Additional Linux Installation Information

2 minute read

Some antivirus software might affect the installer. Turn antivirus software off during installation. If antivirus software is running when you start the installer, you might receive an error dialog. The antivirus software might have reported CloudBees Build Acceleration files as a virus and removed them from the temp location. As a workaround, turn off the antivirus software and rerun the installer.

If Norton Antivirus software is installed, disable it before installation to avoid serious file system conflicts. If Norton Antivirus cannot be disabled, put the ECloud directory in an exclusion list or disable the AutoProtect feature. For assistance, go to the CloudBees technical support site at and submit a support request.

CloudBees recommends umask 0022. Do not set a different umask during installation.

By default, mysqlcheck looks for my.cnf in /etc and ~/.my.cnf ` for configuration information. The installer does not currently copy my.cnf to `/etc, causing mysqlcheck to fail. You must add the following to the mysqlcheck command line parameter: --defaults-file=<path_to_my.cnf> For example: mysqlcheck --defaults-file=/opt/ecloud/i686_Linux/mysql/my.cnf -o ecloud

Because of a limitation of the Linux operating system, global system named pipes are not compatible with LOFS. To work around this limitation, you must add the directory containing each named pipe that is used by your builds to the list of bind mounts.

On each agent machine, complete the following steps.

  1. Sign in as root.

  2. Create an /opt/ecloud/i686_Linux/bin/runagent.local file and add the following lines to that file: set tmpBindmounts [sandbox bindmounts]lappend tmpBindmounts <list of absolute paths to named pipes>sandbox bindmounts [lsort -unique $tmpBindmounts]

  3. Restart the machine.

This procedure adds the new location to the list of bind mounts in a way that is preserved across upgrades. Note that LOFS supports creating “local” (used by a single job) named pipes.

The installation log file ( install_$timestamp.log ) is in the installation directory’s root by default. For example, /opt/ecloud/install_20190701_1502.log on Linux or C:\ECloud\install_20190701_1502.log on Windows.

Installer error messages appear in this file. For detailed information about the most common error messages for the Installer component of CloudBees Build Acceleration, see Installer Error Messages. The range for Installer error codes is 6000–6999.