Using ecconfig

2 minute read

The ecconfig program lets you configure agents. Open a command-line window to use ecconfig.

Option Description

-cm <host>:<port>

Host and port to which the agent host should point. If the default port (8030) is used, omit the port number.

-numagents <number>

Number of agents to start. If you modify numagents, you must restart the agents for your change to take effect. On Windows platforms, you can restart the agents by entering the ecagent_restart command at a command prompt. On Linux platforms, you can do so by entering /etc/init.d/ecagent restart at a shell prompt. After the restart, the server database is updated, and the agents become active.

-agentusers "<user1>/<password1> <user2>/<password2>…<userN>/<passwordN>"

(Windows platforms) Specifies multiple agent user names and passwords. The quotes are required.

You must specify the same number of users as the actual number of agents.

-agentuser "<agentID> <user>/<password>"

(Windows platforms) Specifies the user name and password for a specific agent. <agentID> is the numerical ID of the agent to configure (between 1 and the actual number of agents). The quotes are required.

-lsfhost <value>

Specifies whether this machine is part of a cloud provider. Enter y (yes) or n (no).

-maxopenfds <value>

Set the maximum number of open file descriptors for agents. To clear the number and revert to the OS default, enter ecconfig -maxopenfds "". The value is recorded via the MAX_OPEN_FDS field in the ecagent.conf file. The recommended value is 8192.

-secureconsole <value>

Specifies whether to use the secure agent console port. Enter y (yes) or n (no). The default is n (no).

-tempdir <path>

Location where agents store temporary files. To revert to the system default, use double quotes as the argument ( -tempdir "" ). The system default is /tmp on Linux and C:\WINDOWS\Temp on Windows.


Displays the ecconfig command usage message.

ecconfig does not let you set agent user names to nonunique names. If you must do so, reinstall the agents or contact CloudBees technical support for the necessary registry fix. For assistance, go to the CloudBees technical support site at and submit a support request.