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Release object.projectNameStringrequiredThe name for the project that must be unique among all projects. releaseNameStringrequiredThe name of the release. actualParametersStringoptionalValues for formal parameters that are defined in the release pipeline. If the release is started using the startRelease command and the pipelineParameter values are not specified, the actualParameter values are used. Therefore, if issuing the createRelease or modifyRelease commands and all required parameter values are provided, the release can be started using the startRelease command, without having to specify the pipelineParameter values again. (Alternate argument name actualParameter .)clearActualParametersStringoptionalTrue if the task should remove all actual parameters. descriptionStringoptionalComment text describing this object that is not interpreted at all by CloudBees CD/RO. disableMultipleActiveRunsStringoptionalBoolean flag showing if option to run multiple pipelines simultaneously is disabled. disablePipelineRestartStringoptionalTrue to disable restart release pipeline. newNameStringoptionalThe new name for an existing object that is being renamed. overrideWorkspaceStringoptionalIf true and workspaceName is not null, then all tasks use pipeline's workspace. pipelineNameStringoptionalThe name of the pipeline. pipelineProjectNameStringoptionalThe name of the project containing specified pipeline. If not specified, it is defaulted to the release project name. pipelineWorkspaceNameStringoptionalThe name of the workspace used by pipeline. plannedEndDateStringoptionalThe date when this release is expected to end (for example, 2023-05-15). plannedStartDateStringoptionalThe date when this release is expected to begin (for example, 2023-05-15). timeZoneStringoptionalThe time zone to use when interpreting times. |
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