Server Load

3 minute read

About Server Load

  • Server load information is grouped by the resource specification.

  • The resource name `Cluster ` is used to designate the server load for all resources.

  • Server load statistics are written to disk at regular intervals.

The Current Server Load section displays agent information at-a-glance.


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Column Descriptions

Column Description

Resource Name

This attribute comes from the resource specification for each build job. The resource is specified either on the eMake command line ( --emake-resource= ) or as defined in the build class.

Create Time

Server load statistics are written to disk at regular intervals. This interval is defined on the Administration > Server Settings page. The default value is 5 minutes. The Create Time attribute identifies when the interval began. The statistics show the average value over the interval starting at Create Time. For example, if the interval is set for 5 minutes and Create Time shows 10:00am, Server Load statistics are the average values from 10:00am to 10:05am.

Agents: Avg Available

The time-weighted average number of enabled and active agents in the cluster over the specified time period. This value is available only for cluster statistics—it is not available for static resource statistics.

Peak Available

The peak number of enabled and active agents in the cluster over the specified time period.

Avg in Use

The time-weighted average number of agents that are used for all builds over the specified time period.

Peak In Use

The peak number of agents that are used for all builds over the specified time period.

Avg Demand

The time-weighted average number of agents all builds could have used if those agents were available. For example, if two builds are using two different resources and each build could use 15 agents, the cluster load shows an agent demand of 30 agents, and each resource shows 15.

Peak Demand

The peak number of agents all builds could have used if those agents were available. For example, if two builds are using two different resources and each build could use 15 agents, the cluster load shows an agent demand of 30 agents, and each resource shows 15.

Avg Cluster Shortage

The time-weighted average number of additional agents that could have been used by the builds over the given time period. This value is filled in only for cluster statistics and is unavailable for static resource statistics.

Peak Cluster Shortage

The peak number of additional agents the could have been used by the builds over the given time period. This value is filled in only for cluster statistics and is unavailable for static resource statistics.

Avg License Shortage

The time-weighted average number of agents that could have been used to accelerate builds if licensed agents were available. If this number exceeds 10 percent of the agent demand, consider purchasing additional agent licenses to ensure the best possible performance.

Peak License Shortage

The peak number of agents that could have been used to accelerate builds if licensed agents were available. If this number exceeds 10 percent of the agent demand, consider purchasing additional agent licenses to ensure the best possible performance.

Builds: Avg Running

The time-weighted average number of builds that ran simultaneously over the specific time period.

Peak Running

The peak number of builds that ran simultaneously over the specific time period.