You can stop an in-progress build by using one of these methods:
Press Ctrl-C from the terminal where you invoked eMake
Use the Cluster Manager web UI
Use cmtool — see the cmtool Reference Guide.
Cluster Manager terminates builds that seem to be hung. If the Cluster Manager does not receive a request from eMake for 60 seconds, it considers the build to be hung and terminates it.
Using the Cluster Manager to Stop a Build
Open the web interface by typing the Cluster Manager host name in the location bar of your browser window.
Click Builds.
Click Stop Build in the Action column on the row exhibiting your build ID and Name.
Using cmtool to Stop a Build
This is an advanced option, which assumes you are already familiar with using command-line tools. |
Request a list of running builds. The syntax is:
% cmtool --cm <clustermanager:port> getBuilds --filter <field name>=<value>
For example, if
is the Cluster Manager host name, type:% cmtool --cm linuxbuilder getBuilds --filter "result !=-1"
A list of running builds will display accompanied by a number of attributes for each build—for example: Build ID, machine name, build class, owner, build start time, and so on. The Build ID is used to identify a build for termination. Also you can obtain additional information and/or include comments about the build. For example, to sort builds by start time and request only the first ten builds display, enter:
% cmtool --cm linuxbuilder getBuilds --order Id --filter=”ID<11”
To get failed builds:
% cmtool --cm linuxbuilder getBuilds --order "start_time desc"--filter "result !=0"
After you determine which build you need to terminate, use this syntax to end the build:
% cmtool --cm <clustermanager> stopBuild <buildId>
For example, to end build 4458, you would type:
% cmtool --cm linuxbuilder stopBuild 4458