This section describes installing CloudBees CD/RO on Kubernetes. These instructions assume you are familiar with Kubernetes concepts and the tooling required for establishing a Kubernetes cluster.
Before proceeding, ensure you are able to satisfy the Kubernetes cluster and storage requirements. |
CloudBees CD/RO on Kubernetes topology
The following diagram depicts a clustered topology for a production CloudBees CD/RO ecosystem running within one namespace in a Kubernetes cluster.
This diagram shows a CloudBees CD/RO and an additional agent in a cluster, whose deployment is controlled by two corresponding Helm charts:
chart installs:-
The CloudBees CD/RO server
The CloudBees CD/RO web server
The CloudBees Analytics server
The repository server
A bound agent, which serves as a local agent for the CloudBees CD/RO and repository servers.
chart provides configuration for one or more agents to execute commands, monitor status, and collect results, in parallel across pods. Each agent can be configured independently to provide specific resources for the tasks it executes.