Licenses page

3 minute read

This page displays all license information known to the Cluster Manager and shows the usage to which you are entitled. The Cluster Manager reads this information from the current license file. This page typically displays a single license.

You must re-import your license after changing database types.

License File Example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <licenses> <license> <customerName>CloudBees, Inc.</customerName> <productName>ElectricAccelerator</productName> <featureName>Server</featureName> <expirationDate>2019-09-30</expirationDate> <gracePeriod>0</gracePeriod> <evaluation>false</evaluation> <properties> <property> <propertyName>maxAgents</propertyName> <propertyValue>128</propertyValue> </property> <property> <propertyName>jobcacheMax</propertyName> <propertyValue>5</propertyValue> </property> <property> <propertyName>concurrentBuilds</propertyName> <propertyValue>5</propertyValue> </property> <property> <propertyName>version</propertyName> <propertyValue>11.1</propertyValue> </property> </properties> <signature>[signature]</signature> </license> </licenses>

License File Property Descriptions

Column Description

Product Name

Product name as listed in the current license file. For CloudBees Build Acceleration installations, the value is ElectricAccelerator.

Feature Name

Feature name as listed in the current license file. For CloudBees Build Acceleration installations, the value is Server.

Customer Name

Name of the organization that is granted the license. (If the name is incorrect, go to the CloudBees technical support site at and submit a support request.)

Grace Period

Number of days that you can use CloudBees Build Acceleration after the expiration date. However, you will be warned frequently during the grace period that your license has expired.

Expiration Date

Last day on which this license is valid. After your license expires (and after any grace period), you might be able to use certain CloudBees Build Acceleration features, but you cannot run a build. If this field is blank, your license is perpetual but subject to version restrictions based on value of Version property.

Max Agents

Maximum number of agents that the current license file allows.

Concurrent Builds Max

Maximum number of builds that are licensed to occur simultaneously. This number is read from the concurrentBuilds property in the current license file.

If the license file has a <concurrentBuilds> property, the Cluster Manager limits the number of concurrent builds to that number. Any build that exceeds that number will queue until a license is available. If there is no <concurrentBuilds> property, or if the property is present but the value is unlimited, then the Cluster Manager places no limit on the number of concurrent builds.

eMake reports delays because of license limitations via the WARNING EC1321: No build license available, waiting…​ message. A WARNING EC1322: Build license allocated, proceeding. message appears when a build in the queue is given a concurrent build license.

A performance metric named noLicenseWaitTime indicates the time spent waiting for a build license because the number of concurrent builds has reached the license limit.

Jobcache Max

Maximum number of builds that are licensed to use the JobCache feature simultaneously. For first-time installations of CloudBees Build Acceleration or most upgrades to CloudBees Build Acceleration 9.1, this number is equal to the number of concurrent builds.

This number is read from the jobcacheMax property in the current license file.

Simultaneous builds in excess of this number will occur without using this feature.


Provides the product version of each license in the list. This information is blank for a license with no explicit version (such as an evaluation license).

Perpetual licenses are not transferable to succeeding product versions. You can upgrade just the Cluster Manager, but starting with version 11.1, if you upgrade eMake or agents, you must also upgrade the Cluster Manager. When you upgrade the Cluster Manager, you must also purchase a new license if you are currently using a perpetual license.

You can upgrade to new patch releases (but not new feature releases) without purchasing a new license. For example, if your current license specifies 11.1, then you can use a Cluster Manager with version 11.1, 11.1.1, 11.1.2,and so on. Also, for example, if your license specifies 12.0, then you can use a Cluster Manager with version 12.0, 12.0.1, 12.0.2, and so on, as well as 11.x.

At run time, the Cluster Manager verifies that its actual version equals or is lower than the value in the license file. In addition, eMake authenticates with the Cluster Manager via the eMake/Cluster Manager protocol version to ensure that the eMake and Cluster Manager licenses match.

If you are upgrading to version 11.1, make sure that you import a compliant license into the Cluster Manager before upgrading. For details about importing a license (or requesting a trial license), see Importing Your License.

If you did not receive a license, contact CloudBees technical support or your sales representative. For assistance, go to the CloudBees technical support site at and submit a support request.


View License —Opens the License Details page.

Delete License —Deletes the CloudBees Build Acceleration license. (A popup appears that asks you to confirm the deletion.)