Parameter—create new or edit existing parameter

4 minute read

To create a new parameter

Enter information into the fields as follows:

Field Name Description


Enter a unique name to specify the parameter when a procedure or workflow is invoked.


(Optional) Plain text or HTML description for this object. If using HTML, you must surround your text with <html> …​ </html> tags. Allowable HTML tags are <a>, <b>, <br>, <div>, <dl>, <font>, <i>, <li>, <ol>, <p>, <pre>, <span>, <style>, <table>, <tc>, <td>, <th>, <tr>, and <ul>.

For example, the following HTML:

<span style="font-family: Arial;">
  <i>Note:</i> For more information about the <b>abc</b> object, see
         <a href="">\</a>.

renders as follows:

<i>Note</i>: For more information about the <b>abc</b> object, see \


Select the parameter type from the drop-down menu. The following "types" are available.

Text entry

Allows a short text entry in the Default Value field.

Text area

Expands the Default Value field to allow adding a longer script-type entry.

Dropdown menu

Creates a drop-down menu from which to select a value when the parameter is presented.

  • Enter options—Click + Add Option to add a new row. Type-in the text and value for each option. The text is what will be displayed in the menu, and the value is the parameter value if that option is selected.

  • Load options from list—Enter a pipe-separated list of options (for example, foo|bar|baz ). The text and value for the options will be the same.

  • Load options from property sheet—Enter the path to property sheet that contains options for the parameter. The property sheet must be created in a specific format:

  • An optionCount property must exist whose value is the number of options.

  • For each option, create a nested property sheet called option N, where N is the option number, starting with 1.

  • In each nested sheet, create two properties— text and value. The value of the property text will be displayed in the menu. The value of the property value is the parameter value if that option is selected.

  • If optionCount is set to 3, you must create three nested sheets— option1, option2, and option3.

Radio selector

Creates "radio" buttons to select an entry when the parameter is presented.

  • Enter options—Click + Add Option to add a new row. Type-in the text and value for each option. The text is what will be displayed in the menu, and the value is the parameter value if that option is selected.

  • Load options from list—Enter a pipe-separated list of options (for example, foo|bar|baz ). The text and value for the options will be the same.

  • Load options from property sheet—Enter the path to property sheet that contains options for the parameter. The property sheet must be created in a specific format:

  • An optionCount property must exist whose value is the number of options.

  • For each option, create a nested property sheet called option N, where N is the option number, starting with 1.

  • In each nested sheet, create two properties— text and value. The value of the property text will be displayed in the menu. The value of the property value is the parameter value if that option is selected.

  • If optionCount is set to 3, you must create three nested sheets— option1, option2, and option3.


Creates a checkbox for a value to select (or not) when the parameter is presented.

  • Value when unchecked—The value of the parameter when the checkbox is unchecked.

  • Value when checked—The value of the checkbox when the checkbox is selected.

  • Initially checked—Whether or not the checkbox should be checked initially. If true, set the "Default value" to match the "Value when checked". If false, set the "Default value" to match the "Value when unchecked".


Selecting this option requires the user to specify a user name and password to use this parameter at runtime. Credential parameters are not supported on state definitions.


Creates a project selector field on the Run Procedure page to choose a different project name where the parameter needs to find additional information.

Saved Filter

Use this option to reference any saved filters, which is passing the filter into the procedure at runtime (primarily used for reports). Saved filters are stored as a property in your chosen project.

Default Value

Default value to assign to the parameter if no explicit value is provided.


Click the checkbox to select the parameter as "required." If the parameter is required, the procedure or workflow will not run without entering a value for that parameter. In this case, the default value is ignored.

After the procedure or workflow begins execution, the parameter value is available in the job or workflow’s property sheet with the same name as the parameter.

Defer Expansion?

Determines whether to expand the parameter value. A parameter value expansion occurs in one of two places:

  • When the procedure request is made (the default) (the check box is unchecked)

  • When the step executes (the check box is checked)

The check box is unchecked by default (meaning that expansion is not deferred).

Click OK after completing the fields.

To edit an existing parameter

You may change any information or add new information as necessary. For example, to rename a parameter, enter a new parameter name in the Name field and then click OK.

For more information on property sheets, see the Properties Help topic.