Change Tracking is designed to track every change between every state of non-runtime CloudBees CD/RO objects and to allow you to revert to any previous state of these objects. CloudBees CD/RO tracks the changes to tracked objects including applications or microservices, procedures, workflows, workspaces, resources, and project-owned components such as library components and records a Change History of the historical states of the system and the changes between them. The change history has a copy of every state in which every non-runtime object has been, the object’s current state, and indexing records for searching through the database. The tracked objects are not affected when CloudBees CD/RO executes an object that is usually created or modified at execution time, such as a workflow or process.
Change tracking allows you to do the following:
When debugging a failed job or looking for more information about a component in a CloudBees CD/RO, see the Change History for the changes relevant to that object.
When searching for specific change history records, filter the records by time frame, change type, entity type, or developer.
Revert changes to an object or to an objects and its children.
When you want to determine the differences between objects, export them at various levels in the object hierarchy.
In CloudBees CD/RO, you can use Change Tracking in all aspects of the CloudBees CD/RO end-to-end solution:
In build-test automation, track the Change History of artifacts, resources, and ACLs.
In deployment automation, track the Change History of components, environment tiers, and process steps (application, microservice, or component). You also use Change Tracking with snapshots to make it easier to deploy reliable and repeatable software for Continuous Delivery.
In releases and Pipelines, track the Change History of stages and tasks.