed persistent storage.

    Find information and scripts to provision an EFS instance in the cloudbees-examples repo.

Red Hat OpenShift

For your convenience, sample code to support persistent volumes and persistent volume claim configuration is available here.

  • Storage class

    • The default storage class used by CloudBees CD/RO must be set to volumeBindingMode: immediate. This is achieved by modifying the yaml file for the existing default storage class or by creating a new, default storage class.

  • Using Dynamic NFS Client Provisioner with NFS server

    Install NFS Client provisioner, if not already installed. Then, use the NFS Client provisioner to dynamically create a persistent volume claim (PVC), as follows.

    helm repo add stable https://charts.helm.sh/stable helm repo update helm install nfs-provisioner stable/nfs-client-provisioner \ --namespace kube-system \ --set nfs.server=<NFS_HOST> \ --set nfs.path=<NFS_PATH>

    where <NFS_HOST> is the NFS server host, and <NFS_PATH> is the NFS mounted path.

    This creates a storage class with the name, nfs-client. Use this storage class during CloudBees CD/RO installation with the following parameters to create PVCs.

    • CloudBees CD/RO installations need to set

      --set storage.volumes.serverPlugins.storageClass=nfs-client --set storage.volumes.serverPlugins.storage=10Gi
  • Using Existing NFS shared PVC

    1. Create PV using NFS:

      oc apply -n <namespace> -f pv.yaml

      where pv.yaml is as follows:

      ## pv.yaml ### apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolume metadata: name: flow-server-shared spec: capacity: storage: 15Gi accessModes: - ReadWriteMany persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain storageClassName: nfs-client nfs: path: <nfs-mount-path> server: <nfs-host>
    2. Create PVC manually using NFS:

      oc apply -n <namespace> -f pvc.yaml

      where pvc.yaml is as follows:

      ## pvc.yaml ## apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: name: flow-server-shared spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteMany storageClassName: nfs-client volumeName: flow-server-shared resources: requests: storage: 15Gi

Once you have PV and PVC created in <namespace>, use them during CloudBees CD/RO installations in OpenShift with the setting below.

CloudBees CD/RO installations need to set

--set storage.volumes.serverPlugins.name=my-shared-pvc --set storage.volumes.serverPlugins.existingClaim=true

Make sure NFS is configured with proper permissions to allow the CloudBees CD/RO server read-write access:

chmod 770 <NFS_PATH>

Additional Red Hat OpenShift requirements