Users and groups

3 minute readAutomation

Viewing the list of users or groups

To view the list of users or groups, open the Users page or the Groups page. From the CloudBees CD/RO main menu, select Administrtation  Users or Administrtation  Groups.

If you have not already signed in, refer to Signing in to CloudBees CD/RO.

Following are descriptions of the fields and checkboxes on the Users page and the Groups page:

Field Name Description


Name or partial name of users or groups that match that name.

Maximum Results

Maximum number of results to return. The default is 100.

CloudBees CD/RO has no upward limit, but if you enter 1000 or higher, you might overload your browser, which causes performance degradation or worse problems.

Include Unregistered Users

( Users page only)

  • If this option is selected, all directory provider users are returned, including those not registered in CloudBees CD/RO. Use this to request external LDAP or Active Directory providers.

  • If not selected, only users registered in CloudBees CD/RO are returned.

Include Inactive Groups

( Groups page only)

  • If this option is selected, all users or groups are returned regardless of whether they are known to the CloudBees CD/RO server.

  • If not selected, only users or groups known to the CloudBees CD/RO server are returned. For example, users who have logged in or groups containing users who have logged in.

Searching for specific users or groups

To search for specific users or groups by name, enter a full or partial name into the Filter field and select OK. Following are the columns in the Search Results list that appears:

Column Name Description

User Name or Name

Name of the user or group. The name combined with the location are the unique identifier for this user or group, local to the CloudBees CD/RO server. Select the name for details.


Repository containing the user or group. This is usually LDAP or Active Directory. Local means local to the CloudBees CD/RO server. Other names in this column refer to defined directory providers.


“Path” to the group in a hierarchy such as Active Directory or another LDAP directory provider. This is viewable only for users or groups from nonlocal directory providers. This is useful if you use Active Directory and nested groups.

Real Name

(Users page only) Real, given name for the user.


(Users page only) User’s email address as known within the system.

Last Login Time

(Users page only) Date and time of the user’s last login.


  • Edit button—Edit the user or group definition. This is available only for local users and groups.

  • Delete button—Delete the user or group from the CloudBees CD/RO server. This does not delete nonlocal users from an LDAP or Active Directory repository.

  • (Users page only) Register button—Register the LDAP or Active Directory user in the system.

Creating a local user

To create a new user for users local to the CloudBees CD/RO server:

  1. From the CloudBees CD/RO main menu, select Administration  Users.

  2. Select Add user to open the New User dialog.

  3. Complete the fields in the dialog.

    Refer to User—create new or edit existing local user for details about these fields.

  4. Select OK.

Creating a local group

To create a new group for groups local to the CloudBees CD/RO server:

  1. From the CloudBees CD/RO main menu, select Administration  Groups.

  2. Select Add group to open the New group dialog.

  3. Complete the fields in the dialog.

    Refer to Group—create new or edit existing local group for details about these fields.

  4. Select OK.