This page displays detailed information about a job. If the job is currently running, the page updates automatically as the job progresses. After the job is complete, the page will not continue to refresh. You can disable the automatic page refresh by clicking the Stop Refresh link at the top of the page.
Links and actions at the top of the table
Track Changes —This link takes you to the Change History for the job.
Abort —Aborts a running job.
Run Again —Use this link to run the job again. When you select the Run Again button, you are requesting to re-run the job with the same parameter values as the original invocation. If you change the parameter values, you can select " Run… " from the dropdown menu (small down-arrow) next to the Run Again button.
Delete —Deletes this job.
Save Configuration —Saves this configuration to the Quick View section on the Home page.
Access Control —Use this link to set privileges for this job. For more information, see Access control.
Stop Refresh —This link is available only if a job is currently running. Click this link if you do not want the page to refresh automatically while a job is running.
View Log —This link takes you to the Job Log page. If your job "completed with errors", this log contains error messages.
"Star" icon—Allows you to save this job information to your Home page.
"Curved arrow" icon—Returns you to the Jobs page.
Pagination —Use the "previous" and "next" arrow icons to view the previous or next job. The numbers between the arrow icons display the number of jobs you can view and the first number indicates which job [in the list] you are viewing.
Summary section (at the top of the page)
Along with the job’s start and elapsed times, the summary section provides links to get you to the job’s Project or Procedure Details pages or to the Edit Schedule page.
This section also displays:
A job’s priority and a "Calling State" category—If the job was called by a workflow, you will see two links, one to the Workflow Details page and one to the State Details page.
"Wait times"—You will see wait times specified if your running job was restricted by resource, workspace, a precondition, or license availability. Note: Total job wait time is more accurately thought of as accumulated wait time because it is the sum of all step wait times, including wait times for steps running in parallel.
Two other useful sections: Reports and Links. If the job created any custom reports, they appear in the summary area to the right of General Information.
To create a special-purpose HTML report for a job: In the top-level of any of the job’s workspaces, add a file that contains the word "report" or "Report" and ends in the .html
file extension. The link is automatically created when the Job Details page is displayed. The job’s workspace must be accessible to the web server. The link will be in the Reports section. The screen capture below displays an example of the HTML Reports section.
Click on a report file name to display the report.
Notice the additional Links section in the screen example above. To add a link to this section:
Create a link to any file: To add a link, run a command in any job’s job step using this format (this works for both local [disconnected] and non-local workspaces):
ectool setProperty "/myJobStep/report-urls/<myReportName>" "/commander/jobSteps/<jobStepId>/<artifactDirectoryName>/<file-path>"
Example command:
ectool setProperty "/myJobStep/report-urls/Test Report" "/commander/jobSteps/$[/myJobStep/jobStepId]/testreport/index.html"
Create a link to any directory: To add a link, run the following style command in any job’s job step:
ectool setProperty "/myJobStep/report-urls/Main Job Workspace" "file:////WinStor2/scratch/chron55build/$[/myJob/jobName]"
The "tabbed" sections
The next section of tabs allows you to select the type of information you want to see.
View Menu
Under the tabs, click the View: All link see a filter list for the selected tab. In the Steps tab, you can choose a filter to apply to the Job Steps table to view specific types of job steps. These menu options can be used to filter the list. Such filtering can aid with troubleshooting and root cause analysis.
In the Diagnostics tab, you can choose a filter to apply to the Diagnostics table to view specific types of diagnostic records.
Steps table
The Job Steps table displays all steps for this job.
Mouse over the View: All link [below the tabs] to see a filter list. You can choose a filter to apply to the Job Step table.
The Expand All | Collapse All links are provided to see all subprocedures or to minimize the information presented.
Click on a Step Name to go to the Job Step Details page for that step.
Click the Log icon for any step to display the step’s log file. This icon is not displayed if the `logFileName ` property was removed from the step.
Status column: This column provides the job’s step status.
Aborted—The step or job was aborted.
Canceled—The step did not run because the job was aborted or a previous step was aborted.
