Supported platforms for CloudBees Jenkins X Distribution

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If you are using CloudBees Jenkins X Distribution, consult this page for supported platforms.

Component Supported Currently not supported

Execution engines

Jenkins X Pipelines (Tekton-based workloads)

- Static Jenkins Controllers
- Jenkinsfile Runner based workloads


- Google Cloud (GKE)

- Azure (AKS)
- Any on-premise or self-managed Kubernetes solution

Software Configuration Managers (SCMs)

- GitHub Enterprise
- Bitbucket Cloud
- Bitbucket Server
- GitLab
- Any other self-managed git server


- Vault
- Cert-Manager + Nginx-Ingress

Any other solution other than Vault

Artifact storage/cache

- Nexus
- JX built-in artifact storage
- GCR for Docker images
- GCS for logs
- Chartmuseum

Artifactory or other solutions

Workloads/buildpacks (aka "what can I build with it")

- Spring
- Maven
- Gradle
- Go
- Node

- iOS / Mobile
- Microsoft Windows
- Embedded / hardware-specific
- generally things that can’t be built in a Linux-based container


- Tiller-less Helm

- Helm with tiller


- For applications built with Jenkins X
- For the Jenkins X development environment
- For the Jenkins X installation

- Non-GitOps setup