You must install CloudBees CD/RO components on all the nodes in your CloudBees CD/RO cluster. Where you install the individual components depends on the type of cluster configuration you need to create. For more information on how to install CloudBees CD/RO, see Installing CloudBees CD/RO.
Use the reliability approach if you want to minimize single points of failure in your CloudBees CD/RO installation; use the performance approach if (in addition to minimizing single points of failure), you want to maximize throughput of your CloudBees CD/RO server at the cost of using more hardware.
In the reliability approach, other CloudBees CD/RO components such as agents, repositories, and web servers are placed on the same machine as a node of the CloudBees CD/RO server cluster; in the performance approach, they are placed on other servers to leave as many resources as possible available for the CloudBees CD/RO server node.
Choose one of the following four installation approaches for your environment:
For any of these approaches, when you install agent, repository, and web server services, you can save time by configuring the software to point to a remote server location. You must also register all of these service agents as resources on the CloudBees CD/RO server. For more information, see Duplicating Repository Contents .
For a command-line installation, set the option
--remoteServer <load_balancer_FQDN>
. If you are doing an advanced installation on Linux, when prompted for the remote CloudBees CD/RO server, enter the <load_balancer_FQDN> . -
For a graphical user interface installation, set the Server Host Name field in the "Remote CloudBees CD/RO server" installer page to < load_balancer_FQDN >:8000. The load_balancer_FQDN is the fully qualified domain name of your CloudBees CD/RO server’s load balancer machine.
For details about the overall steps for installing CloudBees Analytics on a group of servers to create a CloudBees Analytics server cluster, refer to Installing the CloudBees Analytics Server in Cluster Mode.
New CloudBees CD/RO Installation for Reliability
The reliability approach allows multiple CloudBees CD/RO services to run on a machine, but multiple instances of the service should exist to prevent single points of failure.
Install the CloudBees CD/RO server and agent software on one node in the CloudBees CD/RO cluster.
If you do not already have a CloudBees CD/RO web server that you can temporarily point at this CloudBees CD/RO server node, you might want to also install a CloudBees CD/RO web server that can be used for the following two steps in this section. Before you install the CloudBees CD/RO server and agent software on the remaining nodes in the CloudBees CD/RO cluster, turn off the web server. You turn off the web server on Linux by using the command /etc/init.d/commanderApache stop
, or on Windows by stopping the service and setting the Startup Type to Manual. -
Configure CloudBees CD/RO to use an external database. At this time, the CloudBees CD/RO node is in a single-server configuration.
For more information, see Switching to an Alternate Database .
Move the plugins directory on the CloudBees CD/RO server software node to a location on the shared file system.
For more information, see Universal Access to the Plugins Directory and Moving the Plugins Directory to a Pre-Configured Network Location.
Install the CloudBees CD/RO server and agent software on the remaining nodes in the CloudBees CD/RO cluster.
Install the CloudBees CD/RO repository service on one or more machines.
Register agents on these machines as resources on the CloudBees CD/RO server.
Install the CloudBees CD/RO web server service on one or more machines.
New CloudBees CD/RO Installation for Performance
The performance approach requires separate machines for each CloudBees CD/RO service.
Install just the CloudBees CD/RO server software on all the nodes in the CloudBees CD/RO cluster.
For more information, see Silent Unattended Installation Method .
If you do not already have a CloudBees CD/RO web server that you can temporarily point at this CloudBees CD/RO server node, you may also want to install a CloudBees CD/RO web server that can be used for the following two steps in this section. Before you install the CloudBees CD/RO server and agent software on the remaining nodes in the CloudBees CD/RO cluster, turn off the web server . You turn off the web server on Linux by using the command /etc/init.d/commanderApache stop
, or on Windows by stopping the service and setting the Startup Type to Manual. -
Configure one instance of the CloudBees CD/RO server software to use an external database.
At this time, the CloudBees CD/RO node is in a single-server configuration.
For more information, see Switching to an Alternate Database .
Move the plugins directory on the CloudBees CD/RO server software node to a location on the shared file system.
For more information, see Universal Access to the Plugins Directory and Moving the Plugins Directory to a Pre-Configured Network Location.
Install the following software services on one or more individual machines.
Each service should not be installed with any other CloudBees CD/RO software components. CloudBees CD/RO agent CloudBees CD/RO repository server ** CloudBees CD/RO web server
Remove any agents that were automatically installed with the CloudBees CD/RO server.
For more information, see Separating Agents from CloudBees CD/RO Servers and Verifying CloudBees CD/RO Services .
Converting an Existing CloudBees CD/RO Installation for Reliability
Because this is a conversion of an existing CloudBees CD/RO system, one or more machines with the CloudBees CD/RO server, agent, web server, and repository software already exist. The reliability approach allows multiple CloudBees CD/RO services to run on a machine, but multiple instances of the service should exist to prevent single points of failure.
Upgrade the existing CloudBees CD/RO software according to the instructions in Roadmap to Upgrade CloudBees CD/RO.
Horizontal scalability is supported starting with CloudBees CD/RO 5.0.
Verify that CloudBees CD/RO is pointing to an external database.
To verify which database is in use: sign in to CloudBees CD/RO and select Administration > Database Configuration to see the current database.
The database connection is successfully configured if you can log into CloudBees CD/RO.
See Switching to an Alternate Database if additional configuration is required.
Verify that CloudBees CD/RO is configured to use a plugins directory located on the shared file system.
For more information, see Universal Access to the Plugins Directory.
Install the CloudBees CD/RO server and agent software on the remaining nodes for the CloudBees CD/RO cluster.
Install the CloudBees CD/RO repository server on one or more machines.
Install the CloudBees CD/RO web server on one or more machines.
Register the machine agents as resources on the CloudBees CD/RO server.
Converting an Existing CloudBees CD/RO Installation for Performance
Because this is a conversion of an existing CloudBees CD/RO system, one or more machines with the CloudBees CD/RO server, agent, web server, and repository software already exist. The performance approach requires separate machines for each CloudBees CD/RO service.
Upgrade the existing CloudBees CD/RO software according to the instructions in Roadmap for the Upgrade Process .
Horizontal scalability is supported starting with CloudBees CD/RO 5.0.
Verify that CloudBees CD/RO is pointing to an external database.
To verify which database is in use sign in to CloudBees CD/RO and select Administration > Database Configuration to see the current database.
The database connection is successfully configured if you can log into CloudBees CD/RO.
See Switching to an Alternate Database if additional configuration is required.
Verify that CloudBees CD/RO is configured to use a plugins directory located on the shared file system.
For more information, see Universal Access to the Plugins Directory xref:configure:plugins-directory/plugins-dir.adoc#moving-the-plugins-dir.
Remove any web server or agent software that is installed with the original CloudBees CD/RO machine.
This software will be reinstalled on a separate system.
Install the CloudBees CD/RO server software on the nodes for the CloudBees CD/RO cluster.
Install the following software services on one or more individual machines.
Each machine should not be installed with any other CloudBees CD/RO software services.
CloudBees CD/RO agent
CloudBees CD/RO repository server
CloudBees CD/RO web server
Remove any agents that were automatically installed with the CloudBees CD/RO server, web server, and repository services.
The original CloudBees CD/RO machine as well as the new installations should be checked to verify that the agent software is removed.
For more information, see Separating Agents from CloudBees CD/RO Servers and Verifying CloudBees CD/RO Services .
Remove any repository server software that is installed with the original CloudBees CD/RO machine after you duplicate the repository server contents.
For more information, see Duplicating Repository Contents.
If necessary, install the repository software on additional machines.