Plugin tasks allow you to orchestrate third-party tools at the appropriate time in your pipeline. The following third-party tools can be used with CloudBees CD/RO:
Application servers, such as the IIS, JBoss, and Tomcat.
Builds, such as EMake, Maven, or Visual Studio.
Code analysis, such as SonarQube, Clover CMD, Coverity, or Klocwork.
Container management, such as Docker, Helm, and kubectl.
Continuous integration, such as Jenkins.
Databases, such as DBI, Oracle, MySQL, or SQLServer.
Defect tracking, such as Jira, Bugzilla, or Rally.
Feature Flags.
Notifications, such as Twitter.
Resource management, such as Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Ansible Tower, Chef, GCP Compute Engine, OpenStack, or ServiceNow.
Scripting/shell operations, such as Groovy, Python, or Ruby.
Source code management, such as Git, GitHub, Bitbucket, or Perforce.
System, such as Artifact or FileSysRepo.
Testing, such as Jasmine or Selenium.
Utilities, such as DslDeploy, FileOps, or SendEmail.
Configuring a plugin task in a pipeline stage
This example shows how to add a task to a pipeline stage and define it as a Plugin task.
To create a plugin task in a pipeline stage:
Create a new pipeline. For more information, refer to Creating a pipeline.
For the pipeline stage, select Add+.
Figure 1. Add a pipeline task -
as the task name. The task list is updated. -
Select Select Task Type to define the task.
From the Plugins list, select the appropriate plugin. An expanded list of plugin procedures is displayed.
Select the appropriate plugin procedure. The task type and procedure appear on the task.
Select Define. The task definition dialog, specific to the plugin, is displayed. In this example, four input parameters are required.
Select Input Parameters and Output Parameters to access the plugin parameters.
Configure the plugin task’s input and output parameters per the procedure descriptions below and select OK.
Select OK to save your changes.