Collecting CloudBees CD Logs

4 minute read

You can collect CloudBees CD logs as well as user-defined logs (such as for Apache or Oracle WebLogic) for all components in a CloudBees CD standalone server and its agents or in a CloudBees CD cluster. These logs are as follows:

  • CloudBees CD server logs

  • CloudBees CD agent logs

  • CloudBees CD repository server logs

  • CloudBees CD job logs

  • CloudBees CD installer logs

  • Apache (web server) logs

  • User-defined logs

  • NLS: Insight Server logs

CloudBees CD technical support might ask you for one or more these logs to troubleshoot issues. You can use one of three methods to collect logs:

The first two methods let you collect logs automatically from a standalone CloudBees CD server and one or more of its agents or a cluster of two or more CloudBees CD servers and one or more agents on each server. In the third method, you collect the log files individually from each server or agent system.

Prerequisites and Limitations for CloudBees CD Log Collection

For CloudBees CD server prerequisites, prerequisites for collecting logs from all cluster nodes, as well as limitations, see the online Help file for the underlying CloudBees CD plugin by clicking Administration > Plugins > EC-FlowLogCollector > Help.

Collecting Logs by Using the Logs Collection Self-Service Catalog Item

Collecting the Logs via the Self-Service Catalog

To collect logs via the Self-Service Catalog:

  1. Open the home page of the CloudBees CD web UI by browsing to https://<cloudbees-flow-server>/flow/.

  2. Click the Service Catalog button on the upper-most banner of the CloudBees CD UI to display the service catalog.

    For more information see Self-service catalogs.

  3. Click the All Catalogs pull-down menu and choose Utility to filter the selection to items in the utility category. The resulting list is filtered to display only the utility catalog.

  4. Now, on the Logs Collection tile click Collect Logs to display the Logs Collection dialog box.

  5. (Optional) Enter any additional parameters into the Logs Collection dialog box.

    The required parameters are Log Collector Resource and Log Target Resources. These parameters are defaulted to local and default respectively. All other parameters are optional and do not require values to produce a basic set of logs.

    For descriptions of all parameters (such as how they are chosen, limitations, and pre-requisites) for this procedure, see the online Help file for the underlying CloudBees CD plugin by clicking Administration > Plugins > EC-FlowLogCollector > Help.

  6. Click OK.

    The catalog item produces a .zip file of the individual logs. This file appears on the resulting Job Details page.

  7. Right-click to save the .zip file to your system.

  8. Either unzip the file to see the individual logs or send it to CloudBees technical support for analysis via an existing support ticket.

Log File Contents

After unzipping, the local folder contains the logs for the local resource, which is the default resource. Each resource that you specify in the Log Target Resources field as described above will have its own folder, which will be named after that resource.

Collecting Logs by Running the EC-FlowLogCollector Plugin Procedure Directly

The log collection functionality is based on the underlying EC-FlowLogCollector plugin. This plugin is bundled with CloudBees CD and performs the actual collection of logs from CloudBees CD servers and agents.

The EC-FlowLogCollector plugin is also available for downloading at

An alternative to collecting logs via the Logs Collection Self-Service Catalog item is to run the plugin’s Collect Logs procedure directly in the Automation Platform.

To collect logs via the Automation Platform:

  1. Go to https://<cloudbees-flow-server>/commander/.

  2. Navigate to Administration > Plugins and select EC-FlowLogCollector. The Project Details page for the EC-FlowLogCollector plugin appears.

  3. Click the (Run Immediately) button for the Collect Logs procedure in the plugin. The Collect Logs page appears.

  4. (Optional) Enter any additional parameters into the Logs Collection dialog box.

    The required parameters are Log Collector Resource and Log Target Resources and are defaulted to local and default respectively. All other parameters are optional and do not require values to produce a basic set of logs.

    For descriptions of all parameters (such as how they are chosen, limitations, and pre-requisites) for this procedure, see the online Help file for the underlying CloudBees CD plugin by clicking Administration > Plugins > EC-FlowLogCollector > Help.

  5. Click Run. The procedure generates a .zip file on the resulting Job Details page.

  6. Right-click to save the .zip file to your system.

  7. Either unzip the file to see the individual logs or send it to CloudBees technical support for analysis via an existing support ticket.

    For an explanation of these logs, see Log File Contents .

Collecting Logs Manually

You collect logs manually from individual systems from the locations listed below. The following information is for default run-time log locations.

Agent Logs

Platform Default Path


C:\ProgramData\Electric Cloud\ElectricCommander\logs\agent

Linux or UNIX


Agent logs “roll over” periodically so individual logs do not grow too large, and older logs are deleted. Roll-over parameters are configurable in conf/logback.xml ` and ` conf/agent.conf.

Server Logs

Platform Default Path


C:\ProgramData\Electric Cloud\ElectricCommander\logs

Linux or UNIX


Server logs “roll over” periodically so individual logs do not grow too large and older logs are deleted. Roll-over parameters are configurable in conf/logback.xml ` and ` conf/agent.conf.

Web Server Logs

Platform Default Path


C:\ProgramData\Electric Cloud\ElectricCommander\apache\logs

Linux or UNIX


Repository Server Logs

Platform Default Path


C:\ProgramData\Electric Cloud\ElectricCommander\logs\repository

Linux or UNIX


Installer Logs

Platform Default Path


C:\ProgramData\Electric Cloud\ElectricCommander\logs

Linux or UNIX
