After you create build classes, a list of those classes and their parameters appears on this page.
About Build Classes
A build class is a flexible, user-defined classification for a designated group of builds. Using build classes is optional, but if you do not assign a build class, Cluster Manager assigns the build to a default class. CloudBees recommends using build classes to provide organization to the build management process.
Depending on your company requirements, you might use build classes to organize build groups by version/release, product type, development stage, or platform. You can decide how to use build classes to organize your builds into sets.
When a build is invoked in eMake, the eMake option --emake-class=<class>
specifies the class assignment for the current build. To use the eMake class option, the class must match an existing class in Cluster Manager.
Clicking a build class name opens the build class' Build Class Details page.
You can create a new build class or delete existing build classes.
Selecting Notify enables email notification for builds (belonging to that class) that complete.
The Actions column lets you edit or delete the build class in that row.
You can also:
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Column Descriptions
Column | Description |
Name |
Name of the build class. |
Tag Definition |
Tag definition for this build, entered on the Build Class Details page. Together, the build name and variables are referred to as the tag definition . Variable names are case-sensitive. For example, the tag definition
Resource |
Resource that the build class uses. |
Platform |
Operating system that the build class uses/supports. |
Priority |
Class' build priority level. Classes have default priorities and boost values. Boost values range from -10 to +10 (default 0) where a higher boost value means that builds in that class can use available agents ahead of builds with the same priority and lower boost. Read about this setting’s role in agent policies. |
Limits |
Minimum (default 2) and maximum (default 64) number of agents the build class will use for the build. Read about this setting’s role in agent policies. |
Notify |
Enables email notification (based on the build class) for builds that complete. In the list of classes, select the checkbox in the Notify column for each class for which you want to receive email notifications. When a build from the selected class(es) completes, an email message is sent to each user that requested notification—each user (individually) must select the classes for which they want to receive notifications. Changing Notify settings requires Modify permission defined in the User field on the Permissions page. The administrator can edit a user’s permission on the Administration > Permissions page. |
Actions |
Edit Build Class —Opens the corresponding Edit Build Class page. Your existing build class specifications populate the appropriate fields. Delete Build Class —Deletes the corresponding build class. |