Support policies

1 minute read

This page details the support policies specific to the CloudBees platform.

Support for the CloudBees platform encompasses the following:

  • Bug and security fixes are subject to a risk assessment by the CloudBees engineering team.

  • Features and suggestions

    • Suggestions on new features are subject to an evaluation against the product roadmap by CloudBees product managers and a risk assessment by CloudBees engineers.

    • New features will be available automatically.

  • Compatibility and upgrades

    • For CloudBees platform customers running other CloudBees products, CloudBees endeavors to maintain compatibility with supported releases of those products.

Support for CloudBees platform does not encompass the following:

  • Professional Services

How to get support

  1. Submit a Support Request through the Support portal.

  2. In the Support Request, specify the product as CloudBees platform.

  3. Provide any additional requested information, including:

    1. A description of the problem.

    2. Any expected results or output.

    3. Screenshot/recording of experienced problem.

    4. Screenshot of code (if applicable).

What you should expect next

After you submit a support issue, here is what should happen next:

  1. You will receive an automated email indicating that CloudBees has received your support request.

  2. Depending on the priority level of your issue, you will be contacted by a CloudBees employee within the target response time.