Error—The command failed or
detected an error in the output. -
Running—The step is currently running or a step inside the subprocedure call is running.
Skipped—The step did not run because the run condition evaluated to "false".
Success—The step completed with no errors or warnings.
Waiting for Resource or Workspace—The step is waiting to run as soon as a resource or workspace is available.
detected a warning message.
The Status field can be over-ridden by postp to include more specific information. postp information may be linked directly to diagnostic information—also available by selecting the Diagnostics tab.
Action column:
Click the Edit link to edit the procedure step definition.
Aborting a step requires the execute privilege on the job—not just the modify privilege.
When you click Abort, the dialog box similar to the following appears:
Click OK to abort the step. If the step does not complete in approximately two minutes, you can "forcibly" abort the step to force the step to a completed status, enabling the rest of the job to continue. Click Cancel if you change your mind.
Diagnostics table
If the job generated warning or error messages, click this tab to see one or more diagnostics, each of which is a portion of a step’s log file identified as "interesting" by the step’s postprocessor. Typically, each diagnostic relates to an error or warning detected by the postprocessor. All diagnostics for a particular step appear together.
Each diagnostic contains a header line such as "Error #3 of 5" with an icon, followed by a line with additional identifying information and one or more lines extracted from the log file. The identifying line has a format similar to:
"systemTest-windows.log:16 (systemtest)"
The first part of the line provides the name of the log file (
) and the line number of the first line in the file that is part of this diagnostic (16
). -
If you click on the log file name, CloudBees CD/RO displays the full log file for you, with the portion in this diagnostic highlighted. If the postprocessor was able to provide additional information about the issue, it is displayed in parentheses after the log filename. The first value (
) gives the name of a particular module or package in which the problem occurred. -
The second value (
) identifies a specific place where the problem occurred, such as the file name that did not compile or the name of a test that failed.
Parameters table
This section displays parameter values supplied to the top-level procedure when the job was invoked. This table does not allow you to edit the parameter’s value. These parameters are copied automatically to the top-level property sheet and you will see them in the properties table also.
Properties table
This table contains information computed or used by the job while it is running.
All defined parameters are automatically copied to the top-level property sheet. Any custom properties defined for the state will be included in this table also.
After the job completes, these properties are normally read-only.
Click on a Property Name to edit that property.
If a "folder icon" precedes a property name, it denotes a Nested Property Sheet.
If you use square brackets in a property name, the property must be encapsulated in square brackets to avoid property sheet expansion. Note that this works for specific functions, such as creating a link on a job, but the drawback is that the property cannot be edited or deleted from the web interface. Example:
ectool setProperty "/myJob/report-urls[This property name has [some square bracket] text in it]" ""
This section also provides Create Property, Create Nested Sheet, and Access Control links to update or enter additional information for the next time this job is run.
Notifiers table
If you designated certain persons or groups to be notified of details for specific jobs, this section displays who receives an email notification, the type of notification, any condition, and a description [if supplied]. If a notifier is available, you can click on its name to view details or make modifications.
Published Artifact Versions table
This table displays artifact versions published by steps in this job.
Column descriptions
Name—Select this name to go to the Artifact Version Details page for this artifact version.
State—Possible values for the state of the artifact version are:
Description—A previously supplied text or HTML description for this artifact version.
Actions column:
Edit —Select this link to go to the Edit Artifact Versions page.
Delete —Select this link to delete the artifact version. You may be prohibited from deleting this artifact version if you do not have sufficient access control permissions.
Retrieved Artifact Versions table
This table displays artifact versions retrieved by steps in this job.
Column descriptions
Name—Select this name to go to the Artifact Version Details page for this artifact version.
State—Possible values for the state of the artifact version are:
Description—A previously supplied text or HTML description for this artifact version.
Actions column:
Edit —Select this link to go to the Edit Artifact Versions page.
Delete —Select this link to delete the artifact version. You may be prohibited from deleting this artifact version if you do not have sufficient access control permissions.