Hardware Requirements

1 minute read

CloudBees recommends installing the Cluster Manager, Electric Make (”eMake”), and Electric Agent components on independent machines, so that each component can run efficiently without competing for system resources.

The following are minimum hardware requirements for each machine where Accelerator components are installed ( Electric Agent, Cluster Manager, and eMake).

  • Processor —Pentium 4 (or a processor that supports Pentium 4 instructions)

  • Installer disk space —300 MB. Additional component disk space usage varies and depends on the size of your builds.

Electric Agent Machines

Agents use system memory to cache small or unmodified files. If your builds have increased in size substantially since the system was originally delivered, and you have noticed a slowdown in build times, consider upgrading the host hardware.

Agents use system memory to cache small or unmodified files.

Memory Free Disk Space


2 GB per agent plus the amount of RAM normally needed to execute your build. For example, if you are running four agents and your build normally needs 16 GB, you will need ((2 * 4) + 16 ) = 24 GB.

At least 3-4 times the size of a complete build (input and output).


1 GB per agent (machine minimum of 2 GB)

eMake Machine

Memory Disk Space


2 GB

Free disk space should be at least 200 MB or equal to the size of your largest build.

Cluster Manager Machine

Memory Disk Space


2 GB (Windows) 4 GB (Linux)

5 GB (to allow space for build log storage)