Creating a project

3 minute readReferenceAutomation

A project is a top-level container within CloudBees CD/RO. Most information about software production processes, such as procedures, schedules, jobs, pipelines, releases, and workflows are contained within a project.

The projects UI is available from CloudBees CD/RO:

  1. From the CloudBees navigation, select CloudBees CD/RO.

  2. From the CloudBees CD/RO main menu, navigate to DevOps Essentials  Projects. The Projects list displays.

    Figure 1. The projects list
    Figure 1. The projects list

Creating a project

  1. Click the New + button. The New Project page displays.

  2. Click either Create New or Copy Existing to create a new project from scratch or copy another project, respectively. The respective dialog is displayed based on your choice.

    • If you are copying an existing project, select that project from the list. The next dialog box is prefilled with the settings from the copied project.

  3. Enter information into the fields as follows:

    Field Name Description


    Enter a unique project name. Use a meaningful name such as a work group or product.

    To avoid conflicts, do not use CloudBees or any other CloudBees CD/RO-supplied project name. Also, the EC- prefix is reserved for CloudBees CD/RO-supplied project names.


    (Optional) Plain text or HTML description for this object. If using HTML, you must surround your text with <html> …​ </html> tags. Allowable HTML tags are <a>, <b>, <br>, <div>, <dl>, <font>, <i>, <li>, <ol>, <p>, <pre>, <span>, <style>, <table>, <tc>, <td>, <th>, <tr>, and <ul>.

    • For example, the following HTML:

      <p> <span style="font-family: Arial;"> <i>Note:</i> For more information about the <b>abc</b> object, see <a href=""></a>. </span> </p>

      renders as follows:

      <i>Note</i>: For more information about the <b>abc</b> object, see

    Enable Change Tracking

    Disable or enable change tracking for this project. This feature records every change between every state of non-runtime objects and lets you revert to an object’s prior state.

    Tracked objects include traditional applications, microservice applications, procedures, workflows, workspaces, resources, pipelines, releases, and project-owned components such as library components. For more information, see Change Tracking.


    (Optional) Object tagging provides a way to group related objects with a user-defined term. See Object Tags for further information.


    (Optional) Credentials and impersonations available to this project. For new projects, you are prompted to create project credentials on a subsequent dialog after project details are entered. See Credentials and User Impersonation for further information.

    Select Default Resource

    (Optional) The default resource for all jobs that run under the project. This is a convenient way to use a single resource for an entire project.

    You can specify resources in several other places such as in procedures, pipeline tasks, release tasks, and individual job steps. A resource specified elsewhere takes precedence.

    Default resources specified here are not inherited by pipeline or release tasks.

    If you have not set up resource names or locations yet, see Configuring Resources for instructions.

    Select Default Workspace

    (Optional) Default workspace for all jobs that run under the project. This is a convenient way to use a single workspace for an entire project.

    There are several other places where you can specify workspaces, such in as procedures, pipelines, releases, and individual job steps. A workspace specified elsewhere takes precedence.

    If you have not set up workspace names or locations yet, see Workspaces and Disk Space Management for more information.

  4. Click OK. You are prompted to create or edit project credentials. If you choose Yes, the Credentials dialog appears. Your new project name appears on the project list page.

Editing a project

  1. Select the action menu corresponding to the project that you want to edit and then select Details. The Edit Project dialog displays.

  2. Update the information in the fields as needed. See the table in Creating a project above for field descriptions.

  3. Click OK to save your changes. Your changes appear on the project list page.