Searching and Filtering

2 minute readDeveloper productivity

Object lists support an extensive searching and filtering capability. Each list has both a default filter and user-defined custom filters.

basic initial ui


Filter dropdown—The filters defined for the current object list. As shipped, each page has a default filter. One or more user-defined custom filters can be manually added to the list. Click the down arrow and select the filter of choice. Once selected, the object list reflects the filter criteria.


Find box—The current search criteria for the default filter.


All projects dropdown—Restrict search criteria for the default filter to specified projects. By default, all projects are searched.


Tags dropdown—Restrict search criteria for the default filter to specified tags. See Tagging Objects in CloudBees CD/RO for further information.

The Default Filter

This filter is used to search object names. Enter all or part of an object name in the Find box on the object list. Further restrict your search by specifying projects and tags. Contents of the list dynamically changes based on the criteria. The criteria is active until another one is entered and is cleared when you navigate away from the object list.

Custom Filters

Custom filters give you the ability to define finer grained search criteria than with what the default filter provides. Saved custom filters persist and are available on subsequent visits to the list. The scope of custom filters is the object list. There are no global custom filters.

Creating a Custom Filter

create custom filter
  1. Click the New button.

  2. Select Field, Operator, and Value. Operator and value choices are context sensitive based on the field name.

  3. Add more conditions to the filter.

The new filter appears in the Filter dropdown, but is cleared when you navigate away from the object list unless you save it.

Saving a Custom Filter

save custom filter

Saving a custom filter keeps it in the filter list, available each time you visit the object list page. To save:

  1. Click Save.

  2. Enter the filter name.

  3. Click OK.

Deleting a Custom Filter

delete custom filter
  1. Click the Edit button.

  2. Select the filter to be deleted.

  3. Click the trash can button and click OK on the confirming Delete Filter dialog